Oh Ron, I'm sorry the prep didn't work as it should. By the way, the things I say here are in no particular order, I'm just, as writers would say, using "stream of consciousness" as I have a lot could say but limited amount of time. Speaking of writers, I was a huge Agatha Christie fan as a teenager while my friends read romance novels (not saying I wasn't interested in romance, particularly real life romance (I was a normal teenager) , but I liked mystery also). But I still didn't know that about the origin of meaning of the word posh (may have in the past, but if so, I forgot). Carol, I also want money that lasts longer haha. (Don't we all?) Money that slides out of wallets easily wouldn't be conducive to that. I also want more closet space (and storage space in general), as our older house wasn't built like the newer ones with huge walk in closets, etc. Frankly, I think there is going to be a big(er) housing collapse here in the US as people seem to be buying beyond their means (this time the fault of the consumer in addition to the lender). Our 3 bedroom house was built with small rooms (even for its day) and little storage. It was also built shoddily, with inferior products and workmanship. Even all the electrical plugs are upside down! (And we have aluminum wiring instead of copper, against code now.)
And Cat, i would love to have you for a personal shopper. Even paying you, I'm sure I would cone out ahead. And i hate shopping.
Jane, of my! I don't envy that neighbor situation at all! (And love the BF quote.) Maybe they could be kicked out from living there, even if they still legally own their house? That might force then to lower their apparently ridiculous asking price they have now. Keep your chin up and keep fighting for your rights. I also think most of us have had crazy neighbor situations at times. (As with Carol, will spare you the details of ours.)
Glad your fish are ok now Carol. Doug used to have a very nice aquarium when I first met him...
BTW, fishing again yesterday and Doug and I both caught our first ever tiger trout. We also caught rainbow trout (the typical fish we catch), but only kept 2 of the 6 we actually landed since there are only 2 of us, and frozen fish are not the same. We also entered a kayak fishing in Utah for August tournament, and I'm in second place! Well, I won't tell you that only 2 people out of several have submitted fish so that's why I'm in second, ha ha. :ycool: Doug couldn't enter his because he forgot to put the tourney identifier tags in the picture.
But it was a great day nonetheless.)
Shanen, I hope your hubby's colonoscopy went as well as it could.
Can't wait for our Utes college football to begin (end of month.)