Is it related to Crohns if the body stops producing semen?

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Nov 21, 2012
I've recently been diagnosed with Crohns. About 6-8 weeks ago my body stopped producing semen. Does anyone know why this might be? Is it related to the Crohns at all? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.:sign0085:
I wouldn't say directly related - however certain medications can cause issues with that. Best thing is to get checked by a doctor.
I wouldn't say directly related - however certain medications can cause issues with that. Best thing is to get checked by a doctor.

Thanks Pasobuff. I've mentioned it a few times to the Doctors and the specialists but non of them seem to take much interest or be able to offer me any suggestions either. I'll continue trying though, I'm back at the Doctors on monday so I'll say again then.
I think it is related to just being diseased in general, rather than crohn's specific (i.e your body starts to shut down some functions if it is fighting disease elsewhere in the body). I know I have had similar problems during a flare. Prednisolone may also be a contributing factor as well I think as I've noticed similar things while on that. I also noticed I had problems getting "it" up on occasions and a lack of sex drive during the same period. All related I guess. Although these issues didn't last more than a couple of weeks for me, so you should probably get checked out especially if it's still a problem once your crohn's symptoms subside or you are off the prednisolone.
I think it is related to just being diseased in general, rather than crohn's specific (i.e your body starts to shut down some functions if it is fighting disease elsewhere in the body). I know I have had similar problems during a flare. Prednisolone may also be a contributing factor as well I think as I've noticed similar things while on that. I also noticed I had problems getting "it" up on occasions and a lack of sex drive during the same period. All related I guess. Although these issues didn't last more than a couple of weeks for me, so you should probably get checked out especially if it's still a problem once your crohn's symptoms subside or you are off the prednisolone.

Hi Heisenberg, thanks for your reply. I think it does feel like due to the intense severity of the untreated flare ups I've been experiencing the body has been putting all it has into them. I only started on the treatment 3 days ago, but I had been taking a lot of Co-dydramol which may have contributed. I'll continue to pursue it with the specialists though, as it doesn't appear to be the norm with crohns.
Welcome Cosmo,

And sorry you are going through this. What are all of the medications you are taking? If you have the time, try to research side effects of your meds, both short term and long term effects. Medications can definitely have an impact on your lower region when it comes to things like arousal and other reproductive system functions. I have noticed this to be a common situation for many women on here with IBD so I wouldn't rule out one or more of the meds contributing to your situation as well.

Keep trying to create dialogue with your doctors and if they can't or won't give you answers, there's nothing wrong with finding a second or third opinion if needed.
Well, one bizarre possibility is that a fistula intersected vas, or seminal tract someplace. It's a long shot (no pun intended). Overall health, diet, meds, depression, could be the culprit as well (individually or jointly).

Are you able to get it up? Are you able to achieve orgasm despite the fact nothing is coming out. Certain drugs can do that, one in particular is called Silodyx (Silodosin), it's used to treat BPH and being studied for use as male birth control.
Well, one bizarre possibility is that a fistula intersected vas, or seminal tract someplace. It's a long shot (no pun intended). Overall health, diet, meds, depression, could be the culprit as well (individually or jointly).

Thanks for your reply Kev. I'm new to all this and have only just looked up what a fistula actually is... and guess what, I've been exeriencing most of the symptoms! I'm due and MRI scan on the 18th December. Do you know if a Fistula would show up on this? Thanks again.

Are you able to get it up? Are you able to achieve orgasm despite the fact nothing is coming out. Certain drugs can do that, one in particular is called Silodyx (Silodosin), it's used to treat BPH and being studied for use as male birth control.

Hi Wooddy(appropriate username for this thread). Yes I am able to have erection and also achieve orgasm with nothing coming out. I've not taken any Silodyx, and I only started the Mesalasine and the steroids 4 days ago, so still a bit baffled by it. Thanks for your help though.
Welcome Cosmo,

And sorry you are going through this. What are all of the medications you are taking? If you have the time, try to research side effects of your meds, both short term and long term effects. Medications can definitely have an impact on your lower region when it comes to things like arousal and other reproductive system functions. I have noticed this to be a common situation for many women on here with IBD so I wouldn't rule out one or more of the meds contributing to your situation as well.

