I'm so Tired........

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 18, 2007
And when I say tired I mean it in every sense of the word.

For two weeks now I've been having good luck and I've had reletively few problems. But this morning all that went away. I've already had D 6 times and I can literally here my guts right now and they are pissed off! You know though, I don't mind the actual going to the restroom. its the ungodly pain that builds and builds until you don't think you can take anymore and then it gets worse.

I'm just starting to hit a point where I'm just really starting to question a lot of things. I'm just so frustrated with everything lately and I just can't believe that this is it, this is life, and I may as well get used to it.

I don't know if I have Crohns. I'm sure I have several more tests to endure, which of course become progressively more invasive each time, and of course cost more and more. Really though, I'm starting to realize that it doesn't matter what they say because in the end I'm still in pain.

When I first starting going to the doctor for this I kept telling myself that it will be better just to know whats going on. It will be better and won't hurt as bad because at least I'll know why it hurts. But honestly, whether its IBD or IBS it's just a matter of cause and treatment, and in the end it's something you just have to deal with.

I could write a huge post up about all the things that make me tired, and all the ways that I'm exhausted and depressed, but......why? I've always found that If I dwell on what is making me sad it just makes it worse.

So, Instead I'm going to list why I'm happy about life.

*I have a beautiful loving wife and not only excepts that I have stomach problems, but also watches out for me and has saved me from embarrassment countless times.

*I have a loving family. Sure its about as dysfunctional as it can get, but there is no loss of love there!

*I have a core group of friends that knows about my problems and totally support me even if I don't know whats wrong.

*I have a great job, and I've finished one degree and I"m working on the next.

*I get to go home in 5 hours and sleep as long as I want!

*I found this site, so at least I found a group of people to talk to about these things that other people just don't understand.
Yes, the big D will definitely sap your energy. It's good you can look at the positive aspects and those in your life who support you. That becomes a big part of dealing with this disease, or whatever you have. I guess that's one good thing, that we learn to be thankful for things we may not have appreciated as much before. Kind of like the first time you go to a third world country and realize all the things you take for granted.
I find trying to be positive and look on the bright side really does help.

Keep up the positive attitude! :)

If I didn't greet you before...

Welcome to the forum!

Healing hugs~Nancy
Zmurray said:
I'm just starting to hit a point where I'm just really starting to question a lot of things. I'm just so frustrated with everything lately and I just can't believe that this is it, this is life, and I may as well get used to it.

*I found this site, so at least I found a group of people to talk to about these things that other people just don't understand.

We all go through this phase so hang in there. I had some major, major depression when I first got dx'd. I was in pain, couldn't eat anything solid, was scared by all the meds and side effects, I had a jerk for a GI doc with the bedside manner of a death-adder, AND I didn't have this board so my searching online about the disease just gave me gloomy and more gloomy information. With time, relief of the pain, this board, and the return of near normality to life, I realized that it's not the worst thing I could have. When I hear of the chronic illnesses people have to endure, the really, really bad ones, I realize that I have a good quality of life and the color came back into the world. Take your time, realize that what you feel is what everyone who gets dx'd with a chronic illness must go through, and just let your body and mind work together to cope with the illness.

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