Irritation and bleeding stoma

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Mar 9, 2011
irritation and bleeding stoma

Just wondering if any one can give me some "stoma care" advice.

I went to change the wafer on Gab's last night and it's really red around it and some bleeding. It doesn't look much better today.
Is there something we're doing wrong? Or better there something we can do to ease the pain from it until I can get a hold of the nurses tomorrow ??

Thanks in advance
We're still so new at this :ytongue:

p.s. I have a picture of it if that would help...I could pm it to someone ??
I've had that before...the main thing I did was make sure it was really dry before I put the new flange on. I also left the flange off for about an hour or so just to let it breathe. Not sure if that's an option for you though...with my colostomy my stool is really hard so I just have to catch it in a piece of toilet paper and flush I can walk around with Oscar hanging out if I need

Hopefully someone else will have some better advice for you!
Thanks Cindy...

I guess I should have mentioned she has an Ileostomy, and it's less than a month old, and there's no way we can let it have any free time right now! LOL He's a really, really, active baby to say the least!
We have been trying to make sure it is very dry before we replace it though :)
Could be a few things that are happening - but start with the simple first. Is output getting on her skin from a poor seal around the stoma?

You can tell if this is the case when you remove the wafer if there is output trapped under the wafer and on the skin. Could the hole in the wafer be too big? I cut my own hole and could never get it perfect, so an Adapt ring solved this problem for me.

Next, I would think about a possible alleregic reaction to that brand wafer - or maybe just to the tape on the wafer. They make tape-less wafers for people that are allergic to the tape.

If not the above, I have also read a bit about fungal infections, etc, but I've never had that. There are various prescription and over the counter powders to treat this.

Many people recomend ostomy powder when the skin is raw. It is soothing and absorbs mosture. Another good thing is Cavilon no sting barrier wipes or spray. If forms a plastic like coating over the skin, protecting it and letting it heal. Some people like to put it over the powder. I like the wipes - just dap it to the skin and the liquid coating runs out over the skin and drys in a minute or two. Other people like the spray version.

Good luck getting is solved!
Thanks Joe...

I do know it leaked a little, but we changed it as soon as she realized it. I have been cutting them myself as well because it is still healing.
I bought the Hollister Adapt rings, but last night was the first night we used them. I bought them because I saw another post of yours and I had a feeling Gab may be having a small allergy in the beginning. We shall see if those new ones help.

When you cut the rings...and then put the adapt ring the adapt ring supposed to be as close to the cut hole as possible? I mean should u be able to actually see it after its on? or not? does that make sense ?
I usually run my finger around the hole after I put the adapt ring on to make the hole is smooth...sometimes i think if it was a little overlapped tho it may actually help a bit w/ possible leakage ?

And also...last night was the first that I discovered the powders that were sent home with us. I read the directions on the bottle and put that on. Hopefully it will help.

Thanks for your quick reply.
I love the Mayo clinc, but it kinda stinks that we live over an hour away and can't just pop in quickly. And the home nurses they sent to us from our area....I'll just say this...I know more then they do ! :ywow:
I know some people do put the Adapt ring on the wafer first and then apply both to the skin together. But I put the Adapt ring directly on my skin first. I just enlarge the hole slightly and fit it snugly around my stoma. Then I press, press, press all around with my thumbs using the wax paper it came in to prevent it from sticking to my fingers. Next I apply my wafer on top and press some more.
What a great Idea ! Thanks! I didn't know it was ok to do it that way...

I literally just finished changing it again about 5 mins a go. I told her every 2-3 days until we make sure it's healing and doing better. And, while it's not completely better has improved a lot! So I must have done something right the night before last !
I also called the Mayo clinic and they moved her Ostomy Clinic appointment to tomorrow morning .. thank goodness :eek:

Thanks a bunch Joe ! I sincerely appreciate your help! :)