Keep trying to create dialogue with your doctors and if they can't or won't give you answers, there's nothing wrong with finding a second or third opinion if needed.

Thanks for the Welcome. The meds I'm taking should now come up on my signature, I have only just started on the mesalazine and Prednisolone 4 days ago, but unfortunately I've been up at 4am the last two evenings with bad flare ups. I'm continuing to take co-dydramol as it seems to take the edge off slightly.

After reading about fistula I get impression it may be connected with that. Would there be any other reason I experience mucous from the anus do you know?
Been up since 5am, surely shouldn't be in this much pain even after starting treatment:pale:
If I have got a fistula, would it not have shown up in the colonoscopy I had last week? Does anyone know if the MRI scan I'm due to have in December would show up a fistula? Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated
It may have shown up, but they may also have delayed telling you until all the information from the procedure is in. Then again, your doc may just be a dweeb and not said anything. My previous GI left me in agony for half a year while waiting for remicade with fistulas and severe narrowing in my anus with no treatment - nothing for pain, nothing to deal with the problems. He also didn't tell me about a hiatal hernia. Hopefully they were just planning on dealing with everything at once. Here's hoping that your meds take effect shortly.
First off, my fistula hypothesis is probably not what is going on... Fistulas do happen, and whether or not they might be seen in a scope... I dunno. I heard/read someplace that if you took the entire intestinal tract out of a human, and spread it out, it would cover 2 1/2 tennis courts... it is only about 26 feet long in total, but the furrows, ridges, etc., give it a much larger area than you would think possible. Now, if a fistula did develop internally, and started deep within a furrow or wrinkle... it might be missed in a scope. The chances that it would form, and grow to hit a vas or duct, seems to me pretty remote. Now, based on sheer proximity, it might tap into the prostrate... and I suspect that would affect semen output. Maybe it isn't such an 'off the wall' idea after all. I would think that an MRI, or even a simple ultra sound, would detect it. (But this is another wild assed guess).
Cosmo, hang in there buddy!


There is a very good possibility that your hypothesis is correct. Besides taking a very specific type of drug for prostrate problems that reliably causes retrograde ejaculation, and as far as I know there is only one (silodosin), which Cosmo says he is not taking, the most likely explanation must be that the semen is being diverted through a fistula into his colon and he recognizes it as mucus. Mixed in the same mucus that might be evident in a typical flare.

He is able to get it up and achieve orgasm. If that is happening and nothing is coming out and he's not on a drug that attenuates that response, I think its likely our friend Cosmo might have a free method of birth control like it or not, it should be addressed asap.

Cosmo, keep us posted man.

good luck!
Hi Guys, thanks for taking the time to share all your thoughts and suggestions with me, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

Things have been slightly better over the last couple of days, not so much waking up with inflamation but I seem to be having an awkward couple of hours after taking the prednisolone in the morning. Is this normal do you know? It feels like my intestines are still trying to get used to them a bit, but it does seem to settle down for the day after a couple of Co-dydramol.

I'm back at my doctors tomorrow for my first week review of treatment, I'll be sure to inform him of the possible fistula symptoms. But like Shamrock says, they may have seen already and be delaying in telling me until my first biopsies come back, just have to wait and see. I wasn't even going to be able to start treatment until those results were back! It was only due to a sympathetic Doctor that started me prior results.

I have had my urine tested and also my prostrate checked by my Doctor's finger, he said he had no concerns after having a feel.

Thanks again you guys, in time I'd like to be in a position where I'm able to share my experience, strength and hope with newcomers just as you folk do:hug:
I had my first weeks traetment review and the Doc has started me on Prednisolene reduction of 5mg a week for the next 5 weeks. I told him about my other symptoms and he has referred me to a gastroentologist to let him be more of a final judge of what is actually going on and what tests or treatment I may require (here's hoping anyway).

On the plus side the Prednisolene and the Pentasa I'm now on seem to have taken the intense edge off making life a little more manageable.
