Lost my job today

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Jun 6, 2010
Well, after almost 3 years at my current job, I was separated from employment today. This is extremely depressing for me as it means my health insurance is out the window now too, so I have no idea what's going to happen there. I'm trying to stay positive about this and seize the opportunity to find something different, but when faced with the possibility now of losing my apartment, my debt has already been mounting from the medical bills, and now this, it's really hard. Does anyone by any chance know of any legit work from home opportunities or maybe have some life experience on how to handle this? I've never been separated from employment and I'm kind of lost as to where to go. I have started unemployment proceedings but beyond that I just don't know...

So sorry to hear about that - my biggest fear is to lose my job and lose my insurance - try to stay positive and I hope things turn around for you

Maybe you can get some help with your medicines thru drug companies

Try www.rxreliefcard.com - it's supposed to say up to 75% on certain drugs

Good Luck
I am so sorry that you lost your job :( That really sucks.

I use to work for arise. www.arise.com they are a legitimate work from home company. You actually have to set up your own business, so you have to incorporate yourself. It cost some money to get started, but I loved it when I worked there. I worked for Disney doing dining reservations. They have all kinds of different companies that you can do customer service through. I would look into it. You can PM me if you have any questions. I originally heard of this company on Good Morning America a few yaers ago. There are a couple of other companies that are similar, but I haven't personally worked for. I'll look them up again and you can read about them.
Hey Manzy, I also worked for Arise here in the UK for a while. Trained as a customer advisor for a major catalogue group. The training was free, so the costs involved were mainly upgrading my computer and buying a phone, headsets etc.
Thanks all for the well wishes. I have to say I'm extremely scared and stressed out over the whole thing. I think it is going to take a fair amount of time to sink in. I guess all I can do is get back on the bandwagon and keep on moving. I just hope it doesn't get drawn out for too long. I get scared it's not going to end and worry about the stigma of losing my job because of this disease, that unemployment will be denied, etc. I hate it. I just want it to end already.

Are there any success stories out there of those that have lost their job because of this and managed to come back from it? Maybe I'm needing the inspiration.
I lost my job because I have had so much time off sick and in hospital on dec 31st. At first I was distraught but I have decided to see it as an opportunity. I cannot change what has happened so I need to make the most of it. I have got time to get better without worrying about letting work down etc.

I am still not able to work but have started researching different ways of working in my job...sort of a freelance and able to choose what I do and when I do it. I didn't have time to do some of the jobs and training I wanted to and now I can. I am finding the idea of having a different working life quite liberating.

For the first time since I had my children I will be able to have their school holidays off with them.
I am lucky that I have income protection that covers part of my wage and also I have the NHS so no worries about healthcare.
My main concern I guess is that if I ever did want a permanent job, would I be taken on in view of my health issues? I have decided that I will do freelance stuff until I have a prolonged period of health so that I can say I have been in work without sickness.
Off course whether it works out that way only time will tell, but for now I welcome the change and the challenge.

Thanks for the thoughts.

I wish I had the NHS here in the US. It would be so much stress relief to not have to worry about the healthcare piece. I've had the same thought regarding hirability. I'm kind of wondering if maybe contracting or what not for a few months will allow me to re-prove myself.

Hopefully I can get my upcoming colonoscopy moved up so that I can get some relief from the balloon dilation before my insurance is up at the end of the month. This'll be my 3rd in a year. This stricture is driving me nuts. It hurts like hell and I feel like crap with it, not to mention it has now cost me gainful employment.
i believe www.liveops.com you are actually hired as an employee and not a contractor like you would be with arise. I would look into both companies and see what you think. :) I absolutely loved working for arise when I did. I only stopped because I was ready to get back out of the house and work.
Much appreciated. Now that you mention them I had heard of them before but they dropped off my radar. I'll look into both and see what I think. Not 100% sure what I want to do yet. Everything is still kind of fresh but I don't exactly want to lay down and surrender to the situation either.
New, as far as I know, just like potential employers are not allowed to ask a woman if they are pregnant, they legally can't ask about your Crohn's. If there is a spot on an application that asks "do you have any medical/health conditions that would hinder you or make you not able to work", I never answer it. As far as I am concerned, Crohn's doesn't keep me from doing my job, although I will have sick days here and there, for scopes, etc. Hospital stays now and again too. But even those without Crohn's couldn't answer that question honestly as a no. Do you know what I mean? I am so sorry to hear about your job loss. Being let go is always a terrible feeling, especially when it's over a disease you have no control over getting.
Thanks for the support, I appreciate it. In my case it wasn't really whether they could or couldn't ask, I had to tell them because I did not want them to think I was gone because I was being lazy or anything.

I am however beginning to accept it now that it's been a week. It has taken awhile, but realistically and for my own sanity I have to accept it and move on. There's nothing I can do to change it, it's done and over with.

I fortunately work in a somewhat high demand industry and have some somewhat unique training due to what I did before I was separated, so here's to hoping the jobless period doesn't last that long as my insurance dies at the end of the month.
The big problem with work at home through company websites is they expect you to work 6 months IN OFFICE before you work from home. Arise is a scam they want you to incorporate your own business...takes money! Liveops is also a scam look them up on Google. They do not pay everyone who works for them etc....

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