Loving a man recently diagnosed...

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May 12, 2011
Hello, everyone.

I'm here because I need a place to talk about what is happening to my boyfriend. Back in December '10, he started having really bad diarrhea, and then there was blood. There was cramping, everything he ate made it all worse, and he was miserable. He went to his family doctor and they took stool samples and screened for infections and all that, but nothing conclusive. So he was scheduled to get a colonscopy at the end of January with a gasteroenterologist. During that month he became a shell of himself. I thought he was on his death bed. He wouldn't eat, he couldn't eat! He lost 30 lbs. It was heartbreaking and scary. I didn't know what to do for him other than pouring liquids down his throat to keep him hydrated. I think he was prescribed some acid reflux meds, possibly over the counter ones. I can't remember if he had any other prescriptions at that time....

When he finally went in for the colonscopy, the doctor showed me his pictures and said that his entire rectum and colon was inflammed. But it didn't extend into his small intestines. He thought it looked like Ulcerative Colitis, but blood work indicated it might possibly be Crohn's Disease. They just weren't sure. He was given a ton of Colazal. It seemed to help a little bit and after going over a strict diet, he could put a little food down. But he wasn't getting better. Then the doctor tried switching up his meds, added steriods....honestly, I cannot remember off the top of my head what he was given.

And then he got worse. Heavy bleeding again. He went to work and almost fainted, and his mother drove him to the ER. They gave him two units of blood because his hemoglobin count was half of what it should have been. And then we spent 11 night and 12 days in the hospital. He was given an IV to give him more blood and steriods. He was taking steriods by mouth. He's been taking Asacol ever since and Ultram for the cramping and Prednisone. Nothing was working. He wasn't healing fast enough. He just kept bleeding. He went on a clear liquid diet and lost an additional 20lbs. He was stuck so many times with needles and IVs that his arms looked like he was a crack junkie. It finally came down to treating it like it was Crohn's Disease and he got a Remicade infusion. And that finally seemed to work. He was given some more potassium and sent home, but still very weak. He...he looked like those pictures you see of starving children. His arms and legs were too skinny and his butt was bony and he couldn't climb stairs. It broke my heart. He still kind of looks like that now, even though it's been almost 3 weeks since we left the hospital.

At first, we thought was on his way to a slow recovery. Finally! He was gaining a little weight back, he could eat again! He devoured food (in small amounts, though) and had a better attitude. In fact, he was scheduled to return to work this week. But then he started bleeding again. The cramps were back even worse. He had to have two units of blood the other day because he looked like a ghost. He has trouble walking short distances again.

We saw the doctor again today and he thinks he might have C. Difficile. If it's not a C. Diff or other infection....they're talking about surgery. And I'm scared for him. He's 25 years old and he's been through so much. I have been there for him every single moment and it's horrifying. This disease is...I can't find the words. I keep a smiling face on to support him, but I cry the few moments I get alone sometimes. I don't want him to have to live with a colostomy bag at so young an age. It's just breaking my heart.

I just needed to get that out. I feel so helpless. I do everything I can for him, but nothing seems to make him better and I want to scream at the sky and just have him feel normal again for one more day! Please!
Smarzie, he's very lucky to have such a supportive loving partner. Sounds like surgery then. OK, well although not pleasant & painful it can bring about dramatic upturns in health. In fact from someone who is painfully ill to someone who suddenly feels well for the 1st time in ages. It can be miraculous in terms of recovery from Crohns.
I'm sure his Gastro specialist will suggest whats best, think down that line.
I think they tell everyone that is having bowel surgery there is a chance that they may come around with a temporary colostomy. Now I've never had one but I know of a few people that have, @ 1st they find it terrible because it appears so abnormal. But almost to a man after a few months its turned their lives around. And some dont want it reversed!!
So I'd say hang on in there, believe in the specialist & be as supportive as possible whatever the outcome. You may just find you'll get your guy back in much better shape than he is now.
1st symptoms 1983
Diagnosed 1985
1997 Right Hemicolectomy & Resection
2002 Laperotomy & Resection
2010 Laproscopic Ileocolic Resection

Been on Azathioprine & Pred

Currently on Entocort 3mg every other day
Humira 40mg every two weeks
Pentasa 4gm daily
3mthly B12 Jabs
Hi Smarzie and welcome! I am so sorry about your BF. I hope surgery will bring him the relief he needs. And you just being there for him is doing more than you know. This disease is difficult to deal with and support from loved ones is essential.

Hang in there and keep us posted!
Wow, your poor boyfriend :( It's so sweet of you to be sticking by his side and be so supportive. I have no doubt that it's tough though and I'm glad you found your way here.

Since he's taking Remicade infusions, you may want to check out our Remicade club forum and read up on it a little.

I hope your boyfriend continues to improve and that you continue to find the strength to support him.

All my best to you!

Hi Smarzie and welcome!!!

I'm sorry about yr boyfriend. You are a truly fantastic and loving partner. There's not a lot of things I can think of, apart from uc and cd that can cause such things to happen. I hope it's an infection and they can treat it with antibiotics before it does more damage inside.

Hugs.x :hug:
Well, it's not an infection. He's scheduled to go to Columbus, OH this Monday to talk to some surgeons/specialists. If they can't figure out something else, he'll probably have to have surgery. I just hope that if that happens, he won't have a permanent bag. He's already been getting kind of depressed, and I know that that would make him feel just awful. I know it's not the end of the world because my father has an ostomy bag from when he had his bladder removed from cancer. But, it's still worse case scenario for him. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Thanks everyone for all the kind replies. :)
sounds awful all around :(

Hi Smarzie,
Just wanted to tell you how terrible the whole thing sounds, so sudden, so ground-shattering, so incredibly frustrating. I am in sorta a similar situation but the man in question is not as sick, not as young and I am not as close as you are, in terms of being the main source of support to him. And yet the feeling of helplessness in the face of this disease is there. So I can´t begin to imagine the magnitude of what you guys are going through.
I sincerely wish you find the right doctors and the best resources out there, and that you both have time to get in the right frame of mind for whatever turns out to be the next step. I hope that the worst has already happened and you guys get a break soon.
This place is fantastic, people are both the most knowledgable and the most caring, I'm sure hanging out here can help, at least in terms of feeling less lost and not as lonely.
Hugs to you.
Don't think negative about surgery and a bag if he needs one.
You should take a look at this video on youtube 'Lifting with a J-pouch - 635 and 675 deadlift'
by daleer1
And listen to his story.
If I end up really bad I'll get mine done. We're never to young. I had my problems start at age 25 too. You should get him to read people's stories too. I would be so angry at everything if I never talked to people online about it all and seen videos and stuff. I would really be lost.
Hi Smarzie and welcome! Your BF is very lucky to have your love and support. The best thing you can do is to love him in spite of his illness and whatever the outcome is. Having a bag is not the end of the world as you know from your Dad. If that happens, it is likely he will feel so much better that he won't even care he has a bag! And if you don't care and are not turned off by it, then he's really a very fortunate guy.

Good luck - keep us posted on his progress.

- Amy

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