Inflammation under the eyelid

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Feb 13, 2006
Naples, Florida
Ten days ago I found myself with pain in my right eye. It felt like it had been scratched or something was in it. I thought little of it and figured it would go off soon. Three days later when the pain was persisting, I got a little concerned and went to see an opthamologist. He said I had inflammation under the eyelid (on the actual eyelid) but the eye itself was not inflamed. He gave me some eyedrops (Lotemax) and sent me on my way saying the issue would be gone within five days.

It has now been seven days and the pain is as bad, if not a little worse. :thumbdown: Has anyone experienced anything like this? If so, what helped? At this point I'm a little concerned it's somehow related to the other 452 itis's I seem to have.
Yes, I get that "eyelid inflammation" too. It is really annoying. I use an OTC product called STY. I don't remember who manufactures it. It has been a few years since I used it.

my son has psoriasis on his eyelids, it's awful; they crack and bleed when inflamed and they hurt.
does your eyelid have any cracking or "dryness" ?
Just a thought...
My eyes aren't really dry or cracked, no. If anything, this has gotten worse so I went back to the doctor today. He put me on new drops (some sort of mast cell inhibitor or something like that) which is currently being filled at the pharmacy.

He did run a test my numbing me eyes and placing a paper strip in them to measure tear production for five minutes. They were a little low, but nothing greatly abnormal.

Having my eyes being affected is very anxiety inducing :(
many eye drops may your eyes dry so could even have been low for that reason. i have only had eye inflammation in my eyes.
would a eye drop (or cream) steroid help? they aren't as negative as oral steroids, do have long term issues but very long term use.
they are also really cheap. just a plus since it's annoying how such a small bottle can cost so much.
Good luck

P.S. thanks for the eye section! :Karl:
my eyes feel so accept though still amuses me as my main symptom in life.
I was googling for natural remedies the other day when I came across a post in a blog comment section that suggestion castor oil in the eye. A few other replies to this corroborated it as being effective. As I was pretty desperate, I got in the car and headed to my local food store where I got organic, cold pressed, hexene free (all those things are important) castor oil. I put a drop in each eye.

HOLY CRAP does it make a HUGE DIFFERENCE. I'm not absolutely miserable! In fact, I don't even feel the pain. I don't know that it's doing anything to resolve the underlying issue, but my eye doesn't hurt at all! I put a little in each eye in the morning when I wake up and before I go to bed and I'm great :) Hopefully this continues :) Doing some research, I found that there are anti-inflammatory properties to castor oil and a lot of drugs are derived from it, so who knows.
before I had any bowel symptoms last year I got an eye infection in both my eyes that lasted for about 6 weeks. It was awful I looked like I'd been punched or crying my eyes out and they just wouldn't get better. Believe it or not I can't remember how I treated it I don't remember going to the doc as I never go to the doc!!! I think I used cream and sterile eye baths regularly... I also changed my make-up but I don't think you need worry about that!!!. I also never related it to the crohns until my sister suggested it after doing some research. Once it eventually cleared up it has not returned so hopefully yours will do the same thing
I have an eye thats been getting droopy when tired, told it could be myasthenia Gravis which is also an autoimmune disorder!
Are there any connections with glaucoma and Crohn's? The last time I had my eyes checked my pressure was very high, so high they did the test 3 times thinking their machine was broken. I didn't know any family history at the time, but my grandmother and aunt on my mom's side had glaucoma. My aunt's had hers operated on 3 times. My mom has high pressure too, but hasn't been diagnosed with it. She has sjogren's and hers are really dry all of the time. Just wondering if it's another thing to keep getting tested for and watch out for. I don't want to go blind on top of everything else!! I also get this tiny bumps on my eyelids, mostly my right eye, they scratch the surface of my eye when I blink and irritate it, but I wouldn't say the bumps are big or painful by themselves. They're more like tiny pimples, but really annoying. Could it be a sty or something else? I don't get them often, and since I've been in a flare for 3 years now I can't attribute coming and going to that. I figured they were stress related like the sores I get on my scalp and in my right ear. Boo.
there is a link btwn steroids (at least topical for the eye) and glacoma. there is also a genetic component, so with a lot of relatives with it your likely hood goes way up.
I thought I'd update this. After doing some reading and seeing it recommended in multiple places, I began taking fish oil supplements (after having been on a vegan diet for 2 months). Between that and the castor oil, my eyes are 100%. In fact, I haven't had to use the oil in about a week now because I feel fine.
