Low blood cell count?

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Feb 5, 2010
So, I just got a call from my PCP's office about my blood results. This was the first time I had blood tests since starting Humira about a month ago. I had a CRP and CBC test run.

The nurse said everything was normal, except for my white blood cell count, which was low. She says my doc thinks it's due to my being on Humira, but that he wants me to come back in 3-4 weeks to get it drawn again.

She, of course, didn't say any specific values, but I am seeing my GI this Wednesday, so I plan on asking him, since they are faxing the results to him (since he ordered the blood work).

I know it is probably typical for white blood cells to be low if I am on immunosuppressants. For those who are also on immunosuppressants, what was your white blood cell count while taking your meds? What is considered too low?
Dont you hate when you dont get a response. My white cell count was around 4.35 when I was on Imuran.
dreamintwilight said:
The nurse said everything was normal, except for my white blood cell count, which was low.

Argh - this is sooooo frustrating! We're told something's off but not given any specifics - so are we supposed to be concerned or not?!?!?!?!? I'm sorry I don't have any info on the low wbc - but when you see your GI it would be worthwhile to get a copy of your blood work (it will list the "reference ranges" so you know what's "normal"). I've been putting my results into a spreadsheet - helps me get a picture of what's going on.

[This won't really help because you don't know your specific WBC, but my lab print out says the normal reference range for WBC is 4.6-10.8 k/ul - doesn't really help with knowing what's too low, though...]
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Right, Sabrina! I mean I'm not surprised it is low because white blood cells are what fight off infection, and Humira is an immune system suppressant. So, hearing her say "he thinks it's probably because you're on Humira" kinda made me think "Well, duh." Haha. But, not sure why it would be a reason for me to come back in a month and get it taken again if it's something expected with Humira. Unless it's too low for "normal" low on Humira and he just wants to make sure I do not have something to be concerned about? No idea. I'm interested to find out what my GI thinks about it. I mean, I understand elevated white blood cell count is bad because it means I may have an infection, but I've never really thought about it being too low and what that could mean. Haha. It's always something, huh? ;)
I have no idea if numbers mean much between different people or what my numbers might be. I just know I get my blood work done once a month and if something bad starts to happen I hope they let me know :(
That's true, Kenny. I guess numbers could be different for different people. My GI wants me to start on Imuran soon too. He wrote me the Rx for it, but wants to get my blood results to see how "low" my WBC is before I start on it.

How's your experience with it been so far? I'm trying not to let the side effects scare me too much since everyone is different. We should start an azathioprine club thread! Haha.
I had a similiar experience

dreamintwilight said:
Right, Sabrina! I mean I'm not surprised it is low because white blood cells are what fight off infection, and Humira is an immune system suppressant. So, hearing her say "he thinks it's probably because you're on Humira" kinda made me think "Well, duh." Haha. But, not sure why it would be a reason for me to come back in a month and get it taken again if it's something expected with Humira. Unless it's too low for "normal" low on Humira and he just wants to make sure I do not have something to be concerned about? No idea. I'm interested to find out what my GI thinks about it. I mean, I understand elevated white blood cell count is bad because it means I may have an infection, but I've never really thought about it being too low and what that could mean. Haha. It's always something, huh? ;)

dream -Not to scare you or anything but beware of the low blood cell count w/ Humira. It can cause dangerously low white blood cell counts which can lead to serious complications. (neutropenia)

I took it while it was still in the clinical trial period a few years ago and it suppressed my white blood count so much I had to be hospitalized and quarantined. My values dipped to 1.4 and infections started to break out throughout my whole body. The doc was worried I was going to become septic and I felt absolutely horrible. I was lucky though and I didn't get the flu or a cold or anything too major and they were able to inject me with some crazy meds and antibotics that made my white blood cells divide and grow extremely fast.

I think I could have avoided the hospitalization had my doc taken me more seriously and monitored my blood work. Anyway, good luck to you:)
Thanks FatefulOne! Yeah, I'm going back in a month to get retested. Now I'm really curious to know what my count was! My GI is looking into it too. He now wants me to get CBCs every month instead of every 3 months. So, hopefully that will keep me from getting too low. Not to mention he wants to start me on Imuran too, so he'll be watching my blood work very closely! Wow, 1.4, that's crazy!
I FINALLY got copies of my blood work results (before I ended up at hospital) to see my WBC and it was at 3.7, which is just under the normal range.

They ran blood work when I was in the hospital (about a week later), of course, and it was back in the normal range. I'm thinking my WBC was as low as it was because I took my Humira that week. Now that I'm on weekly Humira shots wonder if my WBC is going to be that low all the time. I'll have to fax it to my GI.
I am not sure what mine was on my last blood test, will have to dig it up when I get home. But I remember my gastro saying the looked great.

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