Insomnia/ Fatigue club

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no pain meds....They won't give me anything until they get a diagnosis...after my may. Lovely, aint it?
i'm looking into getting it privately, but don't think i'll be able to afford it. So frustrating!
I don't understand how they can not give someone pain relief when they are in pain! Must be so very frustrating for you!
tamesis said:
no pain meds....They won't give me anything until they get a diagnosis...after my may. Lovely, aint it?
i'm looking into getting it privately, but don't think i'll be able to afford it. So frustrating!
Where go you live?
it is incredibly frustrating. I've been told i can take extra strength tylenol....Yah, might as well take tic tacs! It's pretty sad that i'm contemplating what i can do to make things worse so they will treat me! LOL

I live in B.C. Canada. This is where the fault in National Healthcare lies. It's great that i have equal opportunity healthcare, without having to bankrupt myself for it, however the wait times suck!!
That's kind of my thoughts. And i work in Healthcare as an LPN, i know what pain can do to the whole body...I really need to be more assertive and not take no for an answer. i either need to make them admit me to figure things out, or give me some pain management, or something. I just don't know how. I think subconsiously i think Doctors know best, just do what you're told, but that's really not working for me right now! LOL
Thanks. :) I will try again today....typically i've been told narc's are bad for the bowels.....i get that, but what other options are there! LOL
I'm going to ask for a Pred. taper today....I figure it's worth a try. If it doesn't work, fine, but why not at least try it? and of course, i finally got a bit more sleep than i usually do last night, so idon't look like i was beaten. One of these days i want to look like i feel! LOL
I always have to get up every three hours or so to poop.

I've gotten pretty good at it though. Some folks sleepwalk. I sleeptoilet.
sleeptoilet - LOL GJG! But geez man - that is miserable!! Sounds like you definitely have some inflammation going on in there......
It's weird. I suspect some nights I get up more than once to go poop, but I can't be certain. Of course, the evidence is flushed away.

Still, better than pooping in bed I guess.
GoJohnnyGo said:
It's weird. I suspect some nights I get up more than once to go poop, but I can't be certain. Of course, the evidence is flushed away.

Still, better than pooping in bed I guess.
It is better than pooping in bed.
Well, no pred. taper, which i kind of expected, but feeling a bit of hope....heard from a private clinic about a colonoscopy, it'll be $1500, and they can get me in in about two now i just need to make sure my doc. will treat based on it so it's not moot, and get things moving! :)

AND, i got sleeping pills....hopefully they work! :)
I'm glad for you. I have been feeling like crap all day. Except for when I was in the limerick thread. Was having fun there. Making my brain work again. :)
He he, I struggle with the limericks. Don't have a good limerick brain. Sometimes i wish i could just go to sleep for days on end and wake up and all this Crohns rubbish was over!
Same here, I wish I would go to sleep and wake up in Seattle 6 months ago and its all just been a bad bad dream.
I hear ya both on that one....Wish i could go back to my honeymoon, the last time i felt 'normal', and the best time of my life!

Well, hooray for drug induced sleep! I took a nap last night and slept from 7-11, then woke up and took a sleeping pill, and it knocked me out until 7am...Still a little groggy, maybe the after effects of it, but at least my body got some rest
I too have had insomnia with IBD. I tried cognitive therapy which did not work for me. I finally saw a psychiatrist and he put me on Trazodone. We experimented with the dose and now I take 200 mgs each night. Sometimes, though, I have to supplement this with valium. But it is better than not sleeping. I have also started to use a white noise machine, which I find soothing. I know how awful it is not to sleep. Wishing you luck and lots of shut eye.

