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Feb 14, 2013
I got diagnosed 2 years ago with Crohns and no meds were making me better so ended up getting 4 lots of infliximab which was a life saver even with the extreme side effects, it was worth it. So I thought yeah! they know what works for me if I get really ill, but my consultant said at my last check up that I cannot get it again for a long time due to the side effects :-( I understand its a bit extreme to get this drug, but does anyone here get it each time they have a really bad flare or do you have to continue trying all the other meds again before they go down this route? I am only asking so that I have my expectations set in the event I get that ill again.
I was told with my doc (and I hope iive got this the right way around) they will give it periodically for UC but continuous for CD, but it think iit really depends on what hospital/country you are in.

If you are having bad side effects (what are these btw?) then there are other drugs like humira and cizmia which may be worth talking to the doc about.
It was over a year ago since I got infiximab and I was only 42, but the pain in my legs made it difficult to walk for any length of time. I also had cramping up my left arm which then would put my left hand into a locking position which was very painful.

I ask about infliximab as my usual odd bad day has turned into a few bad days in a row which could mean the inflimab has managed to control my crohns for a period of time and I am going back into a flare :-(
Have you discussed other biologic treatments with your doc? Humira? I think the side effects are probably pretty similar, but it could be worth a try.

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