Keep messing up my Humira shot :(

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Apr 22, 2011
This is the second time now where I've managed to squirt Humira all over my stomach instead of injecting it :( today I had a bad feeling before I did it, my sister pressed the button and I flinched, but I thought it was ok, but when she pulled it away the stuff ran everywhere.

It's so frustrating and disheartening when this happens and I don't know what I'm doing wrong :(
Awwwwwww, that's awful. Are you using the pen? Hold it at a 90 degree angle, and after the yellow thingy has moved all the way down, count to five slowly (like one=-thousand one, one thousand two...) then take the pen away from your skin.

Probably you're a bit tentative, thinking it's going to hurt worse than it is. It stings, but only for a minute or so. Be bold. You're tougher than you think you are. :)
For those not used to injecting themselves, it can be a little nerve racking. Do something that relaxes you. Maybe put on some music, take a nice hot shower before hand (also helps thin the skin).
Thanks guys, I've been on Humira since August (wow that long?) and I've only fudged two, but It's just so annoying especially when I know my symptoms aren't 100% better and I need that stuff in me. I don't know if I'm just not pressing hard enough and the needles not going in properly, I think I need to speak to my IBD nurse about my technique and get some more tips. I'm also too scared to push the button myself my sister always helps me but I really want to master it, it's just the anticipation of the pain, I can't even do those home leg waxing strips lol
I did the same thing when I was on Humira! It is really frustrating. I have heard you can numb the area with an ice cube before u do the injection and that helps. I would always flinch too. Just a normal reaction I had. I found that if you hold the pen nice and straight and push down with a little force, it will work each time. And if u take the pen out of the fridge and let it warm for 15minutes before the injection it helps with the burn. Before u know'll be a pro!
Can you use oragel (sp?) first?
It works great for ear piercing !

Did a Humira nurse come and meet with you to teach you how use it?
I will be starting soon and saw that in their paperwork.

I did it! I pinched and just pressed really hard. Still hurt but less of a reaction today strangely just feels bruised. I think the key is force! I don't think numbing stuff helps because it's not the needle going in that hurts its the liquid going under the skin and you caqn't numb that bit.
The problem its the flinching. When you flinch you pull away from the needle. I know, Been there done that. The pinching helps.
What do you do when you mess it up? Do you have an extra shot on hand to do it again?

I just messed up one of the shots on my second loading dose and I'm kinda freaking out. I know I need the meds in me. I managed to do one of the shots okay but the other I flinched and had a nickle size area of medicine on my leg. I have a call in to my nurse but not sure if she will call back tonight. Thinking about calling the humira number and talking to their nurse.
Hey Michelle,

Call/email your IBD nurse. She will advise you whether you should miss this one or use another pen. When I messed up one I just skipped it, but they I messed up another and none went in so I did it again.

I'm surprised you're doing the loading doses yourself, I had a nurse come to my house to do mine for me.
Hey Michelle,

Call/email your IBD nurse. She will advise you whether you should miss this one or use another pen. When I messed up one I just skipped it, but they I messed up another and none went in so I did it again.

I'm surprised you're doing the loading doses yourself, I had a nurse come to my house to do mine for me.

I called the nurse yesterday when it happened but she was gone for the day. She called me first thing this morning and said she had a sample to give me :ybiggrin: I am about to do it now. I will not flinch, I will not flinch :)

I did go into my GI's office for the 4 shot dose. The GI nurse gave me the first one and I managed to do the other 3 myself with her watching. The second loading dose I am doing at home myself which I thought I could do no problem but it is proving more difficult than I thought! lol.
The GI nurse gave me the first one and I managed to do the other 3 myself with her watching. The second loading dose I am doing at home myself which I thought I could do no problem but it is proving more difficult than I thought! lol.

Good job! I haven't managed to do a single one myself yet, the first two shots the nurse gave me at home for my loading doses I swore and jumped around the room. I think it's like blood tests and cannulars though, the more you have them the more you get used to the pain. It seems to hurt less and its such a common feeling that you can just cope with it. Omg you had 4 at once? Wowzers.

Don't beat yourself up for struggling, the first shot I as supposed to do myself I was living in London away from my family and I just couldn't do it, I was crying hysterically down the phone to my sister, and I had to call my housemate who came home from her evening out with her friend to come and do it for me! She carried on doing them till I moved home and now my sister does them.

