IV Benadryl question....

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Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
Hey all - so, I went for my 8 week infusion today - of course there was a new set of nurses who weren't familiar with me or my routine.....they asked me about the benadryl,a nd if I self-medicated.....I said NO - I get it IV....

WELL - their first response was that they DON'T do that!...umm....I told them it was done last time....then I was told they don't even keep Bendryl there - except in the emergency kit.....

Anyway - they ended up using IV Benadryl - which looked kind of cloudy in the syringe....AND - it HURT!

I don't remember it hurting last time, or it being cloudy - is that normal?.....I did have the IV in my right hand vs. the crook of my elbow.....my arm hurt from the IV site up into my elbow...REALLY annoying!
I currently work as a nurse that infuses remicade daily to RA and crohns patients.
We try not to use IV benedryl because it can be very sedating to some people, as well as cause some others to be irritable and jumpy....not a fun side effect.
I am surprised they didn't offer you oral benedryl or zyrtec.
Most patients where I work don't receive benedryl after there first two infusions unless they have experienced reactions.
It can really burn when infused. If they do give it to you IV again asked that it be diluted and there is much less chance of that happening.
I guess it is different for iv iron infusions. I used to get iv benadryl every time I had an infusion. It was clear, not cloudy. And it didn't hurt at all. Just made me go to sleep.:)

I don't remember getting iv benadryl with Remicade, though.
There are a bunch of things that need to be diluted before injection and a lot of nurses and even anesthesiologists don't follow the protocol. I had IV phenergan for my colonoscopies because I get super nauseous with anesthetic. That drug is supposed to be diluted, but the lady didn't and it fried my vein. LIKE FRIED. It was so bad I actually had red marks on my arms (on my skin) from it and my arm hurt for about a week. I was pissed. They told me to watch it and if it started to get worse to come in because I guess it can cause some major complications like gangrene and stuff. I was fine... but I really wish they'd read the pamphlets :)

And the Remicade thing, I always got oral Benedryl. I know one of my friends takes Claritin instead so she doesn't get drowsy.

Going back and reading, it could have been that IV benedryl is supposed to be injected in a larger more central vein like the crook of your elbow. I dunno though. Usually hand veins are smaller.

The reason I get the IV Benadryl is because I asked for it from my GI - I am on limited time when I go for my infusion, and can't take something a half hour before because I am working (the whole drugs/workplace thing)......

I only started getting the Benadryl because of this stupid rash that hasn't gone away - my GI isn't totally convined it isn't related to the Remicade.....

As for getting sleepy - the IV stuff makes me drowsy for about an hour and a half to 2 hours.....I'm wide awake by hour #3......

I'll remember to ask for it to be diluted next time! Also have my IV put in a larger vein like normally is done.....the nurse yesterday said she doesn't really like using the big veins - she'd rather save those...oh well!

Thanks all!
I used IV Benadryl for over a year when all of a sudden I developed a severe allergy to it. Took my breath away. Now I can't use it at all.
My son receives remicade for his JRA and crohn's. Before he gets his infusion , he gets IV benadryl. since the last few infusions, while pushing in his benadryl his veins turn reddish and he says that he feels a burning sensation. It lasts for sometime and then later he feels normal. Has anyone had a similar experience?