UC since 1998, pancolitis since '05. Pentasa, Entocort, Rifaxamin for IBD right now
How often do you take sleeping pills? I'm trying not to take them every night, but find i only get a decent sleep if i do. I'm just afraid of becoming dependant on them. I'm off work right now so i can kind of sleep when i need to, but i work shift work regularly and know sleeping pills are really rough on people who work shift work...
I have patches where I take them for a few days then stop. M sleep has been very up and down since diagnosis and being on Pred. I don;t know how much of it is the pred and how much is the disease. I am on holiday at the moment so saving my pills for when I really need to sleep. last night I was awake til 3 am, slept til about 5, awake for a bit, slept again til 8.30, tried to go back for a wee bit more but couldn't.
The night before I slept quite well! So who knows? Very frustrating eh?
Oh oh ... me me me .. .can I join? :)

Ok ok, I don't have insomnia at the moment, but I've been there as a lot of you know. My mom finally understood around Christmas time what it can be like. I got a cold/sinus thing and also was starting my period (yeah yeah, no such thing as TMI, so deal. haha) so put the 2 together and I was SUPER fatigued and tired. And then add working full time, and being busy getting ready for Christmas and being awake until 2am every night and up at 6:30ish to go to work .... I was exhausted. I think she finally started to understand how the fatigue can get to you. It was a nice thing in a way because someone understood why I was having such a hard time.

Hmm. I'm long winded tonight. So back to the point ..... Can I join? :)
Absolutely you can join. Wish you didn't have to, but I'm glad to have someone else there. Hope it gets better for you soon. My insomnia has kinda been on the run, however the fatigue has shown up and brought friends. It sucks.
mwb3779 said:
Absolutely you can join. Wish you didn't have to, but I'm glad to have someone else there. Hope it gets better for you soon. My insomnia has kinda been on the run, however the fatigue has shown up and brought friends. It sucks.

You know, Why does fatigue have to bring friends? I didn't invite the friends. Come to think of it, I didn't invite the fatigue either, but it's kind of ilke that uncle you don't like that shows up and you have to deal with him, but you don't have to like it. But did he have to bring his kids with him?
misscris said:
You know, Why does fatigue have to bring friends? I didn't invite the friends. Come to think of it, I didn't invite the fatigue either, but it's kind of ilke that uncle you don't like that shows up and you have to deal with him, but you don't have to like it. But did he have to bring his kids with him?
No kidding. Its 240a here. I'm not tired right now. I slept last night and felt crappy all day, so I laid in bed for most of it. Now its like, WTH? Also, my stomach is talking to me a lot. Loudly.
mwb3779 said:
No kidding. Its 240a here. I'm not tired right now. I slept last night and felt crappy all day, so I laid in bed for most of it. Now its like, WTH? Also, my stomach is talking to me a lot. Loudly.

Well as you know, it's 11:43pm here. Unforunately I'm awake as well. I shouldn't be, I mean I should because this is around the time I head to bed anyway, but I'm not tired. I was up until about 2:30 last night and up at 7ish, so I should be tired, and was allll day. Now here I sit, awake. haha I guess we'll have to keep each other entertained.
Anytime. Do you do the limericks thread? Its a blast. Makes my brain work. I like that.
I LOVE the Limerick thread. I haven't read it in a loooonnnnggg time now and that makes me sad. I want to go back and read up from where I left off, so I will leave that thread for a day when I can sit and read them all. It's the only thread I HAVE to read. :) haha I think I wrote one once. heh
Nobody has posted here in a week! Does this mean everyone is sleeping well?
I have been sleeping fairly well, thankfully, since i got some prescription sleep aids. The cold meds i've been taking don't hurt either....LOL
I've been up and down this week. A couple of nights of NO sleep. A couple of very average nights. And a couple of good sleeps, even one with no pharmacological help!
I've given up at this point and sleep whenever my body says too. If its sleepy time, its sleepy time, if its not then I do something else. Sometimes my days are short. Some days are longer then I want. Some days the fatigue is horrible. Sometimes its good days. My hard times are the morning and early afternoon, generally I've been sleeping then. Kinda sleep through the crappy times if I can.
Well...I started taking Xyzol (a prescription antihistamine) for this stupid rash - and it had the added benefit of giving me the BEST nights sleep!! But, after about 6 days of that - I noticed my hands look like old lady hands on top (they are DRY and wrinkly) and my sinuses are wayyyy too dried out. So, I had to stop for the last few days. Back to tossing and turning at night and now I feel like my sinuses are completely out of wack AND the rash is coming back. Grrrrrr!
Oh yick, itching and sleep don't mix well do they? If it's any consolation Shantel, I was a bit blocked up yesterday so took some Lactulose (gentle laxative) and was awake til about 5 this morning with CONSTANT farting (but no pooping). Can't sleep when you are farting either, it seems ;)
Oh quite to the contrary - my husband can sleep and fart JUST FINE (Gawd...he would KILL me if he knew I posted that!) :)