I'm working towards injecting myself though :)
I did it! I can't believe the stress this induces! Isn't stress bad for crohn's, lol. I thought I'd be able to do it no problem but it is sure hard to make yourself push the button! This is going to be a process.

What a wonderful housemate and sister! I may have to have someone else do it. I sit here forever telling myself if I push the button it will be over in 10 seconds but can't push it. Thankfully I did it and it's over.....until two weeks is up anyway :)

I say if someone else can do it, it's less stressful than pushing the button yourself and takes a lot less time :)
Well done!! You must feel very proud! How did you manage to psych yourself up for it? I might try doing my own on Wednesday *gulp* it is easier getting someone else to do it but it means you're always dependant on someone else and I imagine it's a much better feeling to be in control of your illness, but yes it does take a long time and a lot of stress trying on your own!
I am supposed to start tomorrow. I have ignored those pens lurking in my fridge for two weeks. Just not sure what to do.


Well done!! You must feel very proud! How did you manage to psych yourself up for it? I might try doing my own on Wednesday *gulp* it is easier getting someone else to do it but it means you're always dependant on someone else and I imagine it's a much better feeling to be in control of your illness, but yes it does take a long time and a lot of stress trying on your own!

Good luck, it's almost Wednesday! But don't feel bad if you can't do it. I'm going to have my husband do it next time! I can't handle the stress!
Hey guys, I just did my first ever Humira shot by myself, sort of, accidentally! I was holding it and had my thumb over the button and my sister was going to press my thumb down so I could feel what it was like, but when she went to put her thumb on the thing sort've just went off and we both jumped, so I must've pressed it myself! I count it as one point for progress :)
Did you never do it by yourself with your IBD nurse, Hannah? I'm pretty sure I won't be allowed to do mine at home until she can see that I can do them confidently by myself!
Nope I didn't Misty, she did both my loading doses and said she'd have to come back to help again so she knew I would be able to do it myself and I was like, 'I don't have time for that, I have to go to work!' so I just got my housemate to do it at the time.
Oh fair enough! Mine did my first 4 doses. Then last week she did the first one and I did the second. I think next week I'll do it again and then hopefully I can just do them from home! I think the key is to not over think it!
Hannah, I'm late to the initial post, but I had the same thing happen to me two weeks ago. it was my second loading dose (the 2 shot round) and my husband gave me both shots. the first was fine, the second spilled everywhere once he lifted the pen.

Here we are, two weeks later. I'm definitely nervous about how the shot will go this afternoon, but I'm hoping for the best. We've called Humira and he spoke with a nurse there (in addition to having seen two shots done and successfully given me 3 previously).
Hey al, I know how you feel, it's really easily done. The key is to press hard! The reason it spills everywhere is because you're not pressing hard enough and probably because you flinch too, so the needle might prick the skin but not go in, and you don't realise until you lift the pen up. I used to just lie down flat and push the pen against my tummy, now, I grab a big chunk of my lovely tummy fat and hold it firmly, then press the pen against the pinched bit, and take care to apply firm pressure to counter any flinching, and it's worked. If in doubt, press harder, you'll avoid the needle not going in and it definitely hurts less. Let me know how you get on :)
Hannah, we followed your advice (I showed your post to my husband) and it worked! Such a relief to remove the pen and not see any liquid sitting on the surface of my skin. yay!

Thanks so much. :)
Hey that's great! Good job! So now hopefully you'll avoid any problems again, I definitely find the pinching technique works :)

Hey Gunnhild, do you do your shot in your thigh or stomach? I don't have much fat on my legs but carry it round my middle so luckily I can pinch more than an inch ;) if you watch videos on youtube you can usually see people pinching just a tiny bit but I prefer to pinch as much as I can, it's only really to provide a taught surface for the needle to puncture, or for skinny people the technique makes sure there's enough fat for the liquid to go into.
I'm not on Humira, but I used to have to inject methotrexate intramuscularly into my leg. One time I somehow messed it up and got methotrexate all over the carpet. It stains bright yellow, like a neon highlighter exploded everywhere! Not good. . .
I inject around my belly button where there is abdominal muscle. Last time I did it I was slumped in the couch and got the flesh a bit higher up. Some went in but a few mls leaked back out.
Humira should be injected into subcutaneous fat - do you inject into your stomach fat or stomach muscle? I think if you lose a drop it's ok, we did my shot on Wednesday and it went in but there was a little drop of liquid and blood on the skin.
I'm new to the forum, but I personally can't use the pens. I tried my first two doses of Humira but it ran all over my stomach when the sting hit and I jerked. I asked for the regular syringes and it's way easier. You don't hardly feel the shot, you can inject the meds slowly since you control it and there's no messing up and jerking away from it. You can keep it from burning by just injecting it slowly. Its easier to take by yourself.
I don't think I could do that, I find it hard enough to press the button on the pen, let alone getting up the courage to slowly inject a needle :s guess I could give it a try, It's just the thought of holding a needle against my skin and pushing it in. I wasn't given the offer of a syringe, just told it was a pen, I'm just getting used to them now though, its taken 6 months but I guess you can get used to everything eventually.
I'm super late to this post, but congrats on your first self-injection :) I can't believe you do it into your stomach! That must hurt so much (I always did mine in my thighs). I was on Humira a few years ago and I hated it. I actually didn't have a problem injecting myself, it was just the pain of the injection that scared me. I had to psych myself up every time, and I always got so worked up over it :( Having someone else do it is definitely easier! But yes, like you discovered - what works best is pinching quite a bit of skin and then pressing the pen into your stomach/leg with some force. Also, I always counted to 3 and then pressed the button. I think it helps if you plan/know when it's going to happen.
I have flinched before this past time, and so I dont do them anymore. I just have my boyfriend do it. He still wants me to do it on my own, I think I may have him keep it down when I press the button
I did my loading doses last week and messed up the first one, I wasn't firm enough so like you had some medicine drip out, the second one still wasn't 100% so the nurse did the 3rd one for me and was very firm - I finally got it right on the 4th! Hoping that I can do both doses next week and don't screw it up! I think it's cause I didn't know what to expect the first time but I hope I know how to get it now! Also, they didn't hurt as much as I anticipated so I know I can be firm, press the button and it'll be over quick!! x
I have messed up mine before and ended up having to do it again.. I just have my boyfriend do it now. It goes a lot smoother! He wants me to do it myself..and im like, no.. ha
My IBD nurse, told me to leave it out the fridge for a least an hr before use, it allows it to warm without it getting to warm, this helps with the stinging sensation, I don't feel it at all anymore. I also find it less painful to use the top thigh rather than tummy. The other trick I was taught to push the button myself is count to three and on three push the button, once the button has been pushed, slowly count to 10, rather than watch the yellow thing, this is sufficient time for the whole dose to be administed, and always remember to pinch the skin.

you can do it, I didn't think I ever would was taught twice how too, and have now been doing so weekly for 2 years.
Just did my second lot of doses, it's different without the nurse watching! I took a little while to psych myself up but both doses went in fine with no drips, yay! And that's it for 2 weeks now, easier than I was expecting. Phew.
I have never been able to successfully inject my abdomen. In the hospital, the nurses have done it. Frankly, it stung a little, but no where near the pain I feel when injecting Humira in my leg. But I can't get over the thought of poking myself in my

The self-injectors shoots the thick Humira solution in very quickly. That in and of itself causes lots of pain. I originally started with the traditional shots. I switched to the self injectors and hated them. It took all of my courage and power to hit the button since I knew what was coming, so after about five or six months of struggling with them (and more than a few mis-fires) I moved back to using a syringe.

With the syringe, I still have to prepare myself for sticking the needle in, but once I do, I have complete control over how fast or how slow I inject the serum. So, if you have not tried the syringe, you may want to go there.
bumbo - I was told that it shouldn't be out of the fridge longer than an hour, otherwise the medication loses it's effectivenes. I leave it out for 20 mins then do it, as you're right, it's less stingy if it's not so cold.

lizzy - congrats! I feel like I need to try doing it myself now, the next one's on Wednesday :-S

Bob - how come your nurse/GI switched you to the pens if you'd been getting on well with the syringes? I'm wondering if I'd get on better with the syringes, you're right the pens shoot the Humira in really quick. When you inject the needle, how far in do you have to inject it? How long did it take to learn how to inject?
Hiya Hannah

