Insurance Problems

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Aug 8, 2012
Probably no one likes to talk about insurance but I need a shoulder here.

Since 2015, I have had two private insurance policies, Assurant, using the Aetna network in 2015, and United in 2016. I was very happy with both until Assurant dropped my policy stating they were pulling out of the market. And now United is "pulling out of my area".

I am now forced to look for another private insurance company as I do not qualify for the Obamacare marketplace because I make too much money. (As advised by a United salesperson)

Is anyone else having this issue?
Unfortunately, insurance companies do move in and out of geographic areas depending on whether they are making or losing money, which depends on how well they can negotiate price discounts from the local hospitals and doctors.

Every U.S. citizen who is not able to obtain health insurance thru a group-policy offered by their employer (for example someone working for a small business that doesn't offer a health insurance plan, or someone who is self-employed) is eligible to obtain an individual-policy thru the Obamacare health insurance marketplace website (

You are eligible for a tax rebate/subsidy if you make between 1 to 4 times the poverty level, which is about $12,000 to $48,000 for a single person. (Those who make less than the poverty level are expected to apply for Medicaid.) If you make more than 4 times the poverty level, you can still obtain insurance thru the Obamacare website, you just won't be eligible to receive a subsidy.

So you do qualify for the Obamacare marketplace, the salesperson simply didn't want to lose his/her sales commission. Someday we'll have Medicare-for-Everyone and nobody will have to waste their time talking about and stressing over health insurance.