Insomnia/ Fatigue club

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Since I ate that red meat a few days ago, My gut/ butt has just been on fire. I can't wait till its over. Being a meataterin I may actually give up moo cow..... Sad day.
Sorry to hear that Mike, I guess we all have to stop eating some things. I am really stuck with what to eat at the moment ant it's getting very boring!

Get better soon :)
Yeah I was knocked out. Now I'm very pissed off because they didn't tell me my lip could be numb and I've been numb for several hours afterwords. I hope they didn't hit a nerve because I wouldn't be able to sing until my lip gets back in order.
I'm sure it will come right Jeff. Some people take loner than others for the numb stuff to wear off. I think they give you that as well, even though you are put under, because it helps with the pain afterwards.

If it helps, when i go to the dentist I am a write off for the whole day afterwards as it takes several hours for me to get any feeling back, even when he uses very little of the numbing stuff.
Thanks guys. That's why I usually get nothing at the dentist. I rather be in pain for a bit then get the numbing crap. At least I slept for a while today. I'm supposed to be playing out a lot in the next few months and I'm the lead singer.
I don't have anything online as of yet but hopefully soon I will. I'm trying to write my own songs before I put anything online as I'm not comfortable covering others songs on the internet. I play mostly praise and worship music but I'll also play a few others like Prog rock, Manchester music, fingerstyle/slap guitar, and others. I play a lot of different styles just not rap or country.
I just had a situation where saliva just fell down my throat and caused me to cough like crazy so my gums started hurting so I took a pain pill and that hurt like heck going down. I wish I never got them out, especially because I had more than enough room for them. They just wanted me to get them out because they don't want me to get cavities back behind them. My lip is numb, my mouth hurts like heck, I have a massive headache, and no one can understand me when I speak as I have gauze packed in the back of my mouth. I'm so pissed off right now. I feel like an idiot for getting this done.
Don't worry Jeff, honestly you will feel better really soon and it's good to get them taken care of. I had problems with mine for years, always getting inflamed and sore and wish I'd taken them out earlier!
Thanks, at least that makes me feel as if I'm not crazy for getting this. I just wished they told me what I'd be going through before it.
Listen Jeff, Shaz is right. I waited until I was 37. I kept getting cavities too. I told the dentist I would rather go through child birth again than have them pulled. He said, " That's why you have it done when you are young"....Keep food on your stomach so you don't get nauseated from the pain meds. I am so sorry.
Thanks, yeah I just had a little pudding. I'm just worried about running out of gauze pads tonight. I guess it's a good thing I got them out. I'm just annoyed right now I guess. It's not even the pain it's the annoyance of not being able to speak. I'm getting a touch of feeling back finally in my lip but not much. Thanks for all the help, hopefully I can get some sleep tonight. I think I'm going to switch and take a perc tonight because the lortab they gave me more like candy then anything else.
Did your dental people tell you about using tea bags.It is a way out if you run out of gauze and it also helps the healing.
The tea bag needs to be soaked first though.It stops bleeding and has a good effect on the wound area.
Sorry you are having a bad time and hope it will all heal up very soon
Wisdom teeth are definitely better out than in and one day you will be glad they were removed.
No, thanks for that suggestion. I'll have to try that out in a little bit. I'm also really wanting some tea so maybe that's a way to do it. Should I soak them in hot or cold water. Thanks for the suggestion
My hubby got his out a few months ago and the teabags worked well, we just soaked them in lukewarm water. Also, in the morning, take it easy getting up and around. Dan had been bleeding a lot through the night, and he just hopped out of bed and intot he shower as he usually does, and he passed out. so just take it slow!
Oh wow, I'll definitely take it slow then. I haven't eaten much all day and I feel a bit week but everything hurts to eat. Hopefully the pain will leave soon and I'll stop bleeding so I can take out these gauze pads.
I have been on a five year search for help sleeping- we have literally tried everything out there and variations of mixing. Right now I take 12.5mg of Ambien CR, 100mg of Seroquel and 1mg of Xanax in addition to all my other stuff. It was so funny when I was in the hospital last month- all the night nurses were freaking out at the amount of meds I take- I was like "this is nothing". It's not like I just woke up one morning and my doc put me on tons of meds- it was a gradual thing over time.
When I went in for a sleep study last year- I never fell asleep the whole night and my brain waves never even went into the pre-sleep cycle. It was a waste.
Hey All! I just found this thread. Sorry to hear about your dental surgery. Yuck! What an awful pain! Sign me up for the fatiuge club. Everyday, I think this will get better...Will It? I'm a newbie--two months prednisone..Why of why am I so flippin' tired. I take pentassa & rowasa...And an ambien at night...Is this it? I get B12 shots and tKE MULTI vitamins...I am sooo tired!!! Sue
Ugh guys, so I took lortab around 10:30 due to my wisom teeth pain, yeah it's still acting up. Right now I have no pain but I'm tired and can't sleep. It's like I'm wrestless and want to move yet I want to sleep. I just needed to vent for a second. Thanks
I understand Jeff. There is almost nothing worse than being exhausted and unable to sleep. Last night was a disaster for me to the point that by 5 am I got up and went for a drive and then back to bed at 6 and managed a couple of hours. This was because I have been recommended to actually get up if unable to sleep. I expect one isn't supposed to go for a drive but I couldn't think of anything else I felt like doing with myself!
things have been pretty bad for me lately, really dont' sleep well at all, even with sleeping pills, and it frustrates the heck out of me! My whole body is aching, my stomach is cramping, and i'm just tired of stinking waiting for things to get better! Hopefully when i start the cipro/flagyl monday it will start improving.
cipro.flagyl sleeping

