Warning: very long!
I work in a school, and one of my duties is to do phonics work with a group of children. We sorted the groups out last week, and started work on Monday. The thing is, T (one of the teachers) got things wrapped round her neck a bit, so on Monday we had to change my group round. On Monday we have to give out spelling lists for a test on Friday. As it was the first week, I gave my group spellings that they should already know (to make sure that they do know them!). Now, all the parents of children from T's class have complained that the spellings are too easy. So T has told me basically to get it sorted, and get some harder work. But I can't give the group harder work, as the other children in the group would suffer (the nature of the work means that everyone has to do the same).
1) I had to prepare spellings for a group of children I had not previously taught before. Therefore I need to know what they already know.
2) I had not planned to have these children in my group, therefore had planned the work to be at a suitable level for the others.
3) I have to take into account the needs of the majority of the group, not just T's children.
4) T's children are not as advanced as she thinks they are, baseline assessments have shown gaps in their knowledge, so doing the easier stuff will benefit them anyway
5) I spoke to the children on Monday anyway, and said I was aware that it might be easy to start with, but that I needed to make sure everyone knew this stuff, and it would get harder in the next couple of weeks.
6) I am just doing what I was flipping well told anyway!!! I was handed a scheme of work, a group of children and told to get on with it.
I have tried telling T this stuff, but she just can't see my point of view. I get the feeling she thinks I am lazy and not wanting to do my job properly, whereas I know I am doing it properly, she's wanting me to go above and beyond the call of duty.
But regardless of who's right and who's wrong, the stress is really affecting me. I was doing really well in terms of fatigue, and today I can barely even keep my eyes open. I nearly crashed my car coming home from work. I managed to force myself to do my exercise DVD (which does normally wake me up a little) and now I just feel like ****. I guess I'm going to have to take a nap ;(
I work in a school, and one of my duties is to do phonics work with a group of children. We sorted the groups out last week, and started work on Monday. The thing is, T (one of the teachers) got things wrapped round her neck a bit, so on Monday we had to change my group round. On Monday we have to give out spelling lists for a test on Friday. As it was the first week, I gave my group spellings that they should already know (to make sure that they do know them!). Now, all the parents of children from T's class have complained that the spellings are too easy. So T has told me basically to get it sorted, and get some harder work. But I can't give the group harder work, as the other children in the group would suffer (the nature of the work means that everyone has to do the same).
1) I had to prepare spellings for a group of children I had not previously taught before. Therefore I need to know what they already know.
2) I had not planned to have these children in my group, therefore had planned the work to be at a suitable level for the others.
3) I have to take into account the needs of the majority of the group, not just T's children.
4) T's children are not as advanced as she thinks they are, baseline assessments have shown gaps in their knowledge, so doing the easier stuff will benefit them anyway
5) I spoke to the children on Monday anyway, and said I was aware that it might be easy to start with, but that I needed to make sure everyone knew this stuff, and it would get harder in the next couple of weeks.
6) I am just doing what I was flipping well told anyway!!! I was handed a scheme of work, a group of children and told to get on with it.
I have tried telling T this stuff, but she just can't see my point of view. I get the feeling she thinks I am lazy and not wanting to do my job properly, whereas I know I am doing it properly, she's wanting me to go above and beyond the call of duty.
But regardless of who's right and who's wrong, the stress is really affecting me. I was doing really well in terms of fatigue, and today I can barely even keep my eyes open. I nearly crashed my car coming home from work. I managed to force myself to do my exercise DVD (which does normally wake me up a little) and now I just feel like ****. I guess I'm going to have to take a nap ;(