My joint pains have dramatically increased with the downturn in my health. I'd always had joint pain before my dx, but it was always related to previous accidents/injuries. Since my dx, my joint pain now extends to my non injured joints, I'm not taking pred at this time, AND my GI's have not been able to make a definitive diagnosis whether I've got UC, Crohn's Colitis or Crohns Disease (it hasn't spread to my ileum yet, and the scarring I have in my remaining colon aren't mature enuff to indicate UC or CC).. It worsens with a flare-up, decreases with activity, and is unaffected by weather.. (something my old joint pains were synomous with - they could predict weather).. The joint pain is tangible... Others CAN feel the heat from the joint inflamation.. My understanding of RA Vs Osteo arthritis is that Rheumatoid Arthritis has a basis as an auto-immune disorder.. The body actually turns on the joint, attacks them as if they were foreign, and will disolve the joints over time.. osteo is typically wear and tear oriented, or a change in the fluid (caused by illness, accident, aging.. etc..). I know that GI docs are able to see impact of IBD on joints, altho I've had no luck so far timing a joint flare-up to coincide with a doctors appointment... My last clinic visit, the GI who examined me knew w/o my telling him which of my joints were causing me the most grief... Anyway, if/when my GI's are able to pigeonhole my IBD as either UC, CC or CD, AND if it turns out to be UC, then that would indicate whether someone with UC not taking steroids can also be affected with increased point pain as part of it, OK?