Well hopefully tonight the butt trumpets will be quiet for you so you can get some snoozies!
Oh Shaz, I could also totally ruin that concept. Janis farts so much in her sleep, she just doesn't hear it. And when she does, she blames it on me of all people. I tell her she must be a ventriliquist, and a darn good one at that. Some times she actually makes it sound like its coming from my butt and it makes my butt cheeks quiver. LOL
LOL Pirate! I expect it was keeping me awake because there was a lot going on in there! Have had two HUGE poops today and insides feel MUCH better :)
shazamataz said:
LOL Pirate! I expect it was keeping me awake because there was a lot going on in there! Have had two HUGE poops today and insides feel MUCH better :)
My night and day has been filled with glorious D. yea....
I haven't slept well in almost a week. I hate it when my insomnia kicks in. All I do is toss and turn and my mind wont shut off. I'm not even thinking about stuff I need to do. Most of the time I think about things that will NEVER happen whether they are good or bad thoughts.

I've tried Ambien before, leaving the TV on, sleeping with a fan, exercise, alcohol, focusing on breathing and this new thing I made up where I focus looking straight ahead with my eyes closed and try to create a simple image and just hold that image and not think of anything else. So far it seems to have a 50% success rate.

When I haven't been sleeping well, I try to get as much sleep as I can even if it's taking a nap. I've put naps off before because I thought it would keep me from falling asleep later but I noticed that if I put off sleep, it keeps me awake. When I was talking to my doctor at the sleep disorder clinic, he told me to always try to sleep when I was tired. Your body needs sleep. So take a nap.
I can't remember if I posted on here yet or if I have it's been a while. I can't sleep. I'm so tired and I have to wake up at 7 tomorrow. I just can't sleep. It's like once I get tired I have a second or two to have my head down and ready or else my mind takes over and I can't sleep at all. Everynight it goes on the same until I end up passing out from how tired I am. I'm getting sick of it!!!

Sorry for the rant but I have to drive tomorrow and today when I got up at the same time to drive I almost fell asleep at the wheel. It's not like I can get a ride or take public transportation either. There is no PT near me unless I call a cab and I don't have that type of money. I swear if it wasn't for it being in the 20's and me being freezing cold I would have fallen asleep at the wheel...ugh.

Anyways, I need to try and close my eyes. Hopefully I'll be out soon but I'm not getting my hopes up.
It sucks eh?

My current frustration is that I've slept quite well the past few nights, probably getting a good 8-9 hours, but am STILL exhausted!

Today I only worked for a couple hours in the morning (my day off from regular job) and came home, had something to eat and wwnt to have a wee lie down and was out cold for 3 hours. Nice to be able to sleep after all the insomnia, but I am STILL KNACKERED!!!

Yawn :(
I've been sleeping a little better, but also still feeling tired. And the past few days, i've not been sleeping again. :( Really sucks~!
You know for me, I literally just gave up sleeping unless I was tired. If I need to nap I do. I stopped the prescription sleeping pills for now. Why waste them? I only sleep for 3 to 4 hours at a time when I do. And unfortunately that's the only sleep I get now. :( Sad panda.
I've gone from not being able to fall asleep to waking up every time I do fall asleep. I woke up 5 times last night and each time I feel wide awake, not rested, zombified.

