Joint pains out of nowehere??

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Dec 17, 2012
It seems the last month or so I've been suffering from random, out of nowhere joint pains in different places. It's as if the pain just moves from one area of my body to the other. One week I had such bad groin pain I could barely walk. Week after that my ribcage hurt like I had a cracked rib. Then that went away and now my foot feels like someone hit it with a baseball bat and I'm limping around everywhere I go.

Is random joint pain normal with IBD? Currently suffering from Colitis with tests next month to rule out Crohns.
Arthritis is a common concurrent disease with IBD. If you bring it up with your GI doc, they may change your meds to something that covers both IBD and arthritis.
My daughter has Ulcerative Colitis (first *unoficially* diagnosed with Crohn's) and joint pains are one of her problems when she is flaring. She has joint pains in her ankles, knees, hips, and occasionally her elbows or wrists. She never has swelling, and the joints are never warm to the touch. Tyelnol will usually take the pain away, or atleast make it bearable. DEF mention this to your dr, as it is another symptom of both Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis.
I hope you get some relief.
My daughter has pains all over, and I do too to a lesser extent. I've never seen a rhreumatologist that I can remember, but she has. In her case we were specifically told that it was NOT arthritis, but Tylenol still seems to help. (That rheumatologist also expressed some incredulity that Remicade could possibly cause joint pain, so I'm not sure to what extent I trust(ed) her appraisal of things.)
I just started having joint pain in my knees and fingers. It came in after my second Remicade infusion so I was attributing it to that. I was diagnosed with Crohns in Nov.
Joint pain is not uncommon unfortunately. Inflammation can flare in the joints as well as your bowels.

It is a good idea to get your bloods checked for inflammation markers on a regular basis by your GP if your GI isn't monitoring as they should.