Inflammed liver due to imuran.

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Apr 8, 2012
Hi guys,

I recently got some lower back pain and had a blood test and seems
I have an inflammed liver due to the imuran and have stopped taking it immediately. Had this happened to anyone else. Im
Waiting to see the doctor on Wednesday to see what happens next but im
In alot of pain. Currently he has increased my steriods to. 15mg
Hello ChloeC,

I am sure you are taking step by step medical advice - but I remember reading on the Aza information sheet not to suddenly stop taking the pills (I am guessing it should be phased?).

Wishing you all the best
When I was on aza I had an allergic reaction to them, something like drug induced hepatitis. I had vomiting, red urine, yellow eyes, massive pain in my liver etc. I rang my ibd nurses and they told me to just stop the aza. After a few days the symptoms disappeared. With the aza out of your system your symptoms should go and your liver return to normal.

I would have hoped that if it was really bad the Dr would have either given you something for it or had you come in to hospital. That being said if your pain is getting worse or is too much to handle, contact your Dr explaining your concerns so they can decide if you need to be seen sooner. Don't suffer unnecessarily. Fingers crossed you are soon out of pain.

Soybean xx
Same here... I went toxic on AZA (aka Imuran). Went to the ER. Doctors took me off of it completely.. cold turkey. My GI concurred. Pain went away within 2 days, but a rash I got from it lasted over 10 months. At the time, I was ... well, scared almost s...less, or at least as s....less as a Crohnie can get, but that turn of events opened the door to LDN for me. And LDN changed my life.
Liver inflamation

Thats interesting. I had edema in legs, went through an US. It showed I too had an enlarged liver and spleen. However one of my tests showed I was positve for mono. My Dr believed the problems were from mono not meds. Im still on imuran but still having edema in legs.
Hi, I have recently started Aza, I have a lot of lower back pain, but for me this started with my recent flare and when the Methotrexate stopped working. So I am not sure that it is connected to the Azza or separate from it. What I do know is that is hurts like buggery.