Imuran and herpes simplex?

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Jan 4, 2013
I just saw my GI and he wants me to start Imuran soon but I have the herpes simplex virus in one of my eyes (sounds weird, I know! But it's NOT the same herpes as "that" other kind). I was in remission with the herpes for almost 20 years but have had two outbreaks in the past three years. They are somewhat problematic because, for one, its painful and it also causes scarring that effects my vision. Anyway my eye doc has wanted me on acyclovir to suppress the herpes but I was hesitant to start taking a drug that'd I'd have to be on forever. This was before the life changing Crohn's diagnosis. So now I have to go back on the acyclovir in order to get on Imuran.

Does anybody else take both of these together or have a form of herpes and also take Imuran? If so, have you noticed increased herpes activity while on Imuran?

Thanks in advance.
I've also had herpes in my eye. It was actually at the age of 3 and I was in the hospital for weeks because of it. I've never had another outbreak in my eye but have had numerous on and around my mouth. When I was younger I probably averaged 6 a year. As I got older that went to 1-2 a year. Since getting on Imuran 2 years ago, I have only had 1, maybe 2 cold sores. I keep Valtrex in stock and if I feel the onset of one I take it immediately and it never turns into a full outbreak. I really have not seen any increased activity with regards to the Herpes. I'd see if your doctor could take a watch and wait approach and not have to take a daily drug for the Herpes.

I also have not had an increase in any other illness why being on this drug. In fact my two little boys and husband often get sick and I never do! It's quite strange. It has also put my Crohn's 100% into remission.

Good luck!
I've also had herpes in my eye. It was actually at the age of 3 and I was in the hospital for weeks because of it. I've never had another outbreak in my eye but have had numerous on and around my mouth. When I was younger I probably averaged 6 a year. As I got older that went to 1-2 a year. Since getting on Imuran 2 years ago, I have only had 1, maybe 2 cold sores. I keep Valtrex in stock and if I feel the onset of one I take it immediately and it never turns into a full outbreak. I really have not seen any increased activity with regards to the Herpes. I'd see if your doctor could take a watch and wait approach and not have to take a daily drug for the Herpes.

I also have not had an increase in any other illness why being on this drug. In fact my two little boys and husband often get sick and I never do! It's quite strange. It has also put my Crohn's 100% into remission.

Good luck!

Thank you for your reply! The herpes in my eye also happened when I was three, it was active for a year or so and then into remission. It had been so long I thought it was never coming back. Then while I was pregnant, it came back. I was able to get it under control quickly and have had one more outbreak last year. It sucks because my vision is already pretty bad in that eye due to the scarring from when I was three. So my eye dr is really worried about more outbreaks.

I am glad to hear that you haven't had increased herpes activity while on Imuran. And that is awesome it put you into remission!! I hope it has that effect for me :)
Try taking L-lysine. The herpes simplex virus gets "dislodged" from the cells by L-lysine. Avoid tyrosine and foods that are high in tyrosine.

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