Insomnia anyone?

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Apr 7, 2010
insomnia anyone?

I am taking Asacol the max dose. I don't know if that has anything to do with this. I have been having bad insomnia now for about 3 years. I can take any different type of sleeping pill and it dosen't work. I can try the whole hot bath, warm "decaf"tea, soothing music, dim lights, no lights. I don't drink anyting with caffine in it, nor do I deat sweets. I also exercise.

Any suggestions, please....anything... im desperate.... help.
I would say have your melatonin or seritonin checked out. Some people are affected by that. Are you taking vitamins?
No I used to take them, but no matter what time of day I take them they give me bad heart burn. Good idea on the labs, just have to get an MD to agree to run them for me. Any idea on any good vitamin brands? I realy haven't thought too much on that.
Thanks, Im desperate. I work in a job where you have to stay alert. so no sleep is not a good thing.
Before my surgery I was on sleeping meds for a very long time.
I suffered from insomnia and tried all natural remedies but it was not working for me.
For me what worked was Ambien CR 6.25mg and 1mg Diazapen. I would take the Diazapen 30 minutes before bed time and than take the Ambien. I slept for 5 to 6 hours .
Since my surgery, I am off ALL meds, including the sleeping aids and I have no problem falling asleep.
I have tried all of them. I will fall asleep with Ambien, but will wake in an hr. When I have my colonscopy Fental and Versed did not put me under they had to use diprivan (m Jackson drug.) I have no idea why my body wont respond to sedation meds, but im getting pretty desperate. I have had the past 7 nights with maby only 3 hrs sleep........ I dont ever feel sleepy..... there are nights when I will start cleaning my home at 3 am, just because I feel so awake, but the next day I pay. I have tried working night shift, in the hopes that mabey I will sleep during the day. It dosent matter what I do. It will not work. My Dr has no more idea on meds.... ive tried them all.
I will try anything (legal..) at this point.........
I've been having the same issue for a couple of months, the only nights that I slept were in the hospital when they gave me sleeping pills.

I go to bed at 11, walk up at 1 and then again around 4:30 it got to the point where I was taking everything that would make my drowsy and all at once(OTC sleeping pills, gravol, pot, painkillers).

But if this has been going on for 3 years you might want to try and get a referral to a specialist, or see if your doctor will book you into a sleep clinic to monitor you. They might be able to pick up something that your doc is missing.
I've always been a bad sleeper (mostly getting to sleep), but in the past few years (around the same time I estimate I developed Crohn's) it's been much worse. Mercyndol (sp?) worked for me, but not something you should be taking often, although I did. Spoke to my GP about it, and he prescribed Melatonin 4mg (tho I take 2). Works wonders for me, just doesn't like it if I have a couple of drinks!

Something to try if you haven't already...otherwise best of luck in finding a solution. No sleep is the worst!!!
But if this has been going on for 3 years you might want to try and get a referral to a specialist, or see if your doctor will book you into a sleep clinic to monitor you. They might be able to pick up something that your doc is missing.


When I hear situations like yours it just reminds me of when I heard way back when that some people just simply do not respond to certain types of drugs, especially when it comes to sleeping pills (not to mention the people who don't fully fall asleep during surgery and can feel the pain but because of being "sedated" they can't move or speak). You should get yourself to a sleep disorder clinic right away because they will actually be able to help you. They will be able to run any tests you may need and will recommend proper treatment for you. I went to one years ago and was diagnosed with insomnia and they said it was most likely stress related (true for me may not be for you) and said that it would only get worse if my stress wasn't managed. They were right and my insomnia has gotten worse to where sometimes sleeping pills wont work for me either. Bummer I know but I'm seeing someone for my anxiety now. Funny thing was that the sleep disorder clinic picked up on my anxiety issues early on but I did nothing about it until years later when I started having panic attacks. It'd be a good idea to not only listen to those doctors but also do what they suggest so it doesn't get worse later on. :p
I've been having insomnia since January cos of the Pred, on and off.
But I'm on 25mg Amitriptyline now for neuralgia, and I take it about 10PM and within half an hour I'm zonked! I can feel the drowsy effects and calm, it's lovely! I've been sleeping right thro, 7-8 hours and feel ok in the morning, ready for work.
This med has been a Godsend! It is also relaxing me, keeping me calm, keeping me pain free, I don't think I want to stop it! Maybe I'm hooked? Don't care! lol
I've always been a bad sleeper (mostly getting to sleep), but in the past few years (around the same time I estimate I developed Crohn's) it's been much worse. Mercyndol (sp?) worked for me, but not something you should be taking often, although I did. Spoke to my GP about it, and he prescribed Melatonin 4mg (tho I take 2). Works wonders for me, just doesn't like it if I have a couple of drinks!

Something to try if you haven't already...otherwise best of luck in finding a solution. No sleep is the worst!!!

Hi, I'd just like to take all this back!!! The last two nights I've had basically no sleep. Putting it down to the Prednisone I think, I've heard taking it earlier in the day could help so I'll try that. The only reason I take it around dinner time is cause that's the time I remember!
Hi georgiegirl,

I found that Prednisone is causing insomnia also. I now take it after my breakfast. Taking it earlier has helped a little bit, but not as much as I would like.

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