Is it always going to hurt?

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Jun 6, 2011
So for the most part as long as I take my medicine I stay reletivly symptoms free. Mornings are worse and the couple of days before my cycle I get worse(sorry maybe tmi) but theres always a constant, no matter how religiously I take my meds. Right before I have to use the bathroom I get cramps and pain on my left side, sometimes almost so bad that I want to cry or vomit. After I empty my bowels I feel reletivly better, maybe some residual pain but it's not as bad. :confused2: I'm just confused...with my medicine I should be reletivly symptom free right? Is it normal to always be in pain before going to the bathroom? My stool is soft, looks to be normal color (some red mixed in which I always chalked up to lialda not digesting very well but I'm starting to think it's blood) I'm only going roughly 3-5 times a day, I'm not eating as much as usual only about 1 meal a day. I don't know :sign0085:
Anything black or red I would bring up with my GI doc. No constant pain or always having pain before a bowel movement is not normal and should also be brought up with the GI. You probably need to have your dosage changed if not have another med added so you can get your condition under control better.
I agree with checking with your doc, but I will say that even when I'm 'Crohn's free' and 'not flaring', I still suffer with the before poo pain and post poo residual pain. I was 'healthy' for 8 years and still suffered with those problems on a daily basis.

I also noticed that my Crohn's got better and worse according to my cycle. I suffer with ovarian cysts, but my Crohn's really got cranky that time of the month, even when I was 'healthy'.

So absolutely check with your doc, but also know that there might sometimes still be residual issues when you're not flaring.
Hiya - I agree - hormones make my crohns worse too - welcome to the club lol. I think when we have a diagnosis of crohns all aches and pains and problems are shoved under the banner and we put up with a lot more pain than we maybe should. Its not really normal to be in pain but I admit even when in remission I still get aches and pains. I think if it becomes a problem for you then it needs mentioning to your GI and maybe they can look at your meds or diet again.
Thanks everyone. At first I fingured it was just residual pain but sometimes it hurts pretty badly like it's still a little inflammed and tenderI feel odd bringing it up to my GI though because he looks at me a little condecendingly like it should be working for me but I'm doing something wrong. I also feel weird because on 25 mg of 6mp I told him I was doing great on it nothing was going wrong, no blood, no pain ect...really i've been dealing with this all along...I'm not sure but ill be sure to let him know

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