Just diagnosed

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Aug 23, 2012
Hey, my name is Zack I'm a twenty-three year old law enforcement student who was diagnosed last week. New to this but any recommendations for nutritional supplements or foods?
Zack - welcome to the forum. I have had Crohns for 25 years now and live a healthy life. I recommend a book called Eating Right with a Bad Gut. I would make sure you get with your Primary Care Physician and talk about supplements. Your GP will be able to run tests on your blood and vitamin levels, etc. People on this forum can tell you what they have done and what works for them, but it is very important that you let your GP and GI tell you what to do. What medications did they put you on?
I have been taking vitamin D suppliants, since reading on here that they were good.
Us Brits don't get much sun :)

I also have begun juicing because I no longer eat much fruit or veg ( vaguely following a low fibre diet) .
Since doing these I have felt much better , I cant say which is best, but having a big glass of natural vitamins for breakfast every morning can't be doing me any harm.
Hello Zack and welcome to the forum :)

I was also wondering what meds (if any) had you been put on?

Food wise what one person has an issue with someone else might be ok with, it is certainly worth keeping a food diary so you can make a note of problem foods, common culprits tend to be caffiene and food with nuts and pips in them as these can aggrivate the bowel. We do also have a diet and sups forum that it worth looking at as well.

As already mentioned it is certainly worth asking your doc to do a full vitamin level check on you so any deficiences can be supplemented properly. You will see from my sig that I am on B12 shots as I don't absorb this properly, this can be a common problem with people with crohns and a low level can lead to fatigue among other things.

Am glad you have decided to join, there is a wealth of helpful info and support here for you.

Thank you all for the replies, I have been having trouble accepting the fact that I have a problem but am warming up to it. I appreciate the info and will follow accordingly.
Hi Zack and welcome :)

In addition to what was said, be sure to check out our diet and supplements forum. I think you'll get some great insight there. Dietary changes I've seen the most anecdotal improvements with have been the paleo diet, specific carbohydrate diet, juicing, and enteral/elemental nutrition.

Good luck to you!
OK, I'll do that. And thank you all again for the Information, I've started making changes to lifestyle and nutrition. I typically live healthy anyways so its not to impacting I appreciate it all a lot.