Lower left side pain please help

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Jun 6, 2011
lower left side pain please help

Being that my crohns(or UC I'm not sure) has never really given me much trouble, no reall pain except for the pain before a bm or a short stint of sharp stabbing pain for a couple of hours this sort of worries me. Since Thurs I've been having trouble with pain...thurs it was a stint of sharp stabbing pain which would come and go then eventually left. Fri was fine then yest I was constipated, feeling like a rock in the left lower side(where the pain has been) I eventually passed some stool although it was hard to pass. Today I passed some more stool but the past couple of hours I've had really bad pain...prob ranging in the 6-8 pain scale. At one point I considered going to the hospital but then the pain disappated a little leaving a dull achy uncomfortable pain. I feel maybe I should go to the ER but then I feel I can hold out it'll get better. IDK

What could be going on in my body??

Also why if the classic sign of crohns or whatever is pain on the right side then why do I always seem to have pain on my left??
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Hi, Lookame. Lower left side pain is usually associated with UC. Did you have any blood in your stool?
It's been a little odd stool wise lately(also my disease presents as UC visually but my bloodwork and biopsies are crohns positive so I'm not sure which to beleive) Anyway the blood instead of being smeared along the outside looks to be imbedded inside the stool like strings and it looks like it's been coming and going the more formed the stool is(usually my stools are soft and yellowish and bloody) It's harder to see the blood the past 2 days so it's possible it's there also possible it's not. *shrug* the pain is beginning to disipate now but it feels swollen and awkward :/
Did your GI ever suggest Rowasa? It's a retention enema that gets to the lower left side of the colon. It really works well for me to stop the bleeding. I have UC. You use it at night and it stays in so the medicine helps the inflammation. It may be worth asking about, especially with the blood in your stool and feeling swollen. I hope that the pain gets better.
I guess it is possible I have crohns colitis. Though I doubt I have crohns and ulcerative colitis. I haven't really talked much about enemas, my doc and I are more discussing further treatment mostlikly remicaid after my signmoidoscopy next Monday, though I could be staying on my current treatment if it looks like my colon has healed decently. IDK my body is rather confusing lately
Melissa, I often get this and keep forgetting to ask my GI. No one on here has yet provided me with an answer. Is it just above your hip? And does does the pain greatly intensify when you push for a bowel movement? I've had this about 5 different times already and it usually last 2 days or so, and fades off to a dull pain until its gone. Just wondering. Sorry if this wasn't helpful :( Has it subsided at all?
It's sort of like above the hip but an inch or two inside so it's not actually by the hip I guess, though it's more towrds the hip than anything else. Anyway the pain has gone down but it's still there...nagging me lol. It does get slightly worse with bowel movements though the greatest intensity is during the day when I'm the most stressed. It usually starts off as basic regular sharp pains like someone walked up and stabbed me then walked away and the pain is gone, those happen a little more frequent and then they start lasting longer and it's accompanied by constipation or solid yet hard to pass dark stool. Then after a couple of days it subsides to an ache(awkward swollen feeling in that area and a few inches above) then it goes away and my stools return to the usual soft and bloody stools.

The weird thing is I should be passing more (and softer) stools since I ate 3 pickles and a salad (3 pickles the night before this started happening and the salad on Sat). I wonder if those actually made it worse?? Or maybe I have narrowing in that area which makes it hard for my body to pass normal stools. It seems like it wants to at times...

Emily do your stools change when this happens to you? Like are your normally easy to pass but when you get the pains do they seem to be IDK constipation-like stools(drier, harder ect) Is there more or less blood in them(sorry if I'm being invasive maybe theres a link or something)
You are honestly describing what I have been trying to figure out for so long. I do get more constipated when this happens and the pain is really uncomfortable. I also remembered that the pain gets awful when sucking in my stomach. But it always ends up fading away for me, but when it's happening at the time it's just terrible. I wish I had an answer for you!
I can say that it can't be a narrowing for me because my current scopes show none of that. I am in remission but this problem still pops up every few months. I will try to ask my GI and figure it out once and for all!. I hope it goes away for you soon!