Let's talk about pain

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Jan 21, 2010
Am I a rare one?
I don't have any pain, does this mean I'm in remission?
The only pain that I do get on a daily basis is a shooting one up my bum when I need to poo, then once I've done that, it goes.
I suffer badly with urgency and frequency.
I don't get pain after eating or during eating.
I've only had one really horrendous pain, this was when I was in hospital with an obstruction/blockage, this was LRQ in the ileum, and round my lower back.
This pain was excruciating, exhausting and horrific, I couldn't even talk!
When I read people's stories about pain I'm intrigued as to what/where they are talking about. Pain really confuses me sometimes.
Is your pain all over the belly? Or one specific area all the time, is it constant or does it go. Is it after eating?
I'd like to know more about your pain please.
I need to understand this cos my consultant has told me last week that I'm in remission. No Pain = remission?
He said that if I get the blockage pain again and end up in hospital he will operate.
Thanks, and sorry if I sound naive, but I'm confused by all of this pain stuff.
Hi Astra,

I would love to be pain free like you!

I have pain every day (been just over 12 months now!), lower right side, it is normally an ache, often stabby to and if I press on it at all it is really bad!

My pain also tends to get worse once I've eaten and sometimes just if I drink anything as well.

Pain is always in EXACTLY the same place though, never moves.

(also does some loud gurgles a lot that can also be quite painful!)

Hope that helps!

Rachel x
Thanks Rachel
That's exactly what I wanted to know!
If I do get pain, it's lower right too and an ache, but not had that pain for over 18 months now, so I'm assuming it's calmed down after a year on Pred?
Trying to get my head round whether a flare would be pain in the LRQ (active) or general belly ache after eating.
That is the confusing bit!
What constitutes a flare? Where the Crohn's is? Or belly ache cos of food/over indulgence?
Hope I'm making sense here!
I have strictures in the ileum as well as active inflammation/ulcers in the colon/rectum. I get lots of lower right quadrant pain, but I also get a lot of upper stomach pain. The lower pain is the stabby nasty stuff. All of my pain is usually asociated with eating/drinking and it is also very crampy when I have to go to the bathroom.

From what I understand, a flare is when you have inflammation and or ulcers in your gut. I don't believe its a belly ache because of over indulgence. I can't eat anything or drink anything without getting really bad pain, but.... i'm getting ready to have surgery! So I know its the crohn's.
Thank you, things are beginning to make sense now.
I've obviously over indulged this week!
I have not got LRQ pain where my Crohn's is, possibly just indigestion, need a good burp!

I hope you're ok, and a speedy recovery after your op
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I have UC(distal) and I only get a bit of pain if I need to go to the toilet.
Recently had pain LRQ but mostly get it in LLQ. Its been kind of an ache.
Unfortunately I am in the middle of a flare.
Hope you stay pain and flare free for a long long time. xxxxx
I have had crohns for years now and the same pains when I am in a flare-up .... like right now....since June. Every morning when I wake up, even if at 4am, I have terrible cramps. Almost like menstrual cramps but sharper. And much lower in the belly. I have a colostomy so once my bowels move and my bag fills then the cramps ease up. If I am bleeding which is on the worst days then the pain stays bad all the time. Especially when I eat or drink anything. I have pain medication when I need it and it helps. Staying on liquids for a few days helps too. You are truly blessed if you don't have pain with this disease. Some days I stay curled up in bed... but I try to live my life as normal as possible. Only those close to me know if I am having a bad day. My last remission lasted two years... pain free life I was so grateful for!
My son was just diagnosed with Crohn's and has pain in his lower right quadrant and in the stomach area with a flare up. He had a little pain every few days in b/w flare ups.
Awe Joanie, I always knew you were a pain in the butt! :lol: Kidding aside, you could have scar tissue, or spasms, when you have a bm, or a fistula? I dunno, but if the pain leaves when you have a bm could be internal hemmies? Heck, you should at least get a sigmoid to make sure it isnt anything. You know me I always have LRQ pain but some days are worse than others but I am used to it. Yeah I know, who can get used to pain?

