Lonely and depressed

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 24, 2012
lonely and depressed

I have had chrons disease since the age of 18 years of age. I currently am taking remicade infusions and on prednisone and lialda. I am joining this room because I feel so alone. I am much older now. I am 47 and still no cure. I am going to open up here and begin to say I hope I do not meet any mean people here. I have met so many mean people and just so done with it. especially beginning with my family who the majority just doesnt understand me or the disease and do not wish to learn. This disease has ruined my life. My wife left me because she "isnt a nurse and didnt want to live like this". I did all I could to be "normal in this life" with a struggle. Hey I finished school, got degreed, but I could never hold on to any job. I always have been fired due to missing work from hospital stays and feeling sick. I dont want anyone to feel sorry for me. I do wish in this life I could have found someone who Loves me for who I am completely but it never happened. probably never will; I have loved. but never was given back.
so getting ready to have my next remicade infusion in a week at mount sinai and trying STILL be optomistic about everything oh but so difficult to be in my life. so reflecting back throughout my life; how everyone ive met in my life made me feel. I am a complete loser. the problem now is I am starting to believe it.
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Hey Glen
A big warm welcome to the forum :) Glad you found us. But sorry to hear you are feeling down. You are not, not, not a loser. You have a chronic illness which, unfortunately, those who don't suffer find hard to understand.
But we do here and hope we can support you in any way we can.
Some people are idiots and it is them not you who are losers. Please keep your chin up, there are good people out there and on here. Have a virtual hug from me!
Hello Glen and welcome to the forum. I am sorry that you are feeling down at the moment, unfortunately there are people out there is the world who are very ignorant to this disease, as already said though it is they who are the losers not you. It is great you have decided to join us as there is a lot of advice and support here from a wonderful group of people - no meanies allowed!

I hope the Remi is doing the job for you? Pls know you are not alone anymore and we are here whenever you need us.

I like to begin this new day from my heart to say thank you so very much to each and everyone of you for your warm greetings and support. I am glad I am here.
I understand what it feels like to be depressed because of this disease. I am so sorry to hear about your wife. Please feel free to share here and come back frequently so you don't feel isolated. It's hard enough to have the disease, but not to have loving support around you is too much to ask anyone to bear.
Sorry to hear of your troubles and trials. I know how this feels.
This is a great outlet for you and I hope you keep returning when you need support!
Hiya Glen
and welcome

My heart goes out to you! You're no longer alone with this, we're here for you.
Mean peeps are not allowed here!
There's a reason your wife didn't make it into your future, one day you'll see that.
Negativity breeds contempt and you don't need that, you need to focus on you, you're number one now!
Good luck with the Remi
Joan xxx
Hi Glen! I'm so glad you've found our little community :) As you know, I'm just a hop across Alligator Alley from you. If you ever find yourself heading towards Naples, let me know.

Other than the depression, how are you feeling these days? Are you on anything besides the Remicade? Have you had any surgeries?

I agree with Astra that one day you'll come to understand the positive reason your wife left you.

We're here for you anytime buddy!

Glen, I hope you get to a point where you say "I have Crohn's" instead of feeling that Crohn's has you. I understand the impact it's had on your life and am happy you've reached out to this community (I'm a newbie here, too - my 9 year old was just diagnosed). No loser could battle Crohn's for 30 years like you have already done. Sure, it's probably gotten the best of you sometimes, but you're still fighting it...and that takes courage. It's obvious you're feeling down right now...what can we do for you?