tamesis, don’t get discouraged.. The good news with the flagyl/cipro is that this combo works fast. I was on this combo for 8 years and in the most part in 90% remission. Ultimately I developed an acute sensitivity ( my gi doc doubled my dosage in error) and I had to switch to Remicade (now on Cimzia). The lack of sleep is frustrating and so important factor in healing process. I have had the same issues with no sleep and even with 2 ambien 10mg it did not work... until I got on a gluten free diet allowing my cramps to subside and resting my bowels.
hang in there. btw don’t drink alcohol with the antibiotics. Also dont take the meds before you go to sleep because a possible side effect of this combo that it will keep you wired.
Argh, i'm getting so tired of this. LOL. I just feel like i have no focus, i read through threads five times and still don't have a grasp of what's going on, so i can't even post anything coherant. I sleep, and then wake up within hours feeling exhausted, but can't go back to sleep. Blah! Well, just gotta keep keeping on, but i'm just so anxious to start sleeping properly again!
It's baaaaaaaaaack!!!!! I was sleeping fine until a week ago and now I can not fall asleep or if I do I am up in an hour or two and can't get back to sleep - no pain or running to the bathroom but a bit of stress of school but not enough to make me THIS crazy - so awful - been up all night and now I have to get in the shower and start my day - ARG!!! I do have a lot of pain from fibromyalgia the doc thinks that's what it is -If one more doctor tells me something NEW is wrong with me I may just have to check myself into the old age home - okay off to start my day EXHAUSTED idn't it?
sorry to hear that Carolyn! I can totally empathise...I'm extremely lucky (in a weird way) that i'm too sick to work right now, so if i don't have get up and go, i can just lounge during the day. It certainly does make life hard to live though. You're not alone!
bagsie I join too
seriously fatigued, burnt out, eyes hanging out of me head, more bags than Heathrow!
and still an insomniac!
but not as wired now i'm tapering off
is that why i'm fatigued?
Insomnia is not a side effect of azathioprine/Imuran. What else are you taking?.. and have you notified your consultant it's making you hyper/etc?
Hi, I found a way to fall and stay asleep. I am on Imuran 100mg and Cimzia every 2 weeks.
I take 2.5 mg valium 1 hour before I go to bed and 6.5 mg Ambien CR.

