In the middle of colonoscopy prep...feeling nasty

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Sep 8, 2012
Los Angeles
I know that this issue has been addressed over and over again, but I just need to vent. I am in the middle of prepping for my colonoscopy tomorrow and I just feel bad. I am using the Osmoprep pills. They are sooooo much better than drinking any liquid, I've tried many and cannot keep them down. But, I feel very nauseated as well as having ongoing abdominal pain. At 6:00 I am supposed to take 16 more pills. I am not sure I'll be able to get them all down.

I am hungry, but also feel close to vomiting. I know this ends tomorrow at 10:00. But I feel like whining NOW!!!:rof:

Thanks for listening!
Sorry Lisa :( I feel for you. I know with my prep and my son's I was told once you are having a yellow liquid stool that looks like urine you can stop taking any of your medications. I didn't have to finish all of my prep for that reason.

Sorry you are feeling so poorly, you have every right to vent. I wish you luck tomorrow and hope you get some good news!

yeah i too hated the prep before colonoscopy. i had to take a liquid in the morning which was fine and then a sachet to add to liquid in the afternoon which have me the most severe stomach pains and caused me to be violently sick. For that reason i was too scared to take the one the following morning, but to be honest i don't think i needed it and the colonoscopy went ahead fine.
there's actually nothing worse than those preps is there. Next time I'm going to demand an enema. I had to have one for a fistula surgery and it wasn't that bad. Sure, it feels nasty and you get some cramps, but no disgusting drink. It was SO much easier to deal with, and it's over in 5 minutes rather than drinking all night. I wonder if this is an option for colonoscopys... haha
Yeah, unfortunately I do not think enemas would work well for colon prep. I think you have to clean out from the top down to make sure you get everything out. I could not tolerate the enema thing. I once a few years back was having a comnsitpation issue. Well I used just warm water to put up there and OMG, I had the worst pain and cramps ever. NEVER AGAIN for me. The oral stuff is just as bad though it seems. I dont think there ever is an easy way I suppose.
Thanks for your concern...but DougUte is right! I survived the prep only to have my small bowel perforated during the colonoscopy. Ambulance ride to the hospital and surgery complete. Nearly eight weeks later I am doing fine!
The doctor was able to pass the scope just through the Terminal the area we knew was strictured. He had successfully opened the stricture with a balloon in the past and we had agreed that he would try it again to help temporarily relieve some of my pain. In the end, it was that sopt just past the TI that perfed...