Just bought my first juicer

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Nov 23, 2012
Nova Scotia, Canada
Hey folks, just bought my first juicer today, and am eager to get this going as I miss my veggies. Words can't describe how much so.

That being said, what should I avoid? In your own experiences, I know it's different for everyone. Also, what are your favorite concoctions?
I juice every morning. I'd suggest to just experiment. I find a little ginger or citrus really makes things taste good. I typically just throw a bunch of stuff in there. I tend to juice a lot of leafy greens since I can't eat many of them (kale, chard, spinach etc). Beets are good. Tumeric. Any fruits.
Have fun experiment. So far nothing has bothered my gut.
A word of warning, it takes a lot of produce to juice a glass. So I use everything, for example: the greens off beets, stalk of broccoli... Buy bulk.
Keep us posted on how it's going.
I juice every morning. I'd suggest to just experiment. I find a little ginger or citrus really makes things taste good. I typically just throw a bunch of stuff in there. I tend to juice a lot of leafy greens since I can't eat many of them (kale, chard, spinach etc). Beets are good. Tumeric. Any fruits.
Have fun experiment. So far nothing has bothered my gut.
A word of warning, it takes a lot of produce to juice a glass. So I use everything, for example: the greens off beets, stalk of broccoli... Buy bulk.
Keep us posted on how it's going.

Hahaha yea man. I just tried to blend some spinach and carrots, and figured why not addi some ginger, eh? I didn't realize how strong ginger was and put too big of a chunk through the juicer. Talk about HOT, couldn't imagine it would be that way.
I tend to use a base of something nice and plain (carrots, celery) and add smaller amounts of the more potent herbs
I'm newly dabbling in juicing as well. I've been using carrots or cucumber with some kind off fruit like pear, apple, or watermelon and then adding some other stuff here and there like kale, beets, or fennel. I probably put way too many different things in there, but so far it's fun and edible (to me if not to my kids).

I was blown away a couple of weeks ago the first time I juiced fresh ginger. A small piece yielded more juice than I thought it would and even diluting a half-teaspoon in a pint of water with lemon made for a seriously spicy drink.

I just found fresh turmeric in a local food coop and am very curious about how that goes.
Do you have any idea how much is a useful "dose" in terms of fighting inflammation?

I use Tumeric in a lot of things: scrambled eggs, soups, tuna, meats/marinades. It doesn't have much flavor and is very good for inflammation.
I juice the root, but use powder/seasoning for the other stuff.
For Juicing, I would try not to juice too much of High Oxalates foods ( e.g. Spinach). Especially if you have a leaky gut, you can get kidney stones.

When you juice, you sometimes don't realize the quantity because you are making juice which is taking less volume.
My main juice ingredients are carrots, apples and greens. Then I try to add stuff and balance out non-sweet with extra fruit. I put my juice in a blender bottle with yogurt kefir (and sometimes advocare spark).
Green juices are excellent: broccoli, cucumber, spinach, celery and kale. If these are too bitter for you, use some watermelon, lemon, carrot, apple and ginger to sweeten or hide the bitterish taste. Green juices are very healing and anti-inflammatory. If I am ever flaring from UC, the first thing my naturopath says is stop food and drink green juices.
Welcome to juicing , it really is great. Every morning I have a green drink of spinach , celery , lime, apple and cucumber. If i miss it out for a day or two I really notice my health going down hill.
In the past I have juiced loads of different things, the only things I noticed to be possible problems were , beetroot and pineapple together (seems to make me go a bit loose for some reason) although they are fine separately. And too much ginger seems to irritate me and give me tummy ache, odd as it is settling for most people.
Another excellent green juice that I forgot to mention previously is:



It is gluten-free and some promising studies have shown it to be excellent for I.B.D.

Pretty disgusting too. :ylol: So you only need a shot which can be mixed in together with your other juices.

Can occasionally make you feel nauseas but this usually only occurs in people who seriously need to detox.

You will however need a cold-press juicer to extract.