Intrinsic severe stenosis? Translation please!

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Aug 22, 2011
I found out I had crohns 2 weeks ago (through CT) and had my first colonoscopy today... still feeling hung over. The GI gave me a print out with these little pictures on it. It says "intrinsic severe stenosis that was non-transversed of the ileocecal valve". Also some sessile polyps were removed. Can someone translate what that stenosis means? I'm supposed to be starting Humira plus another med next week.

Don't you love their jargon! Severe stenosis means substantial narrowing. The narrowing seems to be at the terminal ileum (last part of small intestine.) It puts you at risk of obstruction. The ileocecal valve is the valve that opens and closes at the last part of the small intestine, where it joins the large intestine. The phrase "non-traversed" is a bit of an odd one but I am guessing it means that the narrowing is not directly across the valve....
Sessile polyps are a flatter type of polyp which can occur fairly commonly in the colon.
Ask the doc to clarify all this. Good luck.
Hi Amanda,

To add a little, many here refer to stenosis as "stricture" so if you see that in a thread or search for it, it's the same thing.
The stenosis is probably caused by bowel wall thickening due to the inflammation caused by crohns, medication is sometimes used to treat this but on occasions if it is severe it is irreversible and requires surgery. A small bowel series would determine the length and severity of the stricture.
To me non traversed of the ileo-caecal valve would mean it is contained within the terminal ileum.

Dusty. xxx
Thank y'all so much for explaining! Is there a "typical" med that usually pairs with Humira? Just so I can google it and come up with any questions for the GI before the appointment.

Probably immunosupressant 6mp (Purinethol). They often add this to enhance the effect of the Humira but it takes a few months to build up to a therapeutic dose in your body.