At the sleep disorder clinic they said to only go to bed when you're really tired and that if you can't sleep, get up and do something else. But I'm ALWAYS tired. It's the falling asleep part I seem to fail at.
Another night up and I feel my time up is wasted. I need to soundproof my room so I can play guitar and sing till all hours of the morning.
aww man what a truly **** nights sleep, so bloody frustrated at the fact I cannot sleep as i am so so tired...... I hate this crohns ****........... ahhhhhhhhhhh
I got all of 3 hours last night/ this morning. Included with the 2 and half the day before, can anyone tell how I'm feeling today?
imisspopcorn said:
Happy as a cat getting a bath?
All depends. My buddies cat loves getting a bath. She just sits there and lets the water flow all over her. Its kinda crazy. All I want to do is just sleep uninterrupted for 8 hours. Why does that seem so much to ask for?
I took a nap and woke up with a massive headache.....Maybe I have a brain tumor.....I need some good drugs, nothing but tylenol in the house.:( Great, I probably will have to sleep sitting up cause it throbs when I lie down.
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Can't sleep again! I have too much on my mind I think and my neck is bothering me. I think I need to go see the chiropractor soon.
Up at 2 am, gut is just aching so bad i want to cry. :( I need drugs, but my dang doctors won't give me any. i think i need new doctors.
I'm sorry tamesis, that's terrible. If you aren't getting proper treatment I don't see why you can't go to another doctor who will actually treat you. You are in my prayers.
Well, i thought i had kicked the insomnia but now it's back with a vengance. :(
Oh well, maybe i'll finish Super Mario Bros. this weekend if i'm not sleeping. ;)
It sucks doesn't it? Mine comes and goes. Used to not sleep hardly at all when on high doses of pred, but felt okayish because of the pred boost!
Now I am okay once I actually get to sleep (used to wake up in the wee hours and stay awake), but it takes me till late (I may be in bed three hours) and I am tired of being so bloody tired :(
Yeah, it really does suck to be tired all the time. I have sleeping pills, but i'm scared of getting hooked on them.
Ahh, me too. I saw my GP last week and she agreed to give me some more as long as I kept it to 3 x a week. However, since then I have taken 6 in 8 days - yikes!

Ah well, they will run out and I won't get any more if she thinks I've overdone it, so best ration them!
I don't think I am becoming biologically hooked - I think it's psychological. Tonight is Saturday so I won't allow myself any. If I can't sleep, well, it's only Sunday tomorrow :) and while I have heaps to do, I don't HAVE to do it!
Melitonin does seem to work. I found them at Costco pretty cheap. Like 5 bucks for 400 3 mg tablets. I take one now. I may move up to 2 though shortly
No sleep for me. :( Still up at 7am. ARGH. One day, i will sleep well for more than a few days at a time. :)
I slept on and off all day yesterday. Felt like crap you know? This morning I wake up with a gut pain that makes me double over. Gut pain sucks!
I had a bad sleep last night. Every night this week basicly hasnt been good. I am usualy a rly good sleeper. I think its because I'm quite stressed out atm. And now its got to the point where im scared of going to bed coz of how crap its guna be. Last night I just lay in bed crying for about three hours, then I managed to get three hours light sleep before lying awake for another two. Then I did finaly get into a deep sleep but had to force myself out of bed for a day at uni. My friend has offered me a Nitol pill and I wondered if anyone else has tryed it? I'm scared of trying it incase I will get hooked or wont be able to have a natural sleep but at the same time feel so desperate, any advice?
x x x x x
Yep, at least in the morning I'm having my wisdom teeth getting taken out and they are knocking me out for it so I'll at least have a little sleep and maybe a few pain pills for that day. It's sad that I can't wait for a procedure to be done just so I can get some sleep.
That's nice! Sometimes the best kind of sleep is an anaesthetic sleep! Make sure you ice them all the time, follow their instructions to the T! I got a nasty absess after mine because i ate hard food too soon. and no straws or smoking, you do not want dry socket!
Are you getting the all out Jeff? I had mine all done at once under general and really had no problems afterwards. One of them hurt for a while but that was the one that was impacted and they had to cut it out of the bone. Otherwise I just took it easy fos a few days and did lots of salt mouth washes :)

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