Light Headed?

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May 4, 2009
Does anyone else get light headed from time to time?
I would say I get it not everyday..maybe about everyother day, or a few times a week. It doesnt usually last long. Just wondered if anyone else got this and why it could be. I have heard that it can be from low blood sugar or aneamia. I dont think I have either of those. Every time I think I'm aneamic and get tested I'm not. And I eat frequently throughout the day, so I dont think it would be low blood sugar. Any other ideas what it might be?
Thanks :)
x x x x x x
Edit: I just wanted to add that I have it right now and have just eaten loads of dinner and chocolate pudding, and I know glucose gets into the blood stream fairly quickly, so tht just backs up why I dont think its low blood sugar!
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I go through periods of time where I am like that all the time. Standing up and whatnot make it really bad. It gets to the point where my vision starts to black out and I swear I am going to pass out.
Had blood tests and everything seems fine. Although it usually only happens when I am going through a flare.
Have either of you had your blood pressure checked?

Other thing is if you have just eaten your blood sugar levels get higher, but if you are glucose intolerant it may go higher, or something.
I get it all the time, and I know it's from low blood pressure, have always had it (since high school). Better to be on the low side than high, Dr's always monitored it quite carefully through all 3 of my pregnancies, for some reason it always went lower then.
Yup I am the same, but Beth is on the money - I have low blood pressure , and if you are prone to D, then your presure can drop again... I get it a lot... there is a name for it but I can't recall....

Ah that'll be "standie up fallie down again" syndrome! :)
I get it. My blood pressure if habitually low.
xX_LittleMissValentine_Xx said:
Does anyone else get light headed from time to time?
I would say I get it not everyday..maybe about everyother day, or a few times a week. It doesnt usually last long. Just wondered if anyone else got this and why it could be. I have heard that it can be from low blood sugar or aneamia. I dont think I have either of those. Every time I think I'm aneamic and get tested I'm not. And I eat frequently throughout the day, so I dont think it would be low blood sugar. Any other ideas what it might be?
Thanks :)
x x x x x x
Edit: I just wanted to add that I have it right now and have just eaten loads of dinner and chocolate pudding, and I know glucose gets into the blood stream fairly quickly, so tht just backs up why I dont think its low blood sugar!

Well, I'm constantly aniemic as most Crohnies are, so I wouldnt doubt that you may be as well. Also I do notice at times, I get headaches as well with the light you?
I usualy just take some paracetamol which helps, but I dont like to take them too often, coz of all the other stuff i take all the time. So i wait to see how long I can take it for. Also if im busy I dont notice them as much.
x x x x
Light headedness

Try lying down after eating or eating several small meals. It could be that your blood is busy assisting with digestion. I have the same trouble and have noticed my blood pressure drops for a bit when I feel faint and tired.
I would agree with Tom, your energy is being used for digesting the food so this could be the cause. Try eating lighter/smaller dinners but more often
I go dizzy and get headaches when my bp goes up.
Had a really bad reading when I was in for my last Infliximab/remicade infusion.
The highest I had was 198/110.
That scared the crap(no pun intended) out of me.
Dont know if it was the medication or what but its not been right since.
Hope you get it sorted, it horrid feeling dizzy.
I get light headed often, but my doctor told me that it could be from dehydration. I have a lot of diarrhea so it makes sense that it could be from that. Headaches can also be caused by dehydration, so make sure to drink sips of water throughout the day. A doctor once told me that drinking a lot of water all at once doesn't help as much as sipping water all day.
Orthostatic hypotension

I use to get this once a month maybe... However the last 3 months it happens every time I get up from laying down. My vision will go grey/black and my nerves tingle. It's no fun!
This is an old post however I started experiencing lightheaded and headache for 3-4 days now. I don't know to call regular primary doc or GI? Is it related to IBD?
I found out that mine was caused from nuero cardiac syncope it has to do with your heart if it gets bad ask for a tilt table test.
I get dizzy every day and find its worst when I stand and can't hold on to anything. I really want to get to the bottom of this because its very hard socially to go out feeling like you will faint.

I am going to try to eat more smaller carb meals, drink more water and increase salt intake.

I'm thinking this might be my problem: I am also looking into this as a potential factor: apparently GI disease and autoimmune disease are contributing factors.

What kind of doctor performs a tilt test? I was seen by a neurologist but he didn't see anything wrong with my brain MRI.
A cardiologist is the specialist who orders tilt tests.
When I was having problems with faintness my GP sent me for a cardiogram,later followed by a Cardiolite test which involves having a scan followed by an injection and then a treadmill stress test followed by another scan. Quite involved.
Finally the cardiologist ordered a tilt table test.
Hope this helps
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
The tilt test is only if blood pressure issues are suspected right? It seems odd going to a cardiologist over being dizzy.
Sometimes it is necessary if your family physician decides.
I had almost passed out in his office as I was leaving, he caught me just in time from falling.
This is where it started.
Tests showed leaky valves, cardiologist said this is not significant and slight right side heart failure.
The tilt table test differentiated between a heart condition and vasovagal attacks.
I was diagnosed with vasovagal syncope.
It was a long story to get through.
You do need your doctors to diagnose the problem and follow up accordingly.
If you are getting dizzy all the time, it would be worth getting your iron and B12 levels tested to ensure you are not anaemic.
My bloods are fine. I have seen an opthamplogist and neurologist. Next stop on the specialist bandwagon is an ENT.
I get light headed all the time and have put it down to dehydration or electrolyte imbalances due to a high output ileostomy. Dehydration is a particular cause because it decreases the volume of blood in the body so leading to low blood pressure and orthostatic hypotension. I know in hospital if someones blood pressure is low the nurses always get the patient to drink some water. So try hydrating before worrying about heart problems but if that doesn't work get your doctor to check it out to be on the safe side.

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