In denial since 2013

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 27, 2016
I've known about this forum since my diagnosis 3 years ago, but I refused to join the conversation because I didn't think I belonged.
Now, all I want to do is belong.

I've been through things and seen things that a 25 year old woman should not have, but alas we all have our stories of trauma and pain, right?

Well, my Crohn's story starts with a diagnosis following my college graduation. May 3rd I graduated and May 5th I was officially diagnosed with CD.

Long story short, I drank a lot that summer. I quit my job. I cried a lot. I smoked a lot.

And then nothing. I stopped processing and just detached from it. I'm still trying to make sense of it. The past 3 years have been odd and hard and amazing.

I've become a more understanding person through it all and I suppose you might call that a perk. I still find it difficult to accept, but that's usually when I'm flaring.

I'm just glad there isSOMEWHERE I can talk about this with others.

Hi and welcome.Things feel so much better when you can share with others.That's what this forum is all about.You'll get advice and support and a listening ear, if you want to vent.
Nothing is taboo.You're not alone.Best wishes
I'm currently waiting to see a urologist due to more symptoms (aside from Crohns) and the nurse says

"I had a bout of colitis a while back and they thought I had Crohns. I'm so happy it wasn't that"

I sat there silently feeling angry and sad...
Its ok - dont let that get you down. You never know what the future holds, often times the label may be worse and new developmenta are happening all the time. How did they officially diagnose you if you dont mind me asking?
I was diagnosed in 2012 at 19, the first hour or so I was relived because I finally had proof it wasn't all in my head for some of my family. But after going through the treatments and having constant problems I just stopped everything for 3 years. I also smoked, I never really drank, but only because I could never hold my liquor. It wasn't until going to the ER at the start of the new year and being told I'm having a flare up that I decided it was time to take this seriously, so now I feel like I'm going through it all again, but this time with a better attitude! I'm 23, but if you ever want to email someone who is kind of going through it too, feel free to reach out!
Welcome. I can relate to what you're saying. I was diagnosed in college and it was hard... Hard to accept and hard to come to terms with. It is now 20 years later, I've had one bowel resection and managing my Crohns is a day to day task, never a day off.
But, having said that, I see so many other horrible things people have to deal with and I feel blessed that things aren't worse. And there has been some silver linings, I don't think I ever would have become as educated on nutrition or taken care of myself as good as I do since having this disease. It is a journey. Not that you asked for it, but my advice would be to really look into the different diets and see what works for you. My best response was to the Paleo diet, it isn't easy or cheap to follow, but it has made a big difference in my symptom management.
Good luck to you.
The journey we take just getting a diagnosis is horrible, then to hear it, digest it.

I had been sick for long time, worked for a grp of 22 Drs, fast forward few months. Had a
small bowel series, found a significant problem, was sent directly back to my office. My Dr handed me a few prescriptions, Prednisone being the first one. First two side affects listed-
rage and depression.

Wonderful right? Because why have a side affect that eases your mind and body right?

Good Luck, its a great group, lots of support and information!

Its ok - dont let that get you down. You never know what the future holds, often times the label may be worse and new developmenta are happening all the time. How did they officially diagnose you if you dont mind me asking?

Diagnosed by colonoscopy, genetic testing, inflammation markers