Is it a flare up

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 23, 2015
I was diagnosed with crohn's in june but I have been in denial ever since. What I would like to know is I have been feeling unwell with a slight temperature, pain in my lower right abdomen also I have several mouth ulcers and I have a swollen elbow and pain in my hips could this be a flare up as I don't really know much about crohn's. :sign0085:
Hi and welcome.

It certainly takes time to adjust to this disease. That's will adjust.

All the symptoms you're describing could be a flare. Please don't ignore it; call the doctor.

I hope you feel better soon.
Hi there, and welcome Mouth ulcers often are part of having Crohns. You can get a spray to help this. Please do not ignore your symptoms but speak to your doctor about how you feel. Ask questions, it helps/ take good care of yourself. Let me know how you are.
Hi thanks for your reply I am seeing my Dr tomorrow so will discuss this with him. At the moment I am vomiting after eating as I have pyloric stenosis & wall thickening of the duodenum which they want to do a operation to cure it but I'm not sure about as it scares me also I have thickening of the terminal ileum and I'm just so scared I don't know what to do:cry:
We are all in support. Ask your doctor if there is any alternative and if not you might want to go for the surgery.
Hi I have already had a dilatation which did not work so the only option left is a operation to bypass the duodenum I have already seen the surgeon about this and he has given me a short time to consider this as they are afraid I will have a complete gastric outflow obstruction.
Hi my Dr seems to think it is a flare up and he says I also have an infection which he has given me some antibiotics he thinks it would be a good idea for me to ring my IBD nurse and talk to her about it but as I am still in denial about having crohns I don't want to do that but i am seeing my therapist on Monday and will speak to him about things.
Ok I will give her a call tomorrow because my next appointment with her is not until Jan next year and I don't see my gastro Dr until Feb.
Well I spoke to my IBD nurse today and she wants me on medication as so far I have not been given anything the reason for this was because my TPMT is very low my gastroenterologist said I couldn't take what he wanted to give me and also I am needle phobic so methotrexate was not a option so he suggested infliximab which I have to think about and was going to discuss it with him when I see him next Feb but the nurse wants me on something sooner rather than later so she is going to have a chat with him so I just have to wait and see what I am offered.
As I have not accepted that I have crohn's I doubt I will take any pills for it also I have a problem of overdosing on my anxiety & depression meds so the infusions would be better for me but the IBD nurse want's me on pentasa.
Hey poppypoppops

There is a mental health support section on this forum, you are certainly not alone in this. I imagine there are not many people you can talk to at home who would understand your diagnosis and what it means to you. So please use this forum to find buddies and ask questions. We are all in this together!

I suppose by finding this forum and telling us what is up you are on the way to "accepting" your diagnosis. We all have to live with it, some accept it better than others. Personally I am very relieved to be on medication that has stopped the symptoms. Although my case is not very severe, I found it very difficult to be ill all day, every day, for months (years) on end. That is physically and mentally exhausting.

I hope you will find a medicine that suits you. I am a bit concerned that the GI has let you go with no treatment, ask the IBD nurse to follow you up so that you do have some regular support. If they don't know about the joint aches then you should tell them.

Once you do get treatment and start to feel better I am sure you will notice the difference and that will spur you on.

Good luck
Hey poppypoppops

There is a mental health support section on this forum, you are certainly not alone in this. I imagine there are not many people you can talk to at home who would understand your diagnosis and what it means to you. So please use this forum to find buddies and ask questions. We are all in this together!

I suppose by finding this forum and telling us what is up you are on the way to "accepting" your diagnosis. We all have to live with it, some accept it better than others. Personally I am very relieved to be on medication that has stopped the symptoms. Although my case is not very severe, I found it very difficult to be ill all day, every day, for months (years) on end. That is physically and mentally exhausting.

I hope you will find a medicine that suits you. I am a bit concerned that the GI has let you go with no treatment, ask the IBD nurse to follow you up so that you do have some regular support. If they don't know about the joint aches then you should tell them.

Once you do get treatment and start to feel better I am sure you will notice the difference and that will spur you on.

Good luck
Hi I see a Clinical Psychologist every Monday to help with my mental health issues and he is trying to help me come to terms with the crohn's that they say i have i will also check out the support on here.

My IBD nurse wants another stool test to check faecal calprotectin to see if it has gone down as last time it was at >1800.

My GI did prescribe Prednisolone but that made my mental health worse so i had to stop taking them that was in july and i haven't has anything since as he was waiting till after i had seen the surgeon which i saw in sept and he want's to do a Laparoscopic Roux-en-y Gastorjejunostomy which i have refused at the moment as i don't have any symptons of crohn's which is why i do not believe i have it but all the tests and scans i have had show that i do so its like a tug of war in my head.

Thanks for all your support it really helps
Can they try EEN ( formula only no solids food)?
Works as well as steroids in kids
No side effects
Typically EEN is 6-8 weeks

Modulen is used in the UK
Might be worth asking your Gi about

Also partial en with crohns exclusive diet
Drink calories 50% formula and 50% from a restrictive list of foods

As effective as steroids in some

My kiddo is on it long term

Thread describing the crohns exclusive diet

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