Is it Crohns?

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Nov 23, 2011

I am prepping for my colonoscopy tomorrow (fun times.... NOT) and I was just thinking... I will definitly ask my doctor tomorrow, but I wanted to pick someones brain for a minute.

Since April of this year, I have had a real bad issue with back pain... Lower back mostly, and neck pain too... Does Crohn's cause back pain from inflammation?

Also, this may be stretching it, but my nose is stuffy ALL the time, I can barely breathe through my nose without Afrin Nasal Spray, I literally have to keep a bottle of it with me at ALL times... I buy a bottle once every 5 days or so... I know using so much Nasal Spray is bad, but its the only thing that allows me to breathe...

Anyways, can inflammation of the nose (causing me not to breathe) and the back pain I've been experiencing be related and tied together to Crohn's Disease? The back pain has mostly gone away since I've had the terrible abdominal pain, but I am just wondering if this is all related?

Thanks everyone for your help, like I said, I will talk with my doctor tomorrow, but I'm up all night prepping for this thing, so I wanted to post and here peoples thoughts...

Thanks :)
when I was first having problems I turned to some Eastern medicine docs, since Western and found out some interesting facts:
1. If your stomach is in distress, it will be on the opposite side as well (i.e., back pain)
2. Allergies are a result of stomach distress. I grew up in a family of everyone having hay fever, etc. only to learn as an adult that it was actually my stomach causing it. When I treated my stomach with herbs, probiotics, digestive enzymes, my allergies went away! I am now the only one in my family of 8 that does NOT have allergy symptoms any longer! I am also the only one who treated my stomach as noted.
3. Begin belly rubs daily (looking down, take palm of hand to right of navel, go up, around to left side of stomach and back around to right; in a full circle). This will encourage blood circulation in the colon (ascending to desending). It may be painful at first and eventually ease up and you will fall asleep if someone does it to you.
4. Make sure you are getting some form of exercise every day (even if it is only a walk). You need to get your blood circulating, so your body will heal itself.
5. Yes, it is related. I discovered this in my healing journey over 10 years ago and my second colonoscopy confirmed I got rid of the Crohns! Keep working at it!
Actually using to much nasal spray causes inflammation in your nasal cavities which causes an addiction to nasal sprays. Try to use an alternative treatment like breath right strips to open the cavities. After the use of sprays stop the inflammation should go away.
Thank you both for your responses. Yeah, I know about the nasal spray, and I am pretty sure I am addicted to it :(

Well, got the colonoscopy done... They found a very large polyp and removed it... Will hear more in 2 weeks at the followup.

Thanks all!

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