Maybe you need some psyillum (sp). Hope you have a great NEW YEAR if we dont meet up.. Loves ya!
Yo Joan and happy new year.
Acute pain related to perf aside, the pain I get is always in the same places and pretty much the same time or triggers.
Half an hour after food ruq pain that is a constant ache with campy worsenings, it also occurs randomly when things aren't good- I think this is my small bowel misbehaving.
Straight after food and night time is new for me since aug/sep- like having a load of rats with acid in their teeth in my stomach and chest- gastric and duodenal ulcers are the cause of these.
They are very different pains and I have neither when I am feeling better. Not sure if this helps you.
Do you think you may have a small fissure or internal haemorrhoid?
Joan I've always been pretty much like you describe as far as the pain is concerned, I'd get the shooting sort of pain up my backside when needing to go, aswell as the frequent dashes to the toilet with d, But id very rarely get severe pains in my stomach, every so often i might have got a slight ache in the right side of my stomach but nothing too painfull and it wouldnt last for very long at all. Even when I was admitted into the hospital the first 2 times because of flare ups, stomach pain had never really been one of my symptoms.
Thanks Martin, very helpful xxx

Thanks Pen & Littlemiss xxx

The reason I'm asking is - I need to understand whether I am active, whether there's inflammation present in ileum, and cos I haven't got any pain, does this mean I'm in remission? I've had some pain in upper belly ya see. But this is cos of over doing it with rich food. This has gone now.
When gastro palpated my area last week there was no pain, he couldn't feel swelling neither, unlike a year ago, I had to be scraped off the ceiling when he touched that area!
Ok, I'm truly grateful if I'm in remission, and this year I will ensure it stays that way, for a long time to come.
I wish you all the very best for the New Year xxxxxxxxx
Hi Astra,

I would love to be pain free like you!

I have pain every day (been just over 12 months now!), lower right side, it is normally an ache, often stabby to and if I press on it at all it is really bad!

My pain also tends to get worse once I've eaten and sometimes just if I drink anything as well.

Pain is always in EXACTLY the same place though, never moves.

(also does some loud gurgles a lot that can also be quite painful!)

Hope that helps!

Rachel x
im alot like you rachel,i have bad pains EVERYDAY but only started with pain since my UC turned into crohns just over 2 years ago!!
i get pain thro out the day and night mainly a few hours after food but sometimes without eating,i get such bad pain that i pass alot of blood and my body seems to strain when im not even constipated.:(
Hi Lollypop,

not that I'm happy to hear you are in pain but it's good to know I'm not the only one who has it everyday :-( x
Hi Lollypop,

not that I'm happy to hear you are in pain but it's good to know I'm not the only one who has it everyday :-( x

i know what you mean,whenever i get pain i cant concentrate on anything other than finding a toilet..sometimes the pain is so bad i have hot sweats and feel really weak!!!
i certainly wish if anything i didnt have pain.
Sounds like spastic colon then. Seeing as there is no inflammation, I am banking on it. Most people don't realize how common it is in Crohns. I have it too. Comes and goes. I am on a powder magnesium so it has helped a bit. :hang: my friend. :)
Hi lollypop,
I notice you are due to have EN/tube feeding in january. Have you started yet, and are you having ng, nj or peg. There is an en subsection on here which is worth a look at.
Hi lollypop,
I notice you are due to have EN/tube feeding in january. Have you started yet, and are you having ng, nj or peg. There is an en subsection on here which is worth a look at.

im due to have it in january sometime after ive seen my specialist as i cant get on with having the feed from the cartons..yuk!!!
not sure the ins and outs as he only mentioned it a few days before christmas as he is desperate to let my bowel rest seeing as nothing is working and the inflammation is now spreading!!
thanks for the advice tho..:)
Sounds like spastic colon then. Seeing as there is no inflammation, I am banking on it. Most people don't realize how common it is in Crohns. I have it too. Comes and goes. I am on a powder magnesium so it has helped a bit. :hang: my friend. :)

not sure if this reply is meant for me or the op??
For the most part I have had pain only immediately before needing the loo - my Crohn's is in my lower bowel and rectum so bowel movements are quite painful for me, usually it hangs around for 10 minutes or so afterwards while everything "recovers" I guess.

