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Apr 30, 2010
Nottingham, UK
Went to bed at 10:30. Didn't get to sleep till 11:30 ish (even though I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open). Woke at 2. Dozed till 4. Awake since then (just gone 6 am). I have to be up for work in half an hour, so I have given up on sleep entirely.

And I bet you any money that no one at work will sympathise, because they're always so much worse off than me (sarcasm) even though I can barely stay awake on a normal day, so I have no chance today :(
Went to bed at 10:30. Didn't get to sleep till 11:30 ish (even though I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open). Woke at 2. Dozed till 4. Awake since then (just gone 6 am). I have to be up for work in half an hour, so I have given up on sleep entirely.

And I bet you any money that no one at work will sympathise, because they're always so much worse off than me (sarcasm) even though I can barely stay awake on a normal day, so I have no chance today :(

Hope you manage to make it through the day, there's nothing more frustrating than not being able to sleep, and the harder you try the worse it becomes!

but look on the bright side!.... with any luck you should atleast be able to catch up on the sleep tonight?? :)
Stuff that, I'm going to bed now! Thank goodness for finishing at 12:00! Though not having a good day. Have been really achy and dizzy from tiredness, grabbed a mcdonald's for lunch because I was starving and couldn't wait till I got home (normally a plain cheeseburger from there is safe for me) and now have a stupendous case of indigestion and diarrhoea. At least I *think* it's just indigestion, but it's so bad I can't stand up straight :(
I'm sorry you could not sleep. I hate to suggest one more pill but do you think your doctor could prescribe some type of mild sleep aid? Especially if this is a normal type occurence for you? I hope the McDonald's doesn't come back to haunt you. On the bright side, your day is over!:)
Insomnia is not a regular occurance for me. Although I am not a particularly 'good' sleeper. Normal for me is about 30-60 minutes to fall asleep, and I will wake up enough to be aware I woke once or twice a night. So typically by the time I realise I'm not sleeping tonight, it would be too late for me to take anything. Thanks for the suggestion though.

The McDonald's seems to have settled now, though. Once I finished up on the toilet the pain lessened a bit, so I took some Gaviscon and had a long nap. But my tummy is a bit sore, and I will take it easy for the rest of the day. I don't think it was the McDonald's as such, but every now and again (once or twice a year maybe?) when I am really hungry and then eat, I get this pain. It isn't linked with any particular food, just with being 'too' hungry. So I think I will be OK to have McDonald's in the future.
Humph. And to top it all off, I appear to have experienced some leakage. That's it, I hereby cancel the rest of today. Let's hope tomorrow's a better day, hey?
Oh yea! Today is cancelled! Everybody go home! Te-he, I wonder how our bosses would like that? ;)