It's been 5 months since I got my temporary ileostomy, and I must say that I am becoming less aware of the darn thing everyday. I get scoped at the end of August to see if I am ready to have it reversed. My doctor told me that many people put this off, because they are too busy living their lives. I thought she was nutts! Now here I am, a month away, and I am dreading taking time off of work and missing my kids play football just to have surgery. Who knew I would become one of those people! Having an ileostomy after 5 months kind of reminds me of the same attention we as women have to put into having our periods. Without the cramps and bloating though. To those who are facing a permenant ileostomy and have never had a temporary one, please know that everything will be okay. You will live your life again, with just a few minor changes. God bless everyone going through this hell, there is light at the end.