Im so over it....sick again?!?

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May 24, 2010
So just when I thought I was out of the woods and getting toa point of normallcy.....Think again!! This SUCKS!!! Ive been totally regular for the last 4-5 days....which is the first time in 6 months. Ive been going on time a day and its been firm and blood, no mucus, no pain, and not much fatiugue. Went to bed last night fine and woke at 3am with the worse stomach cramps and massive D!! AHHHHHH!!!! And have been up since with it. Its totally watery and disgusting. Cant see blood or mucus in my d, but my God, this is awful. NO change in treatment, and no serious change in diet. I had cereal in the AM, egg sandwich for lunch, apples for snack and fettachinie alfredo with chicken for dinner. I did have two small bites of ice maybe thats my cause. But this sucks....I feel like crawling in a small hole and not comming out. Pisses me off. I have apt with GI at end of month, and I soooo bad want off these pills....but if Im starting to flare again....or what ever, I may not get off. UGH!!:poo:
Sorry you are flaring, I call it the "pull out the rug from under me syndrome) I cannot eat eggs, they are very gassy, apples are ok, skins should be removed (I know but unless you grow your own there is carnuba wax on the skin to preserve it) and the skins can cause pain too. Ummm fettachini alfredo is a huge huge no no for me, bloat and D within minutes of eating it. Ice cream is bloat and D city for me too. The combo could of done you in. I use frozen yogurt, easier to tolerate and have great flavours now. If you are going to eat some foods, use digestive enzymes, helps break down the protein, fats, and some lactose. Stick to a bland diet and keep track of what you eat.

Btw I noticed that you are on Lasoprazle and I am on nexium and was on the news and my pharmacist said it robs calcium from your body. Just make sure you have adequate amount and Vitamin D3 to absorb it, Pred is a culprit for that too. Hope I helped, hope you feel better, I am just getting over a 2 day flare myself. Hang in there.
I've had that happen to me a few times. I am trying to be more patient when I am feeling well and not over do it on the food. It is very frustating though. I am at the point right now where i think I might be turning a corner (for the better), and am trying to hold myself back from over doing it so that I can keep going in a positive direction. This could just be a minor set back for you. Just watch what you eat for the next few days and see what happens.

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