:ylol2:I am so happy with myself for joining this forum, now i can talk 2 people from all over the world who understand everything im going through. Having crohns can be scary cause u dont know when your next flair up is gonna be but also annoying because you have to base your life round a toilet! I must spend more on loo roll a month then what i do on my rent:lol2: The 1 thing i have come 2 understand is that our bodys do not go by a book, i have had some arguments with my consultant over the years over this & he has come to understand that i am not the same as his previous patient, we all suffer in different ways, yes they have studied about ibd but its us that have 2 live with it day in day out!! You know your body best.. To everybody out there that has ibd keep your head up, i know its hard but hopefully 1 day soon they will come with a cure:hug: