Life Falling Through My Fingertips

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Aug 26, 2010
I just want to be normal again. I don't want to have to go through this. My husband and I really love each other but we can't even enjoy our marriage because we're always so sick all of the time. We never got to even have a honey moon. I had an emergency surgery last year 8 days after our wedding and I almost died. This is just awful. I just need to vent about the current situation.

A letter I sent to a lady at my church today:

I feel so hopeless today. I know we have the Lord but I'm worried. My husband talked about picking up a 2nd job last week but the epidural shot in his back didn't work. They want to inject it into a different site in his back now but I'm worried about that because he can't just go allowing people to poke holes in his spinal cord out of desperation. That's what gets people on operating tables.

Also, he told me last night he slipped on the wet floor at the car dealership right onto his back and peed himself. My poor husband. I was so angered to receive this news as I just don't understand what the purpose of all of this is.

Medicaid argued with me and told me that unless that medical report form is filled out by the doctor, they will deny me. They offered to give me a $100 voucher to see their doctors to run the tests again. I told them there is no way $100 will cover all of those tests over the course of 9 months. John's Hopkins told me to just let them do that because if I get denied, at least I won't get denied based on me not providing that form because Hopkins can not accept a denial letter based on me not providing a medical form. This is just taking forever. I know people wait years to get a diagnosis but I was hoping I wouldn't have to...

I put a call into my old doctor to see if she'll just fill out the form for me even though Kaiser said no. I won't find out until Wednesday when she gets back into the office. Health insurance can kick in about a month at Jimmy's work. It's pretty cheap but we will have to meet a $3,000 deductible before we can get 100% free everything. We can't even pay our bills right now so I don't know how that will even be possible.

In January, I will be able to get my maximum benefits from unemployment, $280 per week and I can start school to get even more money if I'm well enough by then. Jimmy said Honda marks their cars down so much that's why they sell so many so he works 12-14 hour days for barely anything. It would be dumb to move to another one at this point because it takes so long to get going with the real money.

I know God will get us through but I'm having such a hard time. I came down with a cold a couple of days ago. I'm having an illness relapse as well. It started coming on 2 weeks ago but I didn't see it coming, I didn't know. I'm afraid, worried and depressed. I know those fears aren't true but I can't help it. I wish I could just trust God more. I can not work and my husband is working on a hurt body and I've just had it! We aren't able to do things together anymore and it just weighs on me. I know we've been through a lot worse but my positive days are getting smaller and smaller. It's difficult to manage even cleaning the house. I just get so tired and hurt a lot.

The cognitive problems are getting worse. Sometimes I can not even remember how old I am and I leave the stove and oven on a lot. When I sit down to go to the bathroom, I can not remember if I've gone or not until I'm sitting there waiting to go realizing that I must have went at some point... :(

And I hate being sick. It makes everything so much worse. I wish someone could take me by the hand and help me through this. My husband is always at work. I can't expect someone to be with me every waking moment. I feel like I'm going to crack.
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This post breaks my heart. :( You're going through a lot of the same things I am, both emotion-wise and money-wise. I work full-time, which is a challenge in itself a lot of the time, and there's never enough money to cover the bills. Sometimes I wish I could quit my job so I could focus on my health, but my husband does freelance work which means his pay is not reliable and sometimes he makes no money if he has no projects, plus he has no way of getting insurance except through my job, so I have no choice but to keep working. It's really, really hard sometimes. So I totally understand what you're going through. I'm undiagnosed too and I'm also trying to get my doctor to fill out a form, which he's been dragging his heels on for weeks. Sometimes it feels like everything is just piling up on top of me until I can't breathe! I have to step back and just try to handle one thing at a time. If I can just make it through this one day of work, get this one bill paid, take care of this one piece of paperwork....

I wish I had an answer for you. The only things I can offer are support and a sympathetic ear (or eyes I guess since it's a forum) and lots of virtual hugs. I really hope things turn around for you soon, sweetie. I hope the lady at your church who receives your letter will be able to help you, even in some small way. Hang in there, I know things are tough now but there's got to be better days ahead. ((Hugs!))
Thank you Cat. Virtual hugs mean more than you know lol I couldn't imagine working right now. Even though it made things tougher, losing my job was a blessing. I need the rest and my husband has really stepped up and started taking his leadership role seriously. He is a great man for doing what he does for so little to try and keep us afloat. I just folded some towels and put my socks and underwear away from a load of laundry I did 2 days ago.

I put a load of whites in and took a shower. That was quite an accomplishment and it made me feel a little better. That and crying on the phone with my mother in law. Even though I'm sick right now, I'm going to try and just do the dishes and then lay down for the rest of the day.

Thank you so much for replying to my post. It helps to know that I'm not alone. I mean, I know I'm not but I need to hear it and see it.

How are you feeling today Cat?
It sounds like you've got a really great husband (and mother-in-law!). My hubby tries, he really does, but even though I've told him that I don't know how much longer I'll be able to work, he still hasn't looked for a "real" job. I know he loves doing freelance work, but it's gotten to the point where I need him to find more stable employment. He refuses to look, though, and whenever I talk about money and job stuff, he responds by trying to find more freelance work. So he is trying, but it's not enough.

So you're incredibly lucky that you've got a husband who instinctively knows what needs to be done and is doing it. Sounds like you've got a great support system with hubby and mother-in-law and the people at your church all being shoulders for you to cry on. You're not alone, not in the real world and not on here either. Feel free to vent to me anytime, I can relate to so much of what you're going through. Sending more hugs your way! ((((((((HUGS!))))))))
I'm sorry you're going through all of this. So far you seem to be doing quite well by doing one small thing at a time. Even taking a shower can seem like a big deal, I certainly know a thing or two about that. :p Doing one small thing at a time helps them to not pile up and turn into a big issue later on so I'm glad you're able to do some stuff for now. Dealing with medical insurance is a HUGE hassle and we all go through it and jump through our hoops. Hopefully things will change in the near future and no one will be denied any sort of needed medical care. I'm sorry to hear about your husband as well. My boyfriend works and has to deal with his own injury at the moment and doesn't make a fuss if say the dishes aren't done or if I was laying down all day because I didn't feel well. Its great having people around you who care even when they are down as well. I'm glad that you're getting help from others as well such as from your church cause we need and deserve as much help as we can get even if its just a shoulder to cry on. I hope things start picking up soon.

Have you contacted the doctor personally you saw who ran all those tests to see if they will fill out the paperwork that you need? Even if you aren't a current patient anymore you should be able to get that filled out because they were your doctor and they may have a kind enough heart to fill it out on their own time (I know mine were). Don't speak with anyone but the doctor (call the office and say that you want to leave a message for Dr. ______ and they should send you to their voice-mail) and leave them countless messages until they get back to you, and they will.
Thank you very much for all of your support. I have contacted the doctor that was treating me. She's out of town until next wednesday. The nurse said it's up to the doctor to fill out the form, to decide anyways. We'll see. It would make my life a whole lot easier.
Hi Jamelia,
Want to send hugs to u 2! And also to Cat and Crabby! I'm sorry things r difficult at times. I 2 have some things I've been stressed about! 1 thing that keeps me going is knowing that it will all be ok 1 day, and u will get thru this! I don't have a hubby and my job didn't make payroll ontime this month. $ is an issue right now 4 me 2! Its so stressful I know! <-still havnt pd my car note this month. And I'm worried about losing my job some days.. Idk maB its just paranoia. But its scary to be sick all of a sudden, and not know what's ahead. Feel free to send me a message anytime! I'm here if u just need to vent, or want someone to talk to. :)
I hope thongs get better! Best wishes!! And ((BIG HUGS))!!
Oh goodness I said I hope thongs get better. I do have to laugh @ myself on that one (small chuckle).. I meant I hope things get better! :D
Oh you guys are so sweet and so loving. You're right, it is scary to all of a sudden be sick and not know what's ahead. I mean it's not like a cold or a flu.

I often lay and wonder if this will be the rest of my life. My dad has RSD and said he just came to a point with God saying "Okay God, if I am supposed to suffer, then fine. I will do it but you have to give me the strength to do it so I can still be a blessing to my family."

I was like "Dad, I am SO not there yet" lol
Jami - So sorry to hear all the troubles you are going through. Life really stinks sometimes, ya know?

Has the lady from church responded yet?

I wish I had some practical information or advice I could give you. If it's any consolation I will add you to my prayer list. Even if you feel like giving up, just know there is someone out there praying for you and supporting you! :) It's hard sometimes giving it all over to God and trusting in Him to take care of you, but He will! Just not always in the way we expect and/or want it to. ;)

Hang in there!
Jamelia I hate to hear of your struggles. I know how hard this must be for you, but I and the others on this forum are here for you anytime you need to talk or vent. I hope you find strength through your church, family, and friends. I will say a prayer for you and your husband.
I just wanted to drop in to tell you that what you are feeling is normal and quite common for us Crohnies at one time or another. Hang in there and if you need to vent or a shoulder to cry on, we are always here 24/7!

Hope you start to feeling better soon - Amy

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