I wanted the pen, but they didn't have any left so I got the syringes. I was scared to death!
I am so delighted with the syringe, it is so easy. I just grab hold of belly fat and stick it in, the initial jab doesn't hurt, but it stings a bit when the serum goes in.
To answer your question, you just stick it in all the way, then push the plunger quickly or slowly, you have control, it's dead easy, honest!
Why don't you ask for a syringe, I'm glad I've got syringes now considering all the posts about back firing pens, you can't go wrong with the needle, you're in control.
Good luck hun xxx
My GI recommended using an ice pack about 20-30 minutes before doing my Humira injection (I normally inject in my thigh). The ice numbs the skin/helps with the burning - although I'm getting used to it now and don't use ice packs anymore. Hope that helps!
Astra how do you summon the courage to jab a needle into yourself? I think syringes would be better but I'm not sure I could do it! I've got my Humira shot tonight so I'm gna see if I can be brave enough to do it myself :) we shall see.
Hiya Hannah

I think it was sheer determination that's all. Humira is my last chance saloon, or it's surgery.
I can't believe how I didn't feel a thing when the needle went in, it's the liquid that stings, not the jab.
I guess it's cos I've got tons of belly fat too!
I haven't been able to get the courage back I thought I had after the loading doses. I just did my third maintenance dose and have had my husband do all three. The anxiety I was getting before the shot was ridiculous! I'm already getting better with my husband doing them and may get the courage to try again myself after a while. For now I like having hubby do it :) -well like may be too strong of a word, lol. However, if he wasn't around I guess I'd have to bite the bullet!

Like Astra, I seem to be okay with the initial poke, it is the darn med going in that is a bear! Unfortunately I'm not seeing the results yet from Humira and I just had to up my prednisone again waiting for it to start working I guess??? Was SO not happy about that! :-(

Good luck tonight Hannah-rose! You can do it! ;-) Keep us posted!
I did it!! I finally did my Humira shot myself without any help from my sister!

I told myself tonight was going to be the night, and I psyched myself up for it, and it took a few attempts to finally push that button but I did it! I met an amazing little boy the other week who was 12 and had been suffering so unfairly with Crohn's, and I told myself to man up and I did it :D it took me by surprise so I flinched a bit and lost a bit of liquid, but I'm still pleased I did it solo and I'm hoping next time I can master it. The good thing is because I was so surprised and shocked I genuinely didn't feel any of the shot. I never feel the needle but I didn't feel the liquid going in either. Result!

Ps sorry about my hairy tummy haha

That's awesome. I've been on humira for about 6 months now and the first time I gave myself the shot I was so nervous. It's such a weird feeling giving yourself the injection, stabbing yourself with a needle. I was shaking and breathing fast but once I got over the initial hurdle of doing the first one myself it's got better each time. I'm fairly confident now with taking it now and getting on with the day.

It does get easier. I also hardly feel it now with more fat on me. Best of luck for the next one!
Glad it worked for you.
Here's to continued success - you can do it!!!!!

I get to give DS his first shot Friday .
Thankfully its not the pen but the syringe .
So I a little easier .
I recommend anyone to give the shots to themselves, with pens its harder for others to judge in order to get a successful injection with little pain. The trick is to pull your skin up tight and only inject into the skin. When you feel pain its because you are injecting into the muscle which is where it shouldn't go. I have been on Humira for around 20 months and before I found this youtube video it hurt every time. Once you understand how to inject I promise you don't feel any pain at all.
Thanks for sharing the video Thermo. I have to take my next injection on Tuesday and I am going to try this. Now, I would like to hear from anyone, do you get really anxious every time you have to get your shot? I have been on Humira for seven months and every time I am too anxious. Also, have any of you reached remission?

I am really grateful for this forum because I don't personally know anyone with Crohn's so I don't have anyone to talk to about it. Since I started Humira I didn't have anyone to ask about their experiences and now I am glad I can! I would really appreciate anyone and everyone who wouldn't mind sharing their experiences, not only on Humira but also on Crohn's, with me. Thanks so much, beforehand. :ghug:
Thanks everyone! It was nerve-wracking, not so much because of the pain because to be honest I don't find it that bad any more, but it's more the anticipation and trying not to flinch.

I've seen that video too thermo, it was quite reassuring to watch but at the same time I think the guy can only do it pain-free now because he's been doing it for so long (and maybe he's really brave).

It doesn't only hurt when injected into the muscle - I've been using the pens for eight months now and each time the injection has gone into just fat I have a good inch and a half of fat on my stomach and so it's not possible for the half a centimetre needle to get to my stomach muscles!) It does always sting a bit, most injections do, but with time the pain subsides and with good technique (pinching your fat and applying firm pressure with the pen) discomfort is minimised.
Hannah, good for you! I just can't bring myself to use a syringe, it's pens for me. Just grab a pice of belly or thigh, press and grit my teeth. Oh look, it's time for another injection, yeah!
This is the second time now where I've managed to squirt Humira all over my stomach instead of injecting it :( today I had a bad feeling before I did it, my sister pressed the button and I flinched, but I thought it was ok, but when she pulled it away the stuff ran everywhere. (

Remember to ice the area you are going to inject first - I use a plastic bag full of ice cubes for about 2 minutes. Helps a lot.

Also you can request the Humira Support line to send you a practice pen that you can use to train yourself and refine your technique. This helped me.
Congrats!! You'll get used to it. I don't think about it - put on some loud music so it blasts all the thinking out of your mind. I just get comfy, and do it. Then I sit still for a few seconds until the little sting goes away. Really, it's no more than a pinch, we just blow it up in our minds to we think it hurts worse than it really does.
I did it!! I finally did my Humira shot myself without any help from my sister!

I told myself tonight was going to be the night, and I psyched myself up for it, and it took a few attempts to finally push that button but I did it! I met an amazing little boy the other week who was 12 and had been suffering so unfairly with Crohn's, and I told myself to man up and I did it :D it took me by surprise so I flinched a bit and lost a bit of liquid, but I'm still pleased I did it solo and I'm hoping next time I can master it. The good thing is because I was so surprised and shocked I genuinely didn't feel any of the shot. I never feel the needle but I didn't feel the liquid going in either. Result!

Ps sorry about my hairy tummy haha

Totally Awesome! Well Done! And I love the pic :)))
I've never tried icing, maybe I should give it a go? I've got my nurse to order me two syringes so I can give those a try to see how I get on. I don't know if it'll be any easier to stick a needle into myself but I will try!
Hey guys me again, can anyone who uses the syringe tell me exactly how long the needle is (in cm or mm), or better yet post a picture of it??

Hannah x
Daaaaaaaamn it, I've done well by myself for the last three doses but just flinched now and it went EVERYWHERE except in my body, oh no!!! I pinched my skin but hesitated, then the bang went off when I wasn't expecting it so I pulled away - it's Sunday night so I'll have to call my nurse in the morning and find out what I do now..

I don't know why, I was just dreading this shot, even though my previous injections have been fine and haven't really hurt, just managed to psych myself out of it. Grrrr!! Well, I'm not wasting any more pens, have to stop this fear right now before it gets worse!

On the plus side I've been pretty much symptom-free for a month, I hope this missed shot doesn't mess that up.
Hi Lizzy, did you manage to speak to your nurse? Did you re-do your shot? Don't beat yourself up over it, it can happen easily, I've got mine on Wednesday and I've got to do it myself again, and I'll probably freak out and balls it up!
I messed up one of the shots in my second loading dose. My GI nurse had me come in and she gave me one they had - thankfully! However, I'm pretty sure I've heard of someone contacting humira directly and they were kind enough to rush a pen to them which they received in a matter of days - free of charge.
Thanks guys, my nurse is calling me back today as it was her day off yesterday - the receptionist tried to call her at home and her mobile which made me feel bad!! I was freaked out when it happened but it's all okay, it happens some times I guess! Usually she has some spares but I'll see what she says :)

Don't worry Hannah you can do it, I'm gonna make sure someone is sitting with me next time so I don't psych myself out and get distracted..
Good for you Lizzy, you can do it! I couldn't do mine tonight though :(

I really freaked out tonight and had to get my sister to do it, and even then I got really upset and started crying and said I couldn't do it etc. In the end she did it and again it barely hurt at all, I just managed to freak myself out.

I'd had a really stressful day and I had to end things with my boyfriend just before hand too which didn't help, kinda upset :(
My husband and I set a timer for ten seconds. I count it down while he does the shot. We have never messed one up using this method. The pharmacist told us to do it this way (hold for ten seconds) and it turns out it was good advice.

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