Laying down causes bowel cramping

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May 29, 2009
c-diff infection lead to moderate flare. (4 wks ago)
neasea, dizzyness, extremely tired, aweful cramping, sore muscles, severe headaches, but no Diarrhea.
got put on that terrible medicine for c-diff & made me feel worse. (for 10 days)
off of that now, but my flare is still acting up.
i got put on bacid and another "good bacteria" med, and also a new medication for iron, and entocort for 6 wks.
every morning i have terrible cramping for about 2 hours, followed by on and off diarrhea and normal stools.
the rest of the day is usually ok. sometimes a little tired and on & off cramping.
but recently i have no appetite.
and everytime i take a nap or lay down for a while i have to go to the bathroom again.

is there a link to laying down and then my bowels cramping and giving my diarrhea?
this has been going on for a little more than 4 wks straight.
end in sight? :(
That is an interesting question. When I have an active colon it is usually active in the morning and then settles down. I wonder what the link between sleep or laying down and BMs might be? Sounds like there might be something to it.
yup that was the same for me. my bowels were ALWAYS awful in the morning. i would go many many times and by the time i was all done i would need to get back in my bed.
never thought about whether or not it had to do with sleeping/laying down or not.

eileenrose you mentioned the meds that youre on for the c-diff, are you on any for the crohns itself?
Im completely opposite, my bowels always come more in the middle of the night and late afternoon.

usually when I lay down after awhile I got terrible cramp pains. I don't know why that is though. i hope you feel better eileenrose.

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