Kidney stones during flares

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Sep 8, 2010
Just got back from the hospital, I was rushed by ambulance Monday morning for the WORST gut pain and flank pain I have ever experienced, seriously - I lost conciousness a few times, vomiting quite a bit.

They thought the worst with me having such a history with Crohn's, so of course there were x-rays, a CT scan, the works. They had me on 6mg of morphine which did NOTHING, and finally after 3 doses of dilauded, the pain went from a 5/5 to a 3/5.

Now can you believe all this was because of a KIDNEY STONE? I was relieved of course, but it was the last thing I expected. I mean, I'm 17. But they told me that Crohn's patients are prone to stones when in a flare up. Also, I'm taking so much calcium supplement, so that might have contributed.

Anyone else go through this? Man, that pain. It came in awful waves.
Shannon- I feel for you!...I've had a couple of ER visits for kidney stones - worst pain EVER!.....first one I was in my early 20's, last time was just a couple of years ago.

I follow up every 6 months with a urologist - that is probably something you should look into- catch them when/if you get them again!

My urologist also advised me to drink lemonade - REAL lemonade - that helps keep them at bay by ridding your body of the materials that cause the stones. (There are different types of stones, too).....
I can definitely do the lemonade! Yum!
Yes, there will be follow up, they are going to do some outpatient studies on my urine to figure out the cause of the stone, too.
That pain could convince me out of childbirth... I never had a "5" out of five until yesterday, and I'd rather never again.
Oh, Shannon, I'm so sorry for you! Hope you never, ever go through a kidney stone again.
My Grampy has CD as well, and he has had trouble in the past with kidney stones, although I don't think we've ever been sure if it was related to his CD, or if it was his pancreatitis as he always discharges himself from hospital...

Best of luck.
Yep I've had kidney stones
god they hurt!

They were trying to decide if they should blast them or not from the xrays etc, but unfortunatly they decided they were small enough to just pass

so after complete agony an contemplating ending it all - lol they "passed" only for them to say
"oh they were a bit big, we really should of blasted them"
gee thanks lol

so yea know the pain you went thru, gotta be a six outa five
I've never experienced kidney stones yet, and from the sound of it, if I never do, I'll be super happy with that. I hope you feel better soon.
Uh oh I take so much calcium supplements cause I'm scared of Aza bone side effects. That's weird you say that about morphine it does nothing to me but dilauded helps sooo much more.
Unfortunately I can't have either morphine OR dilaudid!....I get the 'Red Man's' from morphine - face, upper torso turn RED....and with dilaudid I get an anaphalytic reaction....SUCKS!.......

And although most kidney stones are clacuim related, there are other types too...not sure what I had - never 'caught' any to test!
Do you drink a lot of soda? I had a friend who got kidney stones because he drank so much soda and NEVER drank any water. I have heard they are killer. I'm sorry you went through this but I'm glad you are better!
Thanks everyone! Yep, morphine was a complete waste of time, and I had to wait forever for them to switch to dilauded because at Children's hospital they try and keep it conservative - which means more pain for me! I'm home and doing so much better, although I feel like my torso got hit by a truck. Nope, don't drink too much soda anymore since the CD diagnosis - I've actually switched to juice drinks and lemonade. I'm interested in hearing back from nephrology, as to why I got a kidney stone and what the heck to do to make sure it was my last. For now though, I've lowered my Calcium supplement intake to once daily, instead of twice.
Glad you doing well! Kidney stones - yet another symptom of CD that I was unaware of! The possibilities are endless. :(
Hope you're doing ok now Shannon?
Childbirth rags, but kidney stones? Do you have to wee them out? Imagine it like pissing cracked glass!!
I'm worried now cos of calcium supps!
Speedy recovery
Oh YUCK!! I can definitely relate to that. My first kidney stone, I was 18 and it was the middle of the night, i told my mom that I thought my colon was exploding! LOL It was freaking awful. Did you pass your stone?? I had t ohave a couple of procedures to get them removed.
Yup astra

alot times u "pass" them by peeing
some they surgically remove due to size others they blast to break them up to make "passing" them easier

the ones they don't blast, but should have are the worst
friggan painful
Sorry to hear that Shannon! I recently went through that myself with the kidney stones! Worst pain of my life! You know it's ironic you said that about the calcium supplement, mine happened when I was eating a lot of cheese trying to replenish my calcium that way rather than a supplement. (I was taking a lot of pills at the time and I didn't want to add another if I could help it! Lol) It's also weird about the dilaudid. I found it did nothing for me and I needed the morphine!

Hope you're doing better now!
I am sorry to hear about the kydney stone and know exactly what you are talking about. Almost a year ago I had the same pain. Dropped me to my knees, thought it was a stomach ache or just something wrong with the Crohns, crawled to my wife and said we had to go the ER. I was in the hospital for four days because of my kydney stone(s).
I can tell you what, I drink about 70 oz of water/day just to make sure that never happens again! Absolute worst pain in my life. Then some idiot next to me who was on his cell phone was talking to a bud saying how much pain he was in like a 10/10 and he is all calm or smooth. I told the doc 8 or 9 out of 10 and i was sweating and tears were streaming (i believe 10 out of 10 is death). I wanted to knock that guy out next to me so bad, to this day my wife and I laugh at that guy and his "10" pain.
Sorry to hear about your kidney stone, you poor thing, you've been thorough so much in your young life.
I'm very worried now because I've been taking so much calcium since I've been on Prednisone. Sounds like you're recovering well. I hope you don't get anymore...:rosette2:

To answer the questions - yes I passed it, but I didn't even feel it at the point, due to the drugs. It was when it was traveling in my kidney/tubes that was so excruciating. Thanks for the well wishes guys! That pain took a lot out of me, I stayed home for a week and rested. Still feel like I've been hit with a truck. And the whole experience sent me into ANOTHER flare up! Back to 40mg of pred again. Ahhh well!

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