Inguinal Hernia

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Feb 11, 2010
Anyone know anything about these????

I have a bizarre hard area at the top of my thigh/groin area. It feels like a puffed up ligament or tendon. But when I did some research online, it seems like it could be an inguinal hernia.

Because I don't already have enough going on in my life medically....

I don't know if this is what you are talking about, but I have like a knot if sorts under the skin also in the groin area. I saw my GYN abt it and he said he thought it was a lymph node. He asked me if I'd been sick lately, which I hadn't been. He put me on 10 days of antibiotics but it's still there. It's been here for two months now and I'm supposed to see him again on Monday about it. Maybe that's not at all what you mean. If not, I'm sorry but in any case I hope it's nothing serious for either one of us. :)
Matt had an inguinal hernia as a baby. Pretty common in males as they are often the result of the tract the testes take as they descend in utero not closing.

Not so common in women but since you have had abdominal surgery it could be caused by a weakening in the abdominal wall.

Generally they will bulge out and tend to present themselves when you cough, sneeze or strain but go away when you lay down. Is yours like this or is it always there?

Dusty. :hug:
Thanks for the replies. Mine does almost seem to go away when I am lying down.

Mayflower, I thought mine might also be a lymph node, but I also have not been sick recently.

I hope this doesn't impact my upcoming surgery if it is an inguinal hernia. I guess I should probably call the surgeon and mention it to him that it's there. He may want to check it out before he goes in - if he has to repair a hernia while he's in there, he'll probably want to know about it first, huh?

- Amy
Hey Amy,

Matt's first appeared when he was about 6 weeks old and was appearing for about a month then it disappeared until he was 11months old. It came back with a vengeance and he had it repaired a month later. It was quite big and so the risk of strangulation was high but either way he would have had to have it repaired.

I don't know what they do now days but to repair the weakness in the abdominal wall they inserted a piece of mesh. It's funny you have mentioned the hernia 'cause I have been thinking about what has happened to the mesh with Matt. With all the issues he has going on in that area at present I wonder if it being there has made things worse inflammation wise. (((shrug))) Hmmmm probably just another one of those things I over think! :lol:

I am going to discuss with the surgeon though. ;)

Dusty. :)
Amy, does it wiggle under your fingers when you cough and can you make it disappear when you press on it gently for a minute or 2. If so it could be a hernia. If it goes away when lying down then it may well be a hernia but it could just be that when you lie flat it is less prominent so feels to have reduced. Lymph nodes will be enlarged if you have any inflammation going on so it could be that...though have to say doesn't sound like it.

Even if it is a hernia they are relatively easy to fix and they may even do when you have your upcoming up. Best to mention it well before so they can consider this if it is a hernia.
It does not wiggle when I cough and it doesn't go away when I press on it.

I am FREAKING right now because it may be a swollen lymph node and that along with a couple other random things I have had lately like itchy skin, hands and feet, could be symptoms of lymphoma.

Please tell me I am crazy.

Your glands will be swollen if you have active inflammation which you have. They will invariably be enlarged in the groin as this is where they enlarge when the bowel is affected.
There are lots of things that make you itch and they are not the most prominent of lymphoma symptoms. Do you have any other swollen glands like in your armpits etc. I assume you have had a ct or mri fairly recently in preparation for your op...this would have picked up signs of lymphoma. Is your weight steady, are you having new night sweats?
Thanks for talking me off the ledge Little Miss!

I have a friend who successfully beat lymphoma and one of her ONLY symptoms was itchy feet and hands!!

I haven't had either a CAT or MRI recently, surprisingly! Just a scope and an EKG. I have intermittent night sweats, but this is not at all out of the ordinary for me. I actually sweat more most nights than not.

I am not going to make myself crazy. But I am still going to call the surgeon tomorrow to mention it, just in case it is a hernia and he wants to feel me up before the surgery!

Thanks again - xo - Ames
I have had an enlarged lymph node in my neck and above my collar bone for sometime. After testing, I am told fluid is not collecting. Recently, I have found what appears to be one in my groin. It is large, fleshy and similar to the one above my collar bone. I am uncertain if the groin swelling is a hernia. Can a hernia be associated with Crohn's?

I will be starting Stelara soon - I have been having off the charts transient joint pain.... Sadly, I previously formed antibodies to Remicade and later was on Humira for about 1 year until having reactions to Humira too...
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