Looking for doctors in victoria Canada

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Apr 11, 2011
Looking for a crohn's doctors in victoria Canada

I am moving from california to Victoria British Colombia, can anyone recommend a Crohn's doctor in victoria or even Vancouver? Thanks:canada_flag:
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HI there welcome to the forum. Perhaps you could tell us your story and people out there can help you. There are a few here from BC so when they see your story someone can help you. Good luck!
Hi skandar:

Welcome to the forum, and welcome to Victoria (when you get here!). There are a couple of good GIs in Victoria. I see Dr. Pearson and I really like him. I've also seen a GI named Dr. Petrunia and he's really quite lovely as well.

With Dr. Pearson, I'm able to call him as soon as there's a problem and he always calls me back within a couple of hours and explains things really well. He tries to give you as much information as possible for you to make a decision for yourself. I've been struggling to agree with him about an ileostomy, and although I know that he really really wants me to have the surgery, he's always been respectful of the fact that I've been reluctant and has been willing to try different things that I've asked to try.

Hope this helps. Like I said, if I'd met Dr. Petrunia earlier, I would have loved to have seen him as well. There's a lot of humanity to him.

Wishing you safe travels.
You'll probably want to stick with Victoria so that you don't have to deal with the ferry. But here's a couple in Vancouver if you want to check them out.
Dr. Brian Bressler is supposed to be the best (that's who we'll be going to when my son turns 18). Dr. Rob Enns is supposed to be amazing as far as the disease goes - but not so good on the bedside manner. Dr. Frank Anderson has been recommended to us as well as a very good Dr.

You can go to http://www.ratemds.com/social/?q=no...id=53&country=1&dspecialty=Gastroenterologist
and check out the Dr.s that you are thinking about going to (I see Dr. Petrunia got a very high rating!)
Good luck with the move.
Thanks to all those who responded to my message.
I'm 18 with 2 years of mild-severe Crohn's. I started my treatment with Remicade in the US but that wasn't very successful. For the past year and a half, I'm on Cimzia and that has worked well. I am moving to Victoria, BC Canada, but I believe that Canada has not approved Cimzia for Crohn's. I am looking for information if it is possible to continue the same Cimzia treatment in Canada.
With my thanks.
Dr. Bressler in Vancouver is great, but Dr. Buckly in Victoria is great too!! He's wonderful, actually. 250-383-5403

Good luck and welcome to Victoria!
Cimzia is not available in Canada for the treatment of Crohn's. I'm not sure if you can make arrangements from the States to access the drugs, but it might be worth talking to your medical team in the US to figure out how best to continue with a treatment that has been working for you.

Good luck!