Imuran and Nausea

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Senior Member
Sep 6, 2006
Hey guys, me
I have been slowly moving up on my dosage of Imuran, I just reached the dose my doctor wants me at, which is 125mg. When I was at 100mg I wasn't having any probs at all but after moving up to 125mg I have been nauseated for 2 days now. Has anyone else ever had this side effect from Imuran? I am due for bloodwork tomorrow so tonight when I take it I think I'm going to drop back to 100mg and see if it helps tomorrow..along with the bloodwork results. I had it drew last week but the lab broke the vial so I have to go get it redone..grrrr. Right now I'm eating crackers and drinking some chamomile so maybe that'll calm it down so I can get some rest. I haven't thrown up at all or had any other probs, it's just nausea....which is bad enough by itself, lol. Take care all.
Sounds to me I wouldnt be going back there, and I assume this will be FREE RIGHT? since it wasnt your fault? they tried to pull that on me once, left my vials in the ER room, they congeled, and they tried to draw again, and it showed on my itemized bill(always get itemized so you can laugh when they charge for gauz!) but they had charged me for another draw...their mess up, it may have been nothing, like 15 dollars or so, but it still saved my insurance money, which is my GOVT, which is NOT fair.

A lot of people just cant take dosages the same as some people, like me with something as simple as phenergan, comes in 12.5mg and 25mg. My GI gets me to take it 50mg by mouth or its like taking candy(nooo zophran is crap, doesnt work). but in the ER I need 20mg...and I explain this to the dr's and they dont understand I say look, bring 25mg, charge me for 25mg, but give me 20mg and throw the other 5 away...or I'll get RLS...Restless Leg Syndrome, anyone else get RLS with meds? Its very very common with anti-nasuea medication, some have reported it with Narcotics though.....
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I take mine at night, before bed and drink close to an entire glass of water with it. Once in a while I'll get nauseated if it's been a really long time since I last ate. May take some experimenting.
I take mine before bed as well. What's your dosage Kix? I didn't take the Imuran last night and didn't take my iron this morning to see if the nausea would go away so I could figure out what's up. It's day 3 and still hanging around, but now I have a low grade fever, headache and my throat and ears seem to be irritated too. Maybe it's not the crohn's and I just have a stomach bug..sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. UGH!! Thanks and Take Care
Oh, Skins, the bloodwork is free this time. Sucks to have to get stuck an extra time though...
i hope you get it sorted, I felt awful on imuran, and it just got worse and worse until i had to come off of it, some people have constant flu like symptoms on it, and I think its a sign you might not be reacting well to it.. could get better once you get used to your dose, but if it just feels worse, you might be unable to continue. you should talk to your DR for sure, I hope your feeling a bit better since you wrote this post, and can get back on track. good luck.
I'm only on 50mg per day now, just to go along with the Remicade, I was told it's added protection against rejecting the Remi. I was as high as 200mg per day before the Remicade. I guess i'm lucky, I don't get much nausea or pain. I only get nauseated when I'm really flaring, like the 7th week before I get infused.
Hey tonya

I noticed a huge difference moving up from 100 to 125 mg Imuran. Not becoming nauesus, but a big loss of energy. Moved back to 100 mg and the problems disappeared overnight. Strange how big the difference was.

Nowadays I'm of it though and take only remicade.

Best of luck with your treatment Tonya!


tonya_n_ky said:
Hey guys, me
I have been slowly moving up on my dosage of Imuran, I just reached the dose my doctor wants me at, which is 125mg. When I was at 100mg I wasn't having any probs at all but after moving up to 125mg I have been nauseated for 2 days now. Has anyone else ever had this side effect from Imuran? I am due for bloodwork tomorrow so tonight when I take it I think I'm going to drop back to 100mg and see if it helps tomorrow..along with the bloodwork results. I had it drew last week but the lab broke the vial so I have to go get it redone..grrrr. Right now I'm eating crackers and drinking some chamomile so maybe that'll calm it down so I can get some rest. I haven't thrown up at all or had any other probs, it's just nausea....which is bad enough by itself, lol. Take care all.
I put myself back on 100mg too. I go to my GI tomorrow and will explain it to him. I too lost the nausea overnight. But there's been a stomach virus going around and I also took a phenergen that last night before bed. So maybe one of them helped. If he tells me to try 125mg again, I will...but if it happens again, I'll go right back to 100mg and that's where I'll stay. "Claps my hands and says YEAH" :)
I first started on Imuran as 100 mg. After 6 months I got a flare, and was raised to 150 mg. I was great for 6 months, then I started getting very nauseous and started vomitting every week or so. I went to the GI, and had a blood test. It showed elevated Bilirubin (1.9) and some other things not quite right. He said I was having toxicity due to Imuran and lowered my dose to 50 mg. Now after 1 year I'm still on 50, and my blood work is fine except the limit of Bilirubin (1.4). My doctor doesn't want me to stop Imuran, as he says it's keeping me in remission somehow (I still have small flares every now and then).

I'm afraid of any liver damage this can do, but I'll trust my doctor for now, and keep monitoring my blood closely.

So I advise you to have that bloodwork asap, and modify the dosage if needed. Good Luck
I went to my GI today and he told me just to stay on 100mg's for now. I had a CBC done Friday and today my GI checked my levels. I haven't gotten the results back yet but the nausea's been gone since I went back to 100mg's so it's all ok now I think.
Sorry to hear you guys are having so much problems with Imuran, been kind of the magic pill for me, currently on 200mg/day and i believe my doctor is going to move me up to 225mg/day next week due to my weight gain (since they prescribe on a mg to kg of body weight ratio) Have yet to feel any side effects whatsoever, i do have a LITTLE more trouble getting out of bed in the morning, but other then that its all smooth sailing for me....
i take my Immuran (75mg currently) usually around the middle of the day or after dinner. i take it when i've just had a big meal and am really full. that seems to stop the nausea from coming on. taking it before bed didnt work b/c i would just wake up nauseous and feel sick all day. HTH! : )
Hi Tonya, probably isn't relevant now but thought I would put my two penneth in!! Everytime I have gone on Imuran, I have been told that for the first 10 days or so I may feel nauseous. Each time I have but sue enough once a couple of weeks have passed I'm fine. I started taking Imuran again 3 days ago after a 3/4 month break from it but this time I have a higher dosage, I start at 50mg and rise to 100mg after a week. At the mo I do feel queesy and no doubt when I raise the dosage I will feel queesy again. It may be the same with you, you may need to get used to the dosage for a couple of weeks first then be ok with it. If you change the dosage it makes sense that your body needs to adjust. This may help if you consider raising the dosage again.