But oh that changed over Christmas! I'd been having really frequent D (10 times a day) and we were going for a long drive on Xmas Eve so I took an Immodium - after a few hours I had the most severe abdominal pain and it's stuck around for 6 horrible days. It's mainly on my left and right sides just next to my hip bones but my whole belly area is really sore and tender. No relief comes from bowel movements and I'm fluctuating between D and C (not sure if it's true constipation but my rectum seems to "spasm" and try to force something but nothing happens - it's totally involuntary and really painful!)
Sorry lollypop, sometimes I feel something on the left and my pain is on the LRQ, but turns out I had a sigmoid in the hospital after a 3 day stay and originally he thought colitis but turned out to be a bug or virus, the biopsy said so. Yeah I was crying my eyes out when I he first told me and then pissed because it wasnt and he should of waited for the biopsy. However other times he mentions spastic colon too. I am so complexed and that worries me a bit :yfaint:
Thanks Martin, very helpful xxx

Thanks Pen & Littlemiss xxx

The reason I'm asking is - I need to understand whether I am active, whether there's inflammation present in ileum, and cos I haven't got any pain, does this mean I'm in remission? I've had some pain in upper belly ya see. But this is cos of over doing it with rich food. This has gone now.
When gastro palpated my area last week there was no pain, he couldn't feel swelling neither, unlike a year ago, I had to be scraped off the ceiling when he touched that area!
Ok, I'm truly grateful if I'm in remission, and this year I will ensure it stays that way, for a long time to come.
I wish you all the very best for the New Year xxxxxxxxx

Can you not have any bloods taken so that you could have a clearer indication of if you are in remission or not? I know bloods dont always show clear signs for everyone but I guess If it turned out that your crp isnt inflated and various other things then that along with the lack of pain would give a clearer indication of remission I would have thought.
Joan, gorgeous!!! I dont know how I missed this thread unless it was because I didnt have my glasses on!

I too have the most excruciating pains up me ass! Only occasionally, and it can floor me. (me...who refused morphine in A&E with a perforated bowel, sigmoid to be exact) Now, when people call me a pain in the ass....well, they just dont understand! But its almost like a muscle spasm. Now that I dont use my ass, I would think this would no longer be a problem. But noooooooo, it's still a problem!

Also, my transverse colon. Its clearly got alot of scar tissue. Close to a blockage I would guess. Its like giving birth when food passes through there. MF that hurts. But it passes. Goes in waves. I'm never sick or nauseous at all.

I think you might have some inflammation, or scar tissue, or tags in there. And pred enemas are fab!!! I call them butt facials!! Theres other things to use besides pred though. Threse these lovely pills you can put up your bum, and make you walk like an egyptian...or rather like a duck actually. Of course there are lots of meds for our lovely bums. Take care of your bum. When that goes....it all has to go. Yes...time for a wee 'nose' up there. If its locally inflammed, they can treat it locally.

Now...it only those meds could do a 'butt lift', sigh............
Misty! ha ha ha so funny!
Thanks mucker!
I haven't got a pain in the arse, only when I need a poo! Then it goes, I've had it checked, remember?
I lay on the bed with my arse in the air and Dr Bassi parked his bike in there?
And the GP called it 'over use'?
And I said, 'No **** Sherlock!'

I haven't got any pains today, did a big fart and it went after sipping boiled water. Wind.
Hey Martin,
I had all my blood work done last week, he's checking everything, B12 and Iron, CRP too, he will write to me with the results.

Y'all have a fab New Year's xxxxxxxxxxxx
Dats why I'm here! Astra...you can simply NEVER have your ass checked out too much!! If the ass hurts when you gotta poo (or even when you dont) ya gotta have a good lookin man look at it.

Personally, my only tattoo is on me ass. Its a lion. With a nice red tongue, and it has little balls and everything. I ENJOY sticking my middle aged floppy ass up in the air. Always makes the Dr's laugh! (you too can look forward to this in middle age...it's FUN!)

If you ass hurts when you gotta ****, I'm worried about your ass. Course I worry about your ass anyway, cause I love ya!
Hey Joan,

Prior to Sarah and Matt being in remission they both had pain to varying degrees, sometimes severe, other times what they described as more of a discomfort.

