I don't know how I would survive without this forum. I feel you are the only ones who get it well I suppose that's because we are all linked by a common factor, our stomas.
Don't get me wrong, I have a great husband, but truly I feel guilty when having a bad day because he just thinks very matter of factory. His thought process is -(had bum, didn't work, made you really sick, thanks to modern medicine old bum gone, you'll be much better, end of story). I get his thought patterns but really that's how it works on the surface but then there is all the psychological stuff, and the appliance stuff. I think I would be coping much better if I could be guaranteed that miss piggy would not speak, leak or smell, and that no one would ever notice my bag, and that I didn't have to go to the hospital everyday and be reminded about how my body has once again let me down by not healing.
You are all inspirational and every time I find pearls of wisdom and stories of surviving all of it including leaks and messes that you have opted I remind myself that I'm not the only only who has been through this and that there are some very fabulous stomates getting on with life and setting themselves exciting and adventurous goals. I know I will get there. At the moment my first goal is to heal these surgical wounds, second is to be allowed to drive, and third is to give myself a break and see how far I have come rather than dwelling on how far I still have to go. I would really love to be brave enough to try and get back to work, but I am so scarred of colleagues pitying me an treating me differently than they did. Also petrified o standing up in front of a group of students and delivering classes and workshops, not to mention the travelling for work and being away from home with out my cupboard of supplies and safe private bathroom. Too many what ifs at the moment. I break out in a nervous sweat just trying to answer these questions. See I just did it again, not focusing on how far I have come. Need to just breathe and let time sort out my what ifs.
Thanks for the support you are all my inspiration.