Introduce myself. parent of 19yo crohns sufferer

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Dec 13, 2013
Hello all.
I have spent many sleepless nights lately reading this forum and telling my son (Josh) about it from time to time when he has the strength.
Our story began almost 3 months ago. Because he is living away from home my husband and I weren't aware of how sick he was getting. Our son is 18, turning 19 on Christmas day also has anxiety which has made this harder. Around 6 weeks ago he attended the ER via ambulance. After doing virtually nothing he was sent home...the doctor telling him he was going through drug withdrawal (he has been honest to the doctor and us about his use of pot). He then had to find his own way home at 11:30pm living 45minutes from the hospital and still very unwell.
During the next 4 weeks his health deteriorated substantially. He was barely able to eat, had non stop diarrhoea and lost 20kgs in only a couple of weeks. Eventually a relative virtually dragged him to the doctor (his anxiety and humiliation from the hospital had prevented him from going sooner). Blood tests were ordered. As soon as they came back a few days later he was ordered to go to the ER first thing in the morning, that they will be expecting him. I had argued with him all afternoon about coming down to him. He didn't want me to come down and be worried. Eventually the adult relative realised what was going on and told me about it. She assumed I knew he was very sick. I immediately drove down to be with him.
We attended the ER the following morning. Josh could barely get out of the car, he was so weak. The doctors and nurses didn't hesitate to begin testing and begin administering IV fluids. By nightfall this day (Wednesday) he had begun to deteriorate further and required 4 blood transfusions. A colonoscopy and gastroscopy was scheduled for the following day (Thursday). The doctors were already confident that he had Crohns disease or Ulcerative Colitis. Several medications had been started mostly intravenously at this stage. They did have to be increased because of the pain. The tests came back confirming Crohns Disease.
After 6 days in hospital he was released and came home with us (around 2 1/2 hours from where he lives).
Within a few days of our son being home, smiling and eating well he began to slip backwards again. He became very lethargic, pale, the diarrhoea began to get worse again, he was eating lesd, his pain increased and he began to bleed again. At 6am on Monday (16th Dec ) we attended the ER where a myriad of tests were taken, fluids administered and he was admitted to hospital. He was given many IV medications as well as what he already was on. A local Gastroenterologist (who was not even on call) had heard our son, Josh, was admitted and said he would be there at 5:30pm to do another colonoscopy to see what was going on.
The news was not good. Josh has Crohns Disease through virtually all of his large bowel and at least 5cm of the small intestine. There are many large ulcers, some of which had almost perforated the outer bowel lining. There were many ulcers throughout the bowel at various stages of healing, some of which had recently stopped bleeding.
The doctor is doubtful that Josh will have many stages of remission and if he does it is likely it won't last long. Discussion about removing the bowel has already started but for now other medications will be tried.
We are hoping with all our might that the crohns settles enough for him to have some sort of normality in his life even if only to put some weight on and regain strength.

That's our story so far. I'm about to shower and go in to him. It's around 7:30am here in Australia.
What a wonderful Christmas present all those years ago.
I'm so sorry about all the problems. Poor young man.
Removing bowels of crohn's patients is never done lightly.
So if it was needed it would be needed.
Did they say what meds will be tried?
Yes he was a wonderful Christmas present when he came into our world. I will bring back the list of his medications and post once I'm back home. Internet reception at the hospital is terrible. We have slow enough internet in Australia as it is!
I'll be a few hours. Talk soon.
All my positive thoughts going your way and to Josh. It is very early stages yet and it can be very overwhelming physically, emotionally and also information wise for Josh and yourselves. Take a few deep breaths and take things one step at a time.

I am 25, live in Sydney and diagnosed with indeterminate colitis (now possible crohns) just over 10 years ago. I have had my large bowel removed and been on more drugs than Keith Richards probably. If you or your son need to talk please let me know - I am happy to listen to any concerns you have. The treatments and options for those with Crohns has really made giant leaps, so I hope your son can find the one that works for him quickly and he can go back to feeling healthy and happy.
Thank you very much. It will be lovely talking to some in Australia (although I love the rest of the world ). I will read out your message to him. I'm sure hecwill begin with questions soon.
I'm glad that you've found this forum. You will find not only the best support here, but also great information to use and discuss with your specialists.

