From June 27th's interview by WBAI's Robert Knighton the program called 5 O'Clock Shadow, hosting Arnie Gundersen, of Fairewinds Energy Education, Arnie stated: "You know it's interesting cause while the Japanese are allowing fish to be sold now from near Fukushima, South Korea just banned 35 different seafood products from Japan, this is also today. So here in the United States, we have this policy of don't ask, don't tell--we don't ask the Japanese and they don't tell us--but the South Koreans are banning Japanese imports of seafood." They went on to talk about the rigged testing process in Japan which boiled octopus and snails BEFORE radiation testing which then came up "acceptable", and now these products (and probably others) are up for sale as exports. They also spoke of how Alaska/Oregon aren't testing their salmon, though it would be cheap enough, considering the stakes.
Consider hundreds of tons of radioactive water dumped into the ocean with isotopes' half lives ranging in months to decades to longer--isn't sashimi supposed to come from Japan? Anyhow, bluefin tuna have been documented to cross the pacific something like twice a year....All fifteen tuna, caught off the coast of California, 5 months after Fukushima, tested positive for the two isotopes of cesium (134/137) specific to Japan's reactors:
Consider Sci Amer: "Radioactive Iodine from Fukushima Found in California Kelp"--what fish feed on...
It's a lot to take in and the media isn't going to tell people how bad it is, especially considering the extensive list of isotopes which haven't been adequately measured., Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, is taking samples and states: "Over the coming months 16 labs in seven countries will analyze samples for a laundry list of isotopes that includes cesium-134 and -137; strontium-90; iodine-129; tritium; uranium-236; plutonium-239 and -240; rutherium-103 and -106; radium-223, -224, -228, and -226; and neptunium-237. And that will take time."
With each plume released, sometimes people will talk about radioactive iodine (about a month half life?) or cesium (134-10 years; 137-30 years). Filling your thyroid with good iodine MIGHT prevent uptake during releases, just as filling your muscles/bones with a steady supply of potassium MAY possibly prevent uptake of cesium.
Anyhow, I don't mean to piss on anyone's sushi parade but I hope this spurs some thought.