It works great!
Valium would be nice I assume. I just don't want any more pills! :) Thanks though for the suggestion. It may get to that point.
The problem with valium is that it is addictive and loses effectiveness quickly so you have to up the dose. It isn't actually that helpful for sleep. You would need one of the other benzos like Temazepam for that.
No kidding, so wish I didn't though. I just think who cares, so I have to pick up 9 prescriptions at once and yeah so what of it.... ? lol
I have not been sleeping for a long long time. as we all know the body healing during the sleep cycle. mine at best was 2-3 hrs WITH 15mg Ambien (zolpidem). I would take 10mg sleep 2 hrs and 5mg for 1-2 more hours.
As the Cimzia kicked in and my pain went down, I wanted to reduce the Ambien.
My friend doc suggested the Valium, at very low dosage of 2.5mg an hour before I go to sleep and an Ambien CR 6.5mg.
I sleep 7+ hours. It is the best feeling in the world. only people who cant sleep can appreciate.
I am not worried about getting addicted to valium. its a low dosage and I have not increased it in 4 wks.
I sleep but when I wake up I feel like I havent slept at all. I have started to take over the counter melatonin to try and increase my sleep to have better rest. But I still wake up in the middle of the night and my husband laughs at me for the random things I say or do while sleeping. So I guess I never make it to that deep sleep just kind of awake.
Crysta:, we know that the body heals during REM sleep cycle which is the deep sleep state.
if you wake in the middle of the night , as I did ... and woke up my wife, you know the feeling.
first, for me the cimzia did the trick by reducing the pain and the bathroom runs.
i have a severe case of cd , no surgeries
Justicexhaze said:
30 mg of temazapam (spelling?) and 2mg xanax...but still can lay awake and stare into the dark.

they are both powerfull short acting meds.
Not sure in your issue is falling a sleep or staying a sleep? or both?
Why does it take so much effort to get to sleep? I wish I could be one of those people who just fell asleep naturally but alas I'm not. I guess I'll keep trying.haha
I know what you mean.... :(

I have a supply of temazapam to help kick my sleep cycles back into some kind of acceptance. It's really annoying feeling soooooooo very tired, yet when you go to bed you just dont fall off to sleep. Then I get into a vicious cycle of it winding me up and getting upset. It's then I take the drugs! just for a few nights.
sleep cycle

Like you Jeff, I had a real problem falling asleep and staying a sleep. For years I tried Helcion but I built a tolerance and had to stop and switched to 10mg Ambien. But even with the Ambien often, when I had break through pain, I woke up and I could never fall back asleep and I would be very tired all day.
Finally, I tried a new combination of 2.5 mg Diazepam, 30 minutes before bed time and reduced my Ambien from 10mg to 6.25 CR which for the past 2 months allows me to sleep 5 to 7 hours and even if I wake up I go right back to sleep and no morning grogginess. It feels so good to sleep. My doctor is not worried about the possible addictive effects of the Diazepam, which I already reduced to 2mg and next week to 1.5mg. This will enable my body to get into a sleep cycle. I travel a lot to different time zones and that drives my sleep cycle crazy.
Like you Jeff, I had a real problem falling asleep and staying a sleep. For years I tried Helcion but I built a tolerance and had to stop and switched to 10mg Ambien. But even with the Ambien often, when I had break through pain, I woke up and I could never fall back asleep and I would be very tired all day.
Finally, I tried a new combination of 2.5 mg Diazepam, 30 minutes before bed time and reduced my Ambien from 10mg to 6.25 CR which for the past 2 months allows me to sleep 5 to 7 hours and even if I wake up I go right back to sleep and no morning grogginess. It feels so good to sleep. My doctor is not worried about the possible addictive effects of the Diazepam, which I already reduced to 2mg and next week to 1.5mg. This will enable my body to get into a sleep cycle. I travel a lot to different time zones and that drives my sleep cycle crazy.
Man, again I can't sleep. I'm just not tired. I feel very excited for some reason and I haven't even had any cafeine tonight. I can't wait for my surgery so i can start exercising and then I can start sleeping at a better time...
Hi Jeff, I hope you feel better and I can hear your excitment for the upcoming surgery. Please keep us up to date
All the best!!

CrohnsHobo, I am so glad you found a way to falling asleep. Please reach out if you have any questions. best wishes
i am glad i found this thread. i was having this time period when i was just so exhausted that i could take a nap in the middle of the day and still go to bed at a normal time. now, i am finding i still get tired, but i am not napping as much. however, it is also taking longer for me to actually go to sleep. glad i am not the only one!
i am glad i found this thread. i was having this time period when i was just so exhausted that i could take a nap in the middle of the day and still go to bed at a normal time. now, i am finding i still get tired, but i am not napping as much. however, it is also taking longer for me to actually go to sleep. glad i am not the only one!

As a side effect of all the meds that we're taking is diffucuty in falling asleep. Its so maddning that the insurance company will not pay for your cimzia.
best wishes
I find I wake up @4am-5am - then have trouble falling back asleep.....usually by 9pm I am ready for bed - but not always.....doesn't matter what time I go to bed either - could be 9pm, could be 1am - I am still up @4-5.......

Ambien does work for me, as does benadryl to get me to sleep.....
I can't believe it's 3:30 and I'm not really very tired. I don't know why I just can't get a decent nights sleep. That's all I want. You would think taking a percocet would help me get to sleep...ugh. Hopefully in a month or so I can start exercising so I can be tired for a change.
I find I wake up @4am-5am - then have trouble falling back asleep.....usually by 9pm I am ready for bed - but not always.....doesn't matter what time I go to bed either - could be 9pm, could be 1am - I am still up @4-5.......

Ambien does work for me, as does benadryl to get me to sleep.....

Few months ago I started using 2.5 Diazapen (valium) 30 minutes before I go to sleep and then 6.25 Ambien cr. it lets me fall asleep and sleep for 6-7 hours which it is like a miracle for me.

Jeff - I dont know about the Percs, in my case they kept me up.
I hope you feel better soon. did you do your entire surgery Laparoscopically?
I take Restoril 15 mg. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Last night I forgot to take it early enough and couldn't sleep until about 4. Then, woke up at 6 and couldn't go back to sleep until about 8. I'm so tired! But I have a dr's appt in 30 minutes. We'll see how this day goes.
Hi Mike hope you're ok?
I've been taking herbal Nytol and it knocks me out! it contains valerian a natural sleep aid, and I take 2 half an hour before bed, it makes you feel woozy and sleepy, good stuff!
Also, Codeine Phosphate is fab, it's a painkiller and makes you drowsy but you can't drive etc, but it helps you to nod off with ease, I was given it in hospital and was fretting cos of the noise, I couldn't sleep, and it knocked me out, didn't hear a thing! Unfortunately, it can be addictive. I only take some in emergencies, when I haven't slept for a coupla nights.
hi Astra i take Codeine Phosphate to help with D and pain, explains why i want to sleep all the time, doesnt explain the constant fatigue. i need energy pills.
My sleep has been disturbed since childhood really. Diagnosed with Crohns at 18 (1980). Basically a lifetime of sleep problems since then. Now I sometimes sleep 21 out of 24 hours, good day is 12-15. Also hardly any pattern to my sleeping really, tends strongly to a nocturnal rhythm if anything (this is when I can't get to sleep very often). Lots of naps after being awake for a few hours during the day. Also get very drained and often need to nap after painful diarrhea. I don't currently take any medications for sleeping problems. Temporarily tried sleeping pills and valium in the past - helped me get to sleep but didn't help in balancing sleep problems overall. Needless to say all this has affected my ability to work normal jobs over my whole adult life, crashed out of many jobs along the way, best results with casual work but even that is too difficult for now. Weird thing is my Crohns is not even apparently active (aside from low B12), though I've had two resections in the past as well as surgery for uterine fibroids. I can have good strong bursts of energy in a momentary kind of way. Rest of the time I am sleeping so much and have very little stamina. I engage with life a lot through the internet now. From what some of you are saying, I will ask my doctor about sleep studies.
Maybe they could combine some drugs to help me get to sleep and then another to stay asleep? What I wouldn't give for 8 hours of unbroken sleep. Its 2 am here and I'm wide awake. I've been up since 10 am after sleeping only 4 hours.

Have you tried Ambien CR (Controlled Release)? It's supposed to release throughout the night to help you stay asleep.
I've never taken that. Do you know how it compares to Ambien?

Sorry I didn't get back sooner, I loose my way through theses threads sometimes. Anyway, I've taken Ambien before, a few years ago, and it left me feeling hungover the next day. If I remember correctly, it made me a little irritable, too. That might be because I'm also a recovering alcoholic and the hangover feeling would make anyone cranky. LOL. Restoril does not have the after effect, but I don't think it's as strong. It does not seem to be working as well lately as when I first starting taking it, so I don't know if I'm building a tolerance. I'm still getting my meds adjusted. Anyway, I would try to talk to your Dr. and see if they have any samples so you could try it. Good luck and sweet dreams!
Thanks, I just decided to stop taking my sleep aid and stick with my melitonin for now. Sleep when I can kind of thing.

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