Their pain always stayed in the same area, Sarah upper abdomen and Matt navel/LRQ. Sarah's only became generalised over her whole abdomen when she reached critical stage, most likely much like you were when obstructed. So for them no pain does equal remission and hopefully it is the same for you! :)

Good luck, :heart:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Thanks Dusty, that's reasurring to know xxx

Misty, I don't know how old you think I am but I know I've passed that middle aged thingy!
Just for you and cos I luvs ya too, I'll get it probed again! Dr Bassi looks like Peter Andre!
I bet you won't!

Does he have a smirk on his face when you walk into his office? :eek2:

Dusty. :)
Oh yeah!!! I'm loving that!! And Joan...you look fabulous darling! And I bet your ass does too!

No wonder you dont complain about that checkup. :heart:
ha ha I remember after the 'incident' he said
'what's up, you don't look your usual smiley self'

(I wanted to say 'neither would you after a finger's been shoved up your arse by a beautiful man') oooooooo er

It has crossed my mind - when do you decide in life to look up and into peoples bums for a living?

I remember not long ago I went for a routine appiontment and I saw a consultant I had not had before. He was lovely!! Anyway I told him how I was doing and he then says 'lets have a look shall we?'
If I could have moved I would have run away. But no, I just sobbed in embarrasment and nodded my head!!
Soooooo embarrased.
Have seen him again since and I could not look him in the eyes!
Yeah but Sharon mine was worse cos he only wanted to check my tummy not me arse!
I just assumed, like you do
Stripped and stuck it up in the air, the nurse nearly died!
I died, slowly.

And Dusty, Yeah, my arse winks (everytime I recall the 'incident')
It must be tough to be a gorgeous GI or GYN. I had a gorgeous GYN once. I mean..WHAT WERE THEY THINKING going into those jobs looking like that! Every damn time I had to see that GYN I couldnt even speak! I stammered, I stuttered, I blushed. And that was before I had my clothes off!

Its just not RIGHT damnit. They should just model or something and let us have our normal ugly twits that we dont get embarrassed in front of! There ought to be a law! I shouldnt feel like I have to wax first!
Yeah but Sharon mine was worse cos he only wanted to check my tummy not me arse!
I just assumed, like you do
Stripped and stuck it up in the air, the nurse nearly died!
I died, slowly.

And Dusty, Yeah, my arse winks (everytime I recall the 'incident')

Oooooo, I think thats one to tell your grandkids! You poor thing!!! I think Stan is even laughing!!!
Lol. I see what you mean hun. How was you to know!!
If they are that good looking they should be made to stand up by our heads to give us something to look at and forget whatever is going on 'down there'!!!!!
There should be a law against good looking people going into the medical profession.
God yeah, no need for it!
A gawjus man should only look at your fanny if there's summit good gonna happen at the end!
ha ha ha how did we get to here!
Beats all the ***** on telly!
Pen is gonna call us naughty girls again!
My husband keeps asking me what is so interesting on the forum!!!!
If only he knew!!
Hhehheee!!! This is much better than telly! Grahame wants to know what I am belly laughing about...cant understand it's about Joans ass!
I have to say I did just tell my husband about Joans ass!!
Sorry Joan.
He did laugh, a lot.
Defo beats telly. Load of crap on.
I did watch Micheal Mcintyre on Christmas day. Was sooo funny
Don't tell the men about my lily white arse!

hey I received my tickets today for John Bishop for next September, he's a very funny man, reminds me of my Dad! He was very Scouse too!

Sharon, glad you're having a laugh tonight, don't let the bastards grind you down luv
I try not to hun. But its getting harder and harder with every knock back. Gotta laugh

A few of my friends have seen John Bishop when he was down this way. Said he was hilarious.

Its ok about your lilly white arse. He will never meet you and he is a man, he will have forgotten by tomorrow!!!
he will have forgotten by tomorrow!!!

Typical Man then?

You take it easy hun, hang on in there,
I am hun.

Hope you stay in remmision for a long long time.

And try to resist flashing your lilly white at anyone else!!!

Yeah but Sharon mine was worse cos he only wanted to check my tummy not me arse!
I just assumed, like you do
Stripped and stuck it up in the air, the nurse nearly died!
I died, slowly.

And Dusty, Yeah, my arse winks (everytime I recall the 'incident')

Ha, I was gonna mention "the incident" but looks like Dusty beat me too it. :ytongue: I laugh everytime I am reminded of it. We should call you "bottoms up"!

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