So, my main frustration is that we still don't understand what causes IBD. I think the latest understanding is that it is a combination of genetics (susceptibility) and environment (diet/carcinogens) and a trigger (bacterial infection). So, your child would be susceptible, but there's no smoking gun here. We had no family history when our son was diagnosed, only to later learn one of my husband's adult cousins was dx'ed just 2 years prior.
As for what to look for, I would say mainly, keep up with the yearly physicals, with a sharp eye on maintaining the current growth chart curve for both height and weight. Look for low energy and paleness and followup with a simple inflammation blood check with any prolonged (month+) stomach pain, diarrhea, bleeding, anemia. Emphasize good diet and exercise habits, and try to minimize stress. And as Dusty said, trust your instincts. My son's pediatrician thought my son would be much more ill and mistakenly, wasn't concerned. It can be very hidden, but in hindsight, growth failure and low energy levels were a huge red flag we were missing. Best of luck!