Is it possible to be misdiagnosed?

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Jan 18, 2015

I recently was diagnosed with Crohn's. It felt simultaneously relieving and scary to finally get some answers to the pain I am in. Problem is, I don't feel like I have nearly as much trouble with my symptoms as others I have read about. I initially took that as a blessing, yet I wonder if I was misdiagnosed?

The pains started when I was about 16. With no rhyme or reason I'd get waves of burning that would move from my upper abdomen, then fade out as they moved downwards. The waves would last about 15-30 seconds, in which time I would get goosebumps, immediate fatigue, and nausea. I could have these once every couple minutes for weeks on end, or I wouldn't have them at all for months. Once it went away I was fine. After a few months I just wrote it off as lactose intolerance, and once I cut out dairy (which I craved and still do) the pains went away. I'm now 27 and after 9 years, though I am still off dairy, the pains came back with a vengeance. I never really suffered any painful bowel movements aside from random diarrhea and constipation, but who is to say what is not normal when yours is the only body you're used to being in? I really don't go any more frequently than I think is normal.

I went to my GP thinking it was an ulcer, but lo-and-behold, after lots of tests (blood, 3 ultrasounds, a CT, an endoscopy and a colonoscopy) they told me it was Crohn's. I do feel tired all the time and my moods are unstable, but it's hard to tell why, and I never thought it could be my stomach until now. I've had painful sores in my mouth and on my tongue, a small amount of blood in the stool, I have had vomiting during bowel movements, and the pain waves. However, I have had no weight loss or suppressed appetite, and I have never felt debilitated by this illness as suggested by the sad looks I get from people who hear about my diagnosis. Should I be more wary? Should I expect these days to come along eventually? I'm a bit paranoid after reading stories from other patients and otherwise would not have thought much of this diagnosis!

Crohns is extremely variable on how it presents to us all.the colonoscopy is probably the best one for diagnosis so I,d run with what your doctor thinks,weight loss isn't,t a given with crohns I,m a tubbie crohnie and there's quite a few like me in my clinic,side effect of meds?don,t know,I can lose 18lbs in 3 days if I have a bad don,t want bad spells so do what your doctor recommends.
The friends who give the knowing sad looks probably don,t have a clue about crohns I hadn't,t even heard of it,like many long term illnesses treat with caution but with minor and maybe not so minor alterations you,ll be fine.
Thank you for taking time to reply! During the length of all my medical tests I was not suffering any symptoms so I am surprised they were able to see anything. I was sure I was wasting my time. I guess it is always active whether we feel it or not?
As Axel has said the way Crohn’s presents can vary very widely and not everyone suffers with weight loss or loss of appetite just as my kids never had the common symptoms of blood and diarrhoea.

I know there are others here that have had next to no symptoms only to find themselves with a diagnosis of Crohn’s. But generally a scope with biopsies is the gold standard of diagnosis and if the biopsies did confirm Crohn’s then it is very likely that is what you have. :ghug: And certainly the symptoms you have now would support that diagnosis.
Yes, it certainly is possible to have inflammation with no symptoms.

It is always possible to be misdiagnosed but it would be far more common to be misdiagnosed on the way to a diagnosis of Crohn’s, as many here can attest to, rather than the other way round. :ghug:

Dusty. xxx
Well I consider myself lucky, then! I've only been on this site for 24 hours and I already feel such a sense of community that I know I can fall back on should anything worsen. Your replies mean so much to me :)
I was diagnosed at age 26, and had no symptoms at all, except a fistula which was thought to be a cyst at first. I went for a procedure to remove a cyst, and woke up with the news that it's wasn't what they thought and I had an appointment for a colonoscopy. That same week, the colonoscopy confirmed crohns. So, then, another 13yrs went by with no symptoms, then went through a very bad flare up. I didn't listen to the first Dr, stopped taking meds within 6 months. Makes me wonder if I'd of listened and followed up as I should have, if I'd of gone through that bad spell.
Whatever you do, whether you have symptoms or not, follow up with your Dr.
Take it easy, crohns can be exhausting. No body seems to understand that part ;)

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