I know you will begin to find the answers. Many ((((hugs)))).
Just wanted to send you and your son a hug! He has gone through so much. I hope you have found a good doctor to work with. Have you looked at some of the treatment forums? The more you read the better. Will be keeping my fingers crossed that he starts to improve quickly.
Welcome to the forum. I'm so sorry about the terrible time your son is going through. I am sure you are feeling very stressed. My son was dx'd in March at age 8, but our experience has not been as severe as yours. I am glad your son is now getting the treatment he needs. It may take some time getting him back to feeling well, but you will get there. Take care!
CrohnsMumAu, I am so sorry about your son's illness. I too have a 20 year old daughter who was diagnosed with indeterminate Crohns/Colitis in May. It has been very difficult for her, with the pain and bleeding. She is suffering her 2nd C- Diff infection. The first one in October landed her in the hospital for 10 days. She lost so much weight. This time we are treating her with the meds at home.
I make her a lot of protein shakes that are easy to digest and are helping her gain back the weight. Do you have a nutritionist that can help him find foods that will restore his energy and weght gain?
This forum is invaluable for gaining support and knowledge. I would be lost without it! He will find health again. ((((hugs))))
I'm sorry to hear about your boy. My 19 yo niece has Crohn's, classed as severe by the docs. She was 12 when diagnosed and had significant inflammation throughout the large intestine. I just wanted to reassure you that your son can get better. I know you are overwhelmed at the moment, but if you want to discuss doctors we have seen in Melbourne, let me know. I truly wish your son a speedy recovery and long remission.

Sorry you had to find us. Another Victoria parent, my 18 year old daughter was dx with Crohn's almost 2 years ago. We live in south east Melbourne.

Glad he had a relative looking out for him.
Back in 2010 thru my son's soccer coach at the time I was put into contact with his relative that had UC. He is the Remicade Rep in this area and was also using the medication. He told me his story. He said that he was in pretty bad shape when he discovered his diagnosis. He was an adult. He said the doctors were also talking about removing his colon. He was put on Remicade. He said he immediately improved. He said a year later his bowel was in great shape. He didn't have to have the surgery. At the time I talked to him he was on his 5th year with Remicade and he was on the 8 week schedule. (He had a good response to Remicade). I haven't talked to him since Jan 2011. Don't lose hope just yet.
Welcome to the forum. So sorry for your son's suffering. And yours too
I'm so sorry that your son has been through so much! :( Hopefully, with treatment, he can soon begin to see some improvement! Similar to what Brian'sMom said, my aunt was in terrible shape when she was diagnosed and, even after diagnosis, had a hard time getting into remission but, she then was put on remicade and imuran and saw huge improvement. She's now been in remission for 10-15 years and living an active, happy life!

It is overwhelming at the beginning, so much information being given to you and decisions to be made! :eek: This forum has many, many knowledgeable and supportive members - do take advantage and come and ask questions!! :ghug: We have all been in your shoes (as well as in your son's shoes) - do not hesitate to ask questions, share concerns, etc.

I don't have any experience with surgery and my son has not been in a situation where it had to be considered, however, before moving ahead with this, I would very likely request a second opinion. BUT, this is only assuming your son's health can tolerate the delay in getting a second opinion!!!

Please also ask the GI about exclusive enteral nutrition - this is a temporary liquid only diet. The formula is designed to provide all necessary nutrition and is very easily digested thereby allowing bowel rest. It is often used to try to induce remission but, if your son's case is severe, I'm not sure how successful it would be in inducing remission but it will offer him some bowel rest and nutrition.

let us know how Josh is doing. :ghug:
I tried to reply twice. I either took too long or my wifi dropped out. It's a bit unwell lately too lol. I'm way too exhausted to re-write it again from my phone. I'll do it it tomorrow on the computer. I probably won't wake until lunch time. We sent our 15yo daughter to Melb to stay with her 23yo brother until they come up next week. It gives me the opportunity to focus on Josh without any concerns about neglecting her.Josh came home from hospital yesterday, a few days sooner than expected. He's so tired at home though. He wakes in the morning and has breakfast with dad before he goes to work then crawls into bed next to me and sleeps until I wake. Yesterday it was midday. Saturday will most likely be the same depending on how many neighbours decide to mow and use all their motorised tools early because of how hot it's been.
Goodnight my lovely, kind hearted new friends. Have a fabulous weekend xx
Hi and welcome. Sorry to hear about your son! Really hope they manage to get him feeling a bit better once meds kick in.