My daughter has been in the hospital 26 days now after being forced in by a lunatic gi that is playing god with our child. She had the nerve to make false claims to the cps and call my other drs we were seeing and chew them out for disagreeing with her(big mistake). Now that we are here they wont let us leave here until we agree to there terms of treatment. They say Wellness drs and fecal transplant are not a treatment plan so weare being forced to seek medical transfer which is hard to get another dr to take on or seek AMA. Alao have a lawyer now to go after our gi for her allegations and lies to get us into this situation and now Sam has gotten progressively worse since being here as we were making progress with our wellness dr that she didnt approve of. Sorry to keep ranting but when you are making any progress with this disease for the better and a jealous gi steps in and does this its hard to watch. We're not giving up and keepin our strength in what we believe in as parents and our rights to treat and protect our children.Thanks for listening!