Just like to vent

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 28, 2012
So I'm just wrigting to vent rather then upset my momma

I've been having a really bad time with a flare up for the past 4 months and Im felling guilty about always being in pain and not bee in able to eat anythink I feel so bad for my mom as I no she and my family are struggling as they can't take the pain away or help me I just feel bad about it and I hate crying all the time to my mom as I'm in so much pain I just want someone to say kikidee its going to be okay
I'm trying to eat but still getting sick when I try and eat and so on

Im just feeling trapped bumpy this hole thing and some days I feel like I'm hitting my head of a wall because I'm trying different foods and it's not working.

My GI has told me to see a dietitian at the hospital but the only oppointment I could get is for the 10 July !!
Like I'm thinking you for reel ?

Does anybody easls feel like this ?
hey i am feeling the same way not with the eating but with other issues, its hard we dont want to make our loved ones suffer aswell but then some people need that person to talk to which i can see is your mom.

as for foods have you tried starting a SCD diet just to give your insides a break? when i am feeling really bad i always go back to rice, jacket potatoes without skins and no microwaves EVER just in oven and oven baked chicken

i also notice you are in birmingham UK i am also have you thought about going to a crohns and colitis meeting where you would meet others with the same problems and people who have had it for years and have more experience with it?
I'm sure you've tried this but I find that I can tolerate thin creamy potato soup. It's filling but easy on my stomach. I know it's tough and don't think your a burden. Your family loves you and they want to help. Good luck to you hope you get better soon.
At the moment any food I eat from like chips to a broth soup I'm struggling to keep down
I've never really though of going to a meetings befor tbh but it's a good idea
So thanks for that
No worries have you checked to see if you have any tolerances towards dairy or gluten?

I am from Sutton Coldfield but others in the group are from all over birmingham and the midlands
I take my meds in private and hide my symptoms from my folks. I can't handle the looks of pity I get. Also my dad and I had a massive spat a few weeks ago about my meds. Everyday he would ask me when I was getting off them. I tried explaining its a chronic condition, maybe never. He then started screaming at me. Not good enough apparently, I should be insisting my doctors take me off them because a 24 year old shouldn't be on tablets. I know he's worried because he loves me and he's scared but it's easier to hide things then deal with that BS everyday. I was diagnosed in August 2012 so surely that's enough time to adjust.

Oh and both my parents discuss my disease with every person they know, even new people they meet. I can't begin to tell you how wonderful it is to have the look of pity from complete strangers or to have family friends come up and discuss my bowel movements. I feel like screaming. My name is Kristen, I do heaps of interesting stuff,, most of which don't involve UC, bowel movements and tablets because I am more than just this messed up disease!
Kirsten lool ' My mom&dad tell everyone and the look you get it makes me wanna slap the person lol ! I'm like I may have a dissease but I'm still human !
Dear Kikidee1994, sorry to hear u r having a tough time. My daughter is 16 and has had Crohns since she was 10. Past couple of years she has had a few flares, tried all the meds going. Last week she tried a liquid diet (8 milkshakes a day) to try and help her gut/bowel have a rest. She only managed it for a week and today the hospital have said she can go on a low Fat/Fibre Exclusion diet for 4 weeks (Lofflex). Mainly plain food like chicken, rice etc. Maybe worth giving this diet a go??? may help

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