Is this exacerbated by menstruation

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Mar 26, 2011
I have not been diag w/ crohn's or ibd, but this may be my issue. I have endometriosis and have been taking bioidentical progesterone for close to 18mos now. During my period, I have issues with my digestive system shutting down and only mucous coming out. It used to be so bad that I usually looked like I was about 4 mos pregnant and was unable to stand up straight and had to stop eating for a day or more. It is much better now after taking iodine and indole 3-carbinol.

I am wondering if other females find that their symptoms - particularly excessive mucous production - is worse during menstruation? I originally thought that I had endo on my intestines, but ,now, I'm not sure b/c my period would be fine if it weren't for the mucous issue.

I'm undiagnosed with IBD as well, and may have "just" IBS. In any case, my entire life has proved that menstruation = bad guts, no exceptions. It's extremely common amongst the general population, as far as I can tell, with every woman having their own range of symptoms. Mine generally goes; food intolerance > bloat > flatulence (burning) > constipation > period starts > diarrhea for two days > more flatulence > and surprise symptoms may follow.

You're not alone. You may want to look up IBS and post on that forum as well. More females get IBS than males, and mucus is a common sign of it.
Okay, thanks. Yes, mine is usually okay until about day 4 then all of the sudden it's the weird mucous thing w/ a constant, overwhelming feeling that I have to go. Then it all goes back to normal on the last day of my period. Except this time, we went to KFC (two days after my period ended)and I hope I never go back ever again. They must fry their stuff in something highly estrogenic like canola, safflower, or sunflower oil b/c I had the mucous w/ diarrhea and some minor spotting :(.
It sounds very IBS/food allergy related. If not, I'd blame the endometriosis. I'd suggest a full gyno workup to see if something might be going on with your lady bits -- endometriosis can adhere to the intestinal lining.
I have endometriosis and my GI is pretty certain I have Crohns since my MRIS show inflammation in my illeum and jujenem. Common places for Crohns. My OBGYN thinks I only have endometriosis though ... so I can understand your concern about what is what...
I find periods are over the top excruciating and make everything worse. I stop eating completely until my period is over. Sorry Im not much help but just wanted you to know you are not alone and that there appears to be a huge connection.
search "endometriosis" A member here Astra started it I think.

take care
It sounds very IBS/food allergy related. If not, I'd blame the endometriosis. I'd suggest a full gyno workup to see if something might be going on with your lady bits -- endometriosis can adhere to the intestinal lining.

Yes, I did have endo on my intestines when I was 17yo which was why I originally thought that maybe I had some endo on there again (getting inflamed during period and squishing my intestines shut - if that's even possible...) but it's not nearly as bad or as painful now as it was a few mos ago. Also, it happens once in a while off of my period, so now Idk what to think. I know my mom has "spastic colon", so maybe I have some sort of IBS type issue as well.
I have endometriosis and my GI is pretty certain I have Crohns since my MRIS show inflammation in my illeum and jujenem. Common places for Crohns.

take care

Did you get a MRI done for your colon? If so, wouldn't that be much cheaper for me to do than a colonoscopy?? My stupid insurance wants me to pay